Oily Drop Bullies

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Oily Drop Bullies Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Oily Drop Bullies, Dog Breeder, .

Multi-Titled & Fully Health Tested
(Embark, OFA & PennHip)
XL American Bullies,
Upstate, New York

🏡 of: MBOB MBIS MRBIS NW 2x GrCh/ 2X Ch Prince Charmer, SPOT &
GrCh ODB's Deep Pockets, SPOT-ON, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, VHMA, T3, NTD, BR3K23/24

This photo made its rounds on the American Bully boards last year with a heading question that read: "If your dog produc...

This photo made its rounds on the American Bully boards last year with a heading question that read:
"If your dog produced this, would you try to keep it alive as long as possible or (humanely) cull?"

Soooooooooo, for sake of conversation (& education) TWO things:

1. Yes, it needs to be humanely euthanized. Its QOL is not what any breed is "supposed to be", there is NO REASON to keep the "def0rmi+y" alive.
((It would NOT survive in the wild, the mother will definitely reject the puppy or more likely "take care of it" herself.)) 🫣

2. I was SHOCKED by how many people on all the threads I've seen, every time the photo emerges, immediately saying "StOp InBrEeDiNg!!!" 🙄
---I get it, I do, as a fairly educated dog person myself, I want, daily, to be able to scream at people for their garbage breeding practices too--- However....

✨Fun Fact✨

SOMETIMES, mother nature just isn't friendly to her creations. 🤷‍♀️

This is *PROBABLY* just simply an embryo that did not split properly.
((Completely out of even the most reputable Breeders control & has nothing to do with the "bloodline" itself))
Despite the Google doctorates on social media🤦‍♀️.

This situation could happen TO ANY DOG of any breed.

Its not 100% factual that this "only" happens due to "backyard breeding" or having a "heavily in**ed" lineage.

Many of you may have noticed there is an abundance of "is this kennel cough" happening on your newsfeeds lately......The...

Many of you may have noticed there is an abundance of "is this kennel cough" happening on your newsfeeds lately......

There is indeed a lot of kennel cough happening all over the country.

I just want to share:

The Bordetella vaccine does not actually stop your dog from contracting kennel cough; we have it ingrained in us it's a precaution that "responsible pet owners take" when we are knowingly bringing our animals around other animals in heavily populated areas, the truth of the matter is; it's really just a placebo effect va###ne with more negatives than positives to worry about.


((By no means am i telling you not to vaccinate your dogs, I'm merely saying be fully aware that NOTHING is 100%, so lets remain as responsible and aware as possible))

If you suspect your dog has (onset) kennel cough there are plenty of homeopathic remedies to implement:

a spoonful of organic honey (1/2 tbsp - 1tbsp - depending on size- up to 3x per day) to soothe the throat and help to alleviate the nasal discharge frequently accompanied with the coughing.

Fresh lemon (juice) in the water bowl - change this daily (ideally 2x a day; but once is fine) it will get slimy gross in the water bowl if left longer - this helps break up/loosen the phlegm build up (same concept as using Lemon Juice when a dog is overheating);

Use your bathroom shower to your advantage by doing "steam therapy" (minimum 2x a day)
* turning your shower all the way to hot so it steams up the whole room*
dog and you can hang out in the bathroom for as long as they will stay in the bathroom.
- This helps to decrease the throat irritation and opens up breathing ability.

Adding a probiotic to the dogs daily regimen is also helpful because it introduces beneficial bacterial that support the immune system.

Cinnamon can be sprinkled over dogs food (1/2 teaspoon per 30lbs) for its antiviral benefits
-- you could also just boil cinnamon sticks, let the water cool and feed this to the dog in 1 oz increments. ((Plus your home will smell AMAZING))

Coconut oil is also known for its antiviral properties (2 tsp 2x/day)

if you're someone who prefers medications💊:
infant cough syrup can be picked up at any chain store)
you can purchase dog cough tablets from Walmart pharmacy (online) or Chewy for less than $20.

***These recommendations are for the first signs of a problem. If symptoms progress & seem to be getting worse, then absolutely get to the veterinarian immediately, we certainly do not ever want any pets to be suffering with symptoms completely out of our control. ***

Hope this helps someone out there ❤

Kennel Cough Happens F-R-E-Q-U-E-N-T-L-Y at dog events....

We Can not be mad about it when it happens, it's unfortunate when it happens..

🎇Keep your dogs out of other dogs faces🎇(they do not need to meet strange dogs/animals face to face at an event, EVER)

🎇take your dog out to potty in less popular areas🎇

🎇Don't let them spend a lot of time sniffing the ground/ rubbing their faces in the grounds, etc. at HEAVILY populated animal events/ locations (this includes the dog park/ trails, etc)....

🎇Wipe the dog down when you return back to your vehicle, booth, crate, etc. before you put the dog back in their crate.....

🎇STOP BRINGING *BABIES* TO SHOWS!!!!!! There is NO REASON for 4-8 week old puppies to be at a dog show! E-V-E-R.... Its dangerous and stoopid on Owners part..... Whether this dog is in your super cute bookbag, wagon, or your carrying it.... theres ZERO reason for it to be there and mass people touching the "cute" baby after touching their owns dogs/ other dogs mouths, etc. its gross. lots of disease and illness can be passed to your not fully vaccinated, very immunocompromised puppy at this time.

It is OUR responsibility to be proactive with our animals..... there are risks everywhere we go at any event... it is NOT the Registry, Show Host or Venues "problem" this is an US (Owners, Handlers, Exhibitors) problem

L/XL was still a bit small for Tressys (20") peanut head. Tight squeeze but still super cute   costume at   today

L/XL was still a bit small for Tressys (20") peanut head.
Tight squeeze but still super cute costume at today

The hand of a Breeder ...The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during childbirth ...It is the hand that c...

The hand of a Breeder ...

The hand of a breeder is the hand that calms the dog during childbirth ...

It is the hand that caresses her belly to calm her during contractions ...

A breeder's hand is the hand that makes the path free to let those pups be born, easier ...

It is the hand that does not tremble and is under the bl🩸🩸d to help a puppy in trouble.

A breeder's hand is the hand that breaks the puppies' bag if it is not broken after birth ...

It is the hand that helps rub and clean the puppies to assist their breathing.

A breeder's hand is the one that tries to revive a puppy, but sometimes has to give up when there is no heartbeat.

The hand of a breeder is the hand that cut the umbilical cord when the mother does not ...

In addition, the hand of the breeder is the one that weighs the puppy every day to be sure that puppy is thriving & gaining appropriate weight.

A breeder's hand is the hand that puts a puppy away closer to the mother while the mother looks at you full of confidence ...

The hand that rubs the chest, so that breast milk is activated ...

A breeder's hand is the one that rubs on their eyes and fights severe fatigue and can only sleep restfully after the first week or two of birth.

It is the hand that gives milk bottles day and night when there is very little yield.

A breeder's hand is the one that brings the lost puppy back to the mother, the one who plays & provides enrichment with the puppies to socialize them.

A breeders hand is the one who teaches the puppy to switch to solid nutrition sources.

The hand of a breeder is the hand that takes care of the little ones when it does not go well for them

The hand of a reputable breeder is the hand you have entrusted for your future puppy in the hope that it all goes well.

The hand of a breeder is the hand that is ready, day and night, to answer any & all your questions for the life of that puppy..

For all these and many other things, the next time you shake a breeder's hand, think of everything that hand has done; with the deepest love for life. ❤

Via: Iael Mirkin Gómez
Image via: Huskytopia


Chilly & Rainy 🌧 Sundays require 🛋 snuggles & Cartoons 🎬📺

🚫 Do Not Disturb 🚫

I share this photo frequently bc it IS a great visual representation of how long XLs specifically (especially old school...

I share this photo frequently bc it IS a great visual representation of how long XLs specifically (especially old school bloodlines) mature.


take a breath, enjoy every single moment of them even the " looks like a pit bull" "lacks breed type" "giraffe" stage..

"XLs DoNt ChAnGe MuCh FrOm TwO yEaRs OlD"


Okay, so kindly explain this fam 🙃:

⬅️ August 16, 2019 (4️⃣ years old) at a UKC show in MA
📷: Amanda Cardinale of Soundwave Kennels
➡️ August 2, 2021 (6️⃣ years old) ABKC event in NC
📷 Jose L. Valenzuela, Jr Of 360 Flicks


🙌 All of this 🙌

I know you fall in love with the x color collar puppy bc its pretty or reminds you of xyz animal past.

A reputable breeder does not "allow" owners to pick their own puppies & certainly not before (minimal 6-8 weeks) but could go into 4-6 months of age (ask the breeder their normal prpcess beforehand),

A reputable breeder is your match maker; placements are done based on your specific details you give them about your daily life, your interests/hobbies, your strengths, & yes your weaknesses too.

This aids the breeder to ensure you get placed with the best puppy for you & the dog; so everyone gets along beautifully, has fun with training & overall enjoys the journey of life ride together.

My problem is, I never healed 🩹💔I just kept going 😭🦾🧿

My problem is, I never healed 🩹💔
I just kept going 😭🦾🧿

has anyone else been following this Rabies "outbreak"

has anyone else been following this Rabies "outbreak"


As more information comes to light about the puppy rabies case reported last week, it begs the question of whether the rescue, Moms and Mutts Colorado Rescue, that offered the affected puppies for adoption should have known that the pups had been exposed to rabies before they were even put on the van transporting them from Texas to Colorado.

Apparently, the puppies were exposed in early July to a dead skunk that was confirmed to have rabies. Nine days later, the puppies were loaded up on a van with what were probably dozens of other puppies and dogs and transported to Colorado. Four days later the puppies were offered for adoption at an event held by the rescue. Within less than two weeks, one of the puppies began exhibiting symptoms of rabies, which was later confirmed after it was euthanized. With this confirmation, the rescue was instructed to have the rest of the litter euthanized as a precaution.

While the rescue doesn't appear to be particularly apologetic in its public commentary, it is 100% the responsibility of any rescue to ensure the puppies they are offering for adoption are healthy. They have a long-standing relationship with the Texas rescue from which they obtained the puppies, and we think it should be standard operating procedure to have conversations about health before accepting any animals.

To add insult to injury, the rescue that exposed countless animals and people to rabies is now urgently soliciting donations saying they cannot pay their rent or other expenses without money from the public. They say they are teetering on the brink of going under, which we hear repeatedly from them. Are they leveraging a terrible situation to garner donations? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps they should go under.

💥 New information is being revealed daily and until we can verify it, we are not updating this post. Specifically, there is discussion that there was no rabid skunk exposure in Texas, which is what the rescue claimed was the source of rabies. Records have been requested from the Texas Health Department to confirm if there was a case of rabies in any species reported in the involved counties in June or July. Stay tuned for an update. 💥

🛇 Use your Manners! 🛇The Sniff test - Stop doing that!The sniff test - a badly engrained habit that society has been tau...

🛇 Use your Manners! 🛇

The Sniff test - Stop doing that!

The sniff test - a badly engrained habit that society has been taught, without a clear understanding of what they're actually doing.

🚩When you reach out towards a dog, you are using body pressure AT them, giving them no time to assess whether you are safe & whether they require further investigation to pick up your information. You are forcing an interaction of a relationship that hasn't had time to develop. To some dogs, this is quite rude & a reason dogs will snap at or bite people. This can cause a lot of behavioral issues because of layered stress due to forced interactions.

🚩If they are on lead, they have no where to go if they are sensitive to spacial pressure, so they could end up shutting down, shying away or snapping at your hand; so you'll back off. This is an example of how a dog is now using pressure to turn off pressure & make you back off so they aren't so stressed.

🚩People think by offering your hand it can give the dog time to sniff, to know you're friendly... they can sniff without being forced to sniff your hand. Their noses are far more superior than ours & they don't need close contact forced upon them to smell you.

🚩Some dogs might not want to know you. You have no relationship with them and that's perfectly fine. They aren't your dog so you don't need to touch them or steal pats for your own satisfaction.

🤔 If you are meeting a dog, what should you do?

⚠ Ask the owner if you can interact with their dog. Not all people want strangers touching their dogs. Especially strangers who you are unlikely to see again.

⚠ Stand up straight & relaxed, with your hands at your side.

⚠ Ignore the dog & talk to the owner.

⚠ Don't stare at the dog & don't try to force an interaction by going in for a pat. If the dog wants to know you, it will come up to you & sniff around. Usually they will move away & then come back for a second sniffathon. Some dogs will bunt your hands & wag their tails, which are good signs that you're likely an accepted new friend. Give them a few slow pats down their back (NOT THEIR HEAD) & then stop. Is the dog happy? Has it accepted your interaction? This will determine whether you can give it more pats.

🐶This is a more stress free option for dogs & a reason why in consultations we can develop a good level of trust, especially with fearful dogs & aggressive dogs, without a bunch of negative side effects from forced interactions.

I'm not crying, you're crying... Pushing forward and finding the strength to keep going *for them* & in their honor; is ...

I'm not crying, you're crying...

Pushing forward and finding the strength to keep going *for them* & in their honor; is definitely a different kind of motivation while in your grief journey.

Please Dont Forget your Breeder!!!We know from day one, not every puppy can stay.  Its heart breaking, but we know what ...

Please Dont Forget your Breeder!!!

We know from day one, not every puppy can stay.
Its heart breaking, but we know what we are getting into when we chose this path.

Preparing the puppies for life took a lot of time each and every day since birth, its our emotions good, bad & indifferent...
its our time, its sleepless nights, its endless education, research and learning new things for the overall betterment of each puppy to be produced in our homes, its our money, its our memories and our legacies created.

We love every minute of watching the puppies develop and thrive.
Helping them to discover the world fills us with pride and joy.

Their weeks with us are numbered, it's never enough time.

WE WORRY! even though we know we did extensive vetting of our buyers. we still worry about their well being in the future, even years later.

We trusted you with this puppy. we hope you understand.

We hand picked your puppy for YOU.

We pray every day that you stick to the agreement and the plans we made, and will follow through with your word.
We pray that you will keep us updated regularly on the puppies progress and accomplishments big and small. We pray you understand

We pray you continue to provide new experiences each and every day of that puppies life through adult and senior age.

We pray you never stop training your new puppy always making it fun and enjoyable for them; along with you and your family.

We will never forget any of our puppies from any of our litters.

we are ALWAYS here for that puppy no matter its age or the situations in life you may go through.

Please please please provide them the absolute best you possibly can for the rest of their years.

No matter how long ago your puppy was here with us, not staying in touch with us and giving us the opportunity to be proud of their successes and help with any of their struggles is our daily biggest fear....

Yesterday, we had a scary day here. GrCh Sugar Daddy woke me up at 3am, to go potty, I realized in my half asleep state ...

Yesterday, we had a scary day here.

GrCh Sugar Daddy woke me up at 3am, to go potty, I realized in my half asleep state as I pet him he didn't "feel" right. I get up turn on the lights and he was COVERED in hives with an extremely swollen face.

Our Regular Veterinary Hospitals didn't open until 10 am on the weekends. The Emergency Vet opens at 8 am, so that's where we headed.

They gave a Dexamethasone and Benedryl injectable immediately when we walked through the door. The treating vet suggested doing a Chem17 panel to verify his kidney/ liver/ organ numbers and such were normal and we weren't missing anything...
As soon as those specific "words" were used, no questions asked "ABSOLUTELY!! DO IT!"

Results came back normal for kidney/liver/ organ values BUT..... his electrolytes were "off" .

Chloride was low and Potassium was either "so low or so high, it's not even registering" 😢
((Low or high Potassium can cause an array of issues varying in severity but HIGH Potassium can cause Cardiac arrest & unaliving)).

📌 Schuggie 🐻 was admitted to the hospital for the day to undergo IV fluids and full monitoring as they needed to "play around" with the types of fluids given to try to balance his levels out without raising or lowering anything else; while also not knowing what his Potassium baseline even was 🥹. The doctor specifically mentioned a concern for Cardiac Arrest if Potassium was indeed actually off the charts high or low 😭

I was told to go home & call to check in on him at 3pm (I called at 2ish bc I'm impatient & nervous). I was told he was doing good, his EKG looked good -🥳 no Cardiac concerns 🥳- but they wanted to rerun his labs in 4 more hours to verify he was indeed over the hump.

I picked him up at 7pm with all good reviews! 2nd & 3rd Bloodworks were perfect and his EKG monitoring was "excellent". & I have to Shoutout Northway Animal Emergency Clinic for their attention to detail, communication & the care they provide. Dr. Hunnicutt & staff were amazing to work with.

Were not exactly out of the woods yet for the next 3-5 days as I still have to monitor him for symptoms of any issues including vomiting, diarrhea, hives returning or collapse 🥴.

He ate his dinner, took his prednisone (prescribed for the next 5 days) slept great, & appears to be doing great today so far, but it was a good scare and I'm still not sure how we as dog owners can be sure our pets are getting enough Electrolytes in their diet, without increasing any other concerns (carbs/ fiber/ sugars/ vitamins, etc) as all of the fruits/veggies that help with this are not "natural" and are to be fed in moderation or have dangerous risks associated with them as well 🫠🫠🫠

I despise canine nutrition, it seems no matter how great you think you're doing, it's just never 100%

All my dogs are freeze dried &/or raw fed. They rarely ever get "junk"; even their treats are prey model, single ingredient, "natural" "fresh" "organic" things.

But anywho, I'm calling this a win in out book.

Do NOT overlook anything with your dogs! I could have easily given him benedryl at home, kept him in the house, left it be & not gone to the vet; with no idea his body was fighting something so scary serious.


what could registries do (better; or at all) to minimize the "icky" Breeders with registry paperwork

Comment from a Canine Nutrition group. This is a genuine consistent fear of mine... I'm constantly doing "perimeter/yard...

Comment from a Canine Nutrition group.

This is a genuine consistent fear of mine... I'm constantly doing "perimeter/yard checks" in the fenced in yard, and watching the ground when we are walking.

It doesn't take much to completely change your entire world in the blink of an eye.

🚨🚨Paying attention is CRUCIAL folks🚨🚨.... especially with Pets (ie: neighbors mad about barking, dogs/cats getting loose in the area, some people just don't like specific breeds, people don't like that you're a dog breeder, Jealousy/ Envy, definitely DV situations, etc. etc. etc.) there are a billion reasons that the mentally unstable, &/or just malicious people in the world could PURPOSELY try to hurt your pets just to "prove a point" to you...

Please take the extra precautions and pay attention when out in public. ((and for funsies NEVER let *random* strangers/exhibitors give your dogs treats... "thank you (for asking - if applicable), but I only feed ScoobyDoo specific treats" is always a courteous way to let people down, even if its not true....

Advocate for your pets friends.... Be safe out there..


Most Dogs in shelters are Owner Surrenders, or Strays.
Blame your neighbors, 🚫not🚫 the (ethical) Breeders 🤷‍♀️

‼️Go Check the options Out ‼️ While supporting a really great cause.Our Baby National Breed Club (Accepted in May 2024 u...

‼️Go Check the options Out ‼️ While supporting a really great cause.

Our Baby National Breed Club (Accepted in May 2024 under UKC) really needs to build our piggy bank in order to host all the fun things the bully community has been begging for, for years.

Sharing is just as helpful 🫶

A dog park is unnatural for canines; as an entire species... In wolf packs, you'll notice they are typically all closely...

A dog park is unnatural for canines; as an entire species...

In wolf packs, you'll notice they are typically all closely related, while there may be some outsiders that were integrated for breeding purposes.

In Street dogs, many do form "packs" to serve purposes such as hunting, even in these instances the "pack" will still break up and do their own things; some may form a bonded pair/ smaller packs with one or two dogs they "trust".

Even in these instances, its commonly seen that dogs only interact (or play) with select other dogs they actually know and trust...

Your dog doesn't NEED to have "play dates" with strange animals, they do not NEED to like every dog they come in contact with...

There are much much much better (& safer) ways to socialize your dog...

Be your dogs advocate and make sure you *always* keep your dog(s) *FEELING* safe, especially in new environments

Happy Thursday

🗣🗣Desensitization & Training starts in the whelping box 🗣🗣Have a new litter?? Here's a few tips to being and doing BETTE...

🗣🗣Desensitization & Training starts in the whelping box 🗣🗣

Have a new litter?? Here's a few tips to being and doing BETTER as a "breeder"

There are LOTS of things you can start doing with your litter as early as the first 3 - 16 days old
(Early Neurological Stimulation -ENS- https://youtu.be/ja6E4xa-6Hs and
Early Scent Introduction - ESI) you can perform both of these "protocols" with things you already have in your home! Super easy and literally takes less than 10 minutes to get through with a litter of 10 puppies!

Here's a Cheat Sheet to track all your puppies progress (from day 3-16 after birth)

After 2 weeks of age, introduce them to a NEW SOMETHING everyday (toy, noise, surface, etc) in the whelping pen


There are tonsssssss of super cheap items on there that make fantastic "training" things; 🧼🫧clean them thoroughly🧼🫧 (we never know how other people live 😷😬 puppies have very limited immune systems at this young age, so always be extra cautious around them) and watch your puppies live their best lives on a baby slide, a toddler music mat, a balance ball, a toddler size gymnastic beam. (Including photos I found in my searches for this post)

👩‍🏫The goal is to get their brains working in different ways as soon as you can. Let them hear the vacuum cleaner, the blow dryer, the fan, use white noise machines, download apps (or play YouTube videos) of different location sounds - animals, fireworks, gun shots, horns, city noises, bird calls, ocean sounds, etc. etc. 👨‍🏫

📌Start cutting their nails with baby nail clippers young (you can do this before a week old), while they sleep 😴 get them use to their feet being touched, use to the sound of a dremel (don't use this on baby babies, wait until 5-6ish weeks to actually use this bad boy, but you can have it "running" around them, hold the vibration on their leg/forearm/ foot, etc. for a second or two daily so they get use to that sensation moving)

📌By 4 weeks old put them in your car (in a crate) and just drive around - your neighborhood, while you go pickup food, get gas, etc),

The car should NEVER be an anxiety ridden experience for your dogs (or dogs you're selling to people) get them use to the stop and go, bumps, sounds, etc.

By this time now you should also be introducing crate training and have a vague success with potty training (meaning, they know where to go in the puppy pen) keep going!!! Don't give up, you're doing great!!!! 🥳

📌At 5 weeks we can focus a bit more on basic obedience things with each puppy (watch, sit, stay, come, name, walking on a leash, etc) TREATS TREATS TREATS lots of patience, and remember to end each lil baby session 2-3 minutes max with each puppy individually on a happy note... they're just babies! But we can keep this going until they leave us

📌After 6 weeks you can call your veterinarians office to schedule first rounds of shots -- this is a great time to make plans with the vets office to bring them in later too for socializing and learning calm behaviors in the chaos --- plus, I promise your vets office LOVES seeing puppies! They're busy, overworked, understaffed and under appreciated.... so a "happy" visit is usually very welcomed.
A well rounded puppy means sooooooo much to your buyers and its very gratifying to hear compliments from buyers, strangers, vet staff, etc. 😊

🗣📣None of this is "expensive" in monetary costs for YOU (breeder) but it IS expensive for your buyers when they get a dog at 8-10-12-16 weeks that terrified of the crate, the vacuum, gets car sick, is struggling immensely with potty training, is chewing everything & anything etc. 🗣📣

This is just a FEW steps, not all... However, every little bit more you do with your productions make YOU stand out from the rest... in an already over saturated market.... be the deciding factor why someone follows/ compliments & actually buys from YOU & not the other "guy"...


If someone asked you what a
🚩Red Flag🚩Breeder was.
What would you tell them to look out for?

New Titles came in for GrCh Sugar Daddy and Ms. Chakra last night 🥳🥳Which now puts us at a total of: - 13 Titles under S...

New Titles came in for GrCh Sugar Daddy and Ms. Chakra last night 🥳🥳

Which now puts us at a total of:
- 13 Titles under Schuggie Bears belt now
- 10 Titles under Chakra's belt

Do More With Your Dog! has been super fun to play with, they have so many fun title opportunities to try with your dog(s) no matter your skill level...

Its really NOT expensive to be "training" your own puppy/dog from the moment you get them (8/10/12/16 weeks).... Take th...

Its really NOT expensive to be "training" your own puppy/dog from the moment you get them (8/10/12/16 weeks)....

Take them places with you,
get them use to car rides,
take them to your vets office for "meetings" (call ahead and tell them you just want to work on socialization and desentizing -- most vets although busy would LOVE to have more people doing this-- & who doesnt love playing with puppies!!)

Get them comfortable in crates/kennels, take them to your local outdoor festivals where they can be exposed to crowds, loud noises, rambunctious kids (& adults), walk them in your cities "downtown" area (where they hear sirens, car horns, traffic noises, people chatting, have to have leash manners walking around traffic/ lights, etc.). There are plenty of Pet friendly retail stores, bring em with you....

****they do NOT need to be at dog parks, and having "play dates" but they SHOULD be introduced (just around, not necessarily interacting) to other dogs/ animals frequently from young ages for short amounts of time.

Play games with them at home - I'm sure you have 3 water size glasses at home, hide a treat under one of them and play the "find it" game, scatter food in your backyard let them find it in the grass.
Interactive puzzle toys can be bought on Amazon for less than $10, you can make your own "flirt/ spring" pole for under $20 (or just buy one) for *age appropriate* exercises, its summer time, buy them a kiddie pool, get the sprinkler out boom, good exercise AND they stay cool while having fun....

It's really NOT expensive when you think about it from the other side of the coin to keep your dogs enriched and at least mildly obedient.

Jealousy will have you hating someone you should be learning fromBut I digress 🐸☕️

will have you hating someone you should be learning from
But I digress 🐸☕️

"These x-rays were just posted of a Bernese Mountain Dog who has come into rescue from a doodle breeding program. For th...

"These x-rays were just posted of a Bernese Mountain Dog who has come into rescue from a doodle breeding program. For those of you who aren't familiar with x-rays, this is extreme hip dysplasia. There should be sockets holding her legs in place. This is the mother of bernedoodle puppies. Do you think her "breeder" cared until she was in too much pain to keep breeding, at which time she was dumped? This is a hereditary condition. THIS is why it's important to support ethical breeders."

Original Post: Amanda Pennington (1/27/2023)

Since this post is making its rounds again on the internet....

My thoughts: The importance of health testing is just this, If you're spending money with someone for a puppy, you should at least be aware of POSSIBLE issues. This female BMD should never have been bred to begin with; with hips this bad (completely OUT of the sockets, zero coverage at all) a male dog can usually get away with more subpar results in a breeding program as there are tons of ways to collect a male quickly and overall painlessly for them. Not ideal, but understandable in most situations with "newer breeds" to testing especially (i.e.: the American Bully).

however, keep in mind a female dog has to endure the added weight from carrying puppies for two months, the actual birthing process (through the hips), then of course whelping/feeding them (lots of time spent laying down- which could easily exasperate lameness) "down time" it can be VERY taxing on a female.... and although environment plays a huge part in hip dysplasia, there is definitely a genetic component to it as well. So if buyers were aware of these scores and decided to buy anyway and start immediately on joint support, PT, & most importantly have the money readily available for hip surgeries, etc. then by all means, go ahead they were fully educated buyers going in..... but this is the sad reality of the dog breeding world that many just dont seem to care about.



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Our community of wellness started small in 1993, when Gary Young developed his first organic herb farming and distillation operation. At the time, Gary had already discovered the incredible power of essential oils, but because the quality of available oils varied so greatly, he’d been unable to fully harness their potential. While he knew that pure essential oils had the ability to produce spectacular results, he found that the chemically altered or adulterated oils on the market were often ineffective and even harmful

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