Taking a bath.
Morning routine.
#nycathecat #lovingwater #sheltercat #siamesemix
Braintraining the cat
#braintrainer #hersenwerk #hersenwerkvoorkatten #nycathecat #clevercat
Nycathecat is birdwatching.
OMG! I see a bird outside!! #nycathecat #birdwatching #siameesmix #sheltercat
Sound on 😉.
#nycathecat #facemaskfashion
Staff bought some new facemasks @ Tiendas Diferentes She asked me which one I like the most 🤔🤔.
I can't choose! 🙀 #nycathecat #staysafeandhealthy #facemaskfashion #facemask
Because it will be over 25°C 🙀today, staff placed a cool down station🌊 in the catrun. As you can see, I know exactly how it works.😼 #nycathecat #siameesmix #happycat #catsonfacebook #summer2020 #holiday2020 #catification #lovewater
#nycathecat #catnip #caturday
Fake fur collar from an old jacket and some catnip spray can do this with your cat 😉😼 #nycathecat #siameesmix #happycat #catsonfacebook #caturday #catnip
Hersenwerk voor katten.
Some distraction from the fireworks.
#nycathecat #catification #happynewyear #almost2020
Wait for it! #nycathecat #siameesmix #sheltercat #throwbackFriday
Please check the comment to see how it went on a couple of days later!
OMG! I almost forgot how super cute I was as a baby. Stil am 😼. #nycathecat #cute #siameesmix #sheltercat
Who says you can't teach a cat a trick or command?!
Nyca learnt this new command "vlieg" Dutch for fly all by himself. When I say the word, no matter where he is, he will come running looking for the fly.
***SOUND ON! ****
What kind of tricks /commands did you teach your cat???
Not just for dogs! #smartcat #siameesmix #sheltercat #nycathecat #puzzlingcat #Action Action [fanpagina voor de action] 😺😼 Hersenwerk voor katten Hersenwerk voor Katten (groep)
Staff is outside, I want to go to! 😾O, by the way I am 3 years old. But still sound like a kitten. 😹😹
Sound on!!
#nycathecat #sunnySunday #siamesemix #stillsoundlikeababy.
Just sit back and relax 😉. #nycathecat #relaxing #siamesemix #sheltercat #justchilling
And this is what was in the big box. Staff must think I am getting to fat. 🤔 Thank you Canadian Cat Company and zooplus.nl for this new toy! Video is of my very first steps on the catwheel. I am such a smart cat 😸😼. #nycathecat #exercise #catification #curiouscat #siamesemix #sheltercat #catified.
I love my blanket! I hate my blanket! 😂 #nycathecat #crazycat #catsoffacebook
Getting cleaned up by Kayra. Staff was surprised, she never did this before. #nycathecat #catsoffacebook
Profesional paper cutter at work 😸#nycathecat #caturday #sheltercat #siamesemix
#nycathecat loves his new bag Dierentehuis Beilen!! Thanks! #caturday #sheltercat #siamesemix.