Dig boxes - If you have a dig box for your ferret, make the digging material at least 3” deep, so they can dig and not hit bottom. They may lose interest if they can get to the bottom or if the container isn't big enough. Have a lid with a hole in it or a container deep enough they can dig and throw stuff without it making much of a mess. Where you place the container makes a difference too. If the ferret won't play in it, try moving it to a different spot. (This goes for anything you get for your ferrets.)
You can use rice, beans, pasta, starch peanuts, plastic balls, plastic eggs, plastic spoons, straws, marbles, glass pebbles, puzzle pieces, dirt, sand, air pillows, crumpled paper, etc. for dig boxes. In my experience, they like sand and dirt best. Have something around it to collect the mess. You can also bury toys or treats in the dig material.
They like the noise from pasta. There's a slight chance of weevils with pasta. Beans are great too. At the rescue, the ferrets seem to use beans as a litter box more than other materials and pasta the least. I add plastic eggs or balls on top of the dig material to deter them from going potty. Go through all of it regularly to dip out any accidents, clean the sides and lid of the tub and take out any dig material that’s dirty.
When the ferret’s playing in the dig box, people have a tendency to pick up the dig material and pour it over the ferret. This is fine and good stimulation, except for rice, sand and dirt! DO NOT pick up and pour rice, sand or dirt over a ferret. When digging, the ferret can close its eyes and flatten its ears and nose to keep material from getting in. If you pour rice, dirt or sand over it, there’s a chance of it getting in the nose or ears. I had a ferret surrendered with rice in its nose from this.
A heavy tub of digging material should either be right against the wall, with no crawl space beside it, or at least two inches away from the wall. If there is a small space, a ferret can try to get through and may get stuck because the tub is heavy and it can't move it. THIS CAN RESULT IN DEATH!