Good NEWS FOR A CHANGE.... these two precious pups, were taken out of a animal shelter, and will spend there Christmas in the care of loving fosters. Getting extra special attention!! One is a six year old poodle the other is a two year old schnauzer. The schnauzer 's care has been taken over by Schnauzer rescue. The poodle is with me, getting the medical care needed. I want to give all the shelters kudos for what they do! It's a hard hard job. At this time of year it's busy. PLEASE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW FAMILY MEMBER GO TO A SHELTER OR RESQ!!! WONDERFUL ANIMALS NEED LOVING HOMES. DONT SHOP FOR A DOG GO ADOPT ONE. THE SHELTERS ARE BUSTING AT THE SEAMS. THE SHELTER WE TOOK THESE BABIES OUT OF HAD NO ROOM AT THE INN LEFT!! This helped a little but not enough it takes a VILLAGE. PLZ. GO HELP YOUR SHELTER.