Nobody tells you how quickly dogs age. How one day you wake up and suddenly their face is all white. Or how their eyes start to seem more milky than before, or how you have to call their name a few more times than you used to. Everyone says not to blink if you have children or you'll miss out. But what about the dog that was there with you before your children were even thought of?
The dog that was by your side before you even found love. Nobody tells you to cherish every moment you have with them.... Cherish the dog. The one that's been there by your side through every breakup followed you as you bounced from home to home. The one that sleeps in your bed and keeps you from feeling lonely. Cherish him because one day you'll take him on a walk and he'll get tired before you and you'll realize just how many years he's Been walking beside you...
copied from Dominic Dyer on Twitter.