⭐️ Can you see it? ⭐️
In these pictures this horse is stood square and on the same surface. Can you spot the pelvic rotation?
This lovely boy and his owner took a rotational fall and so called out EEC Therapies to check for any issues in alignment after their fall.
1) So the pelvic rotation was seen to be clearly to the left even before palpation. Based on how the horse feel we expected to see this. When palpating through his lumbar & sacral spine he was reactive and sensitive to even the lightest touch... but are you shocked? In this picture you can see the uneven musculature appearing hypertrophic on the right and atrophic on the left and out of natural/optimum alignment. The tail position and sacral area are also clearly not straight. When experiencing misalignments horses can show and experience restrictions in their movement, muscle changes, discomfort even difficulty performing simple tasts such as lifting legs to have feet picked out!
2) This picture was taken immediately after the adjustment was made. An especially gentle adjustment was made due to the discomfot indicators shown by the horse when palpating. Its important as practitioners we alter our treatment based on the animal infront of us. Normally this horse is accepting of a 'regular' adjustment but this time he enjoyed the cautious approach with his behaviour not indicating pain when the adjustment was made!
3) This picture was taken at the end of the treatment around 45 minutes after the pelvic adjustments were made. The difference can be seen in not only the pelvic alignment but the return of even musculature, tail position, sacral position.
This lovely lad had a few days rest out in the feild keeping him moving but relaxed and is due his follow up within 14 days to make sure everything has settled and misalignment has not returned plus being provided with strengthening exercises to help prevent the misalignments returning!
Acute (short-term) mislignemnts occour when there is direct or indirect trauma and can be quicker to relieve than when they are left to become a chronic (long-term) misalignment! Luckily for this boy his owner had EEC Therapies out before this point and so should have a steady recover and be back in work in no time!