DARNA Animal Rescue

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  • DARNA Animal Rescue

DARNA Animal Rescue We're a small animal rescue and sanctuary. Our 'cage free' ideolgy means that all our animals run free and have fun whilst waiting for homes.

We help those that noone else will.

We are here at kiwoko today if you can’t join us you can still help.Who will donate €5 to get some of these tins? ❣️Shar...

We are here at kiwoko today if you can’t join us you can still help.
Who will donate €5 to get some of these tins?

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🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

We are here at kiwoko today if you can’t join us you can still help.Who will donate €5 for a dog bed? ❣️Share this post ...

We are here at kiwoko today if you can’t join us you can still help.
Who will donate €5 for a dog bed?

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🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613


Can anyone collect a dog carrier from Valencia today and bring by to Bonaire shopping center please? 🙏🙏

How has this beautiful guy not been adopted? English below 👇 Buscando un hogar para siempre. Yoshi es un perrito de la f...

How has this beautiful guy not been adopted?

English below 👇

Buscando un hogar para siempre.

Yoshi es un perrito de la familia Spitz 12kilo nacido en Londres hace 5 años y medio. Ha tenido una vida muy ajetreada, dónde ha vivido en distintas casas, países y ha tenido una experiencia muy traumática en dónde casi pierde la vida (atacado por un perro más grande en la calle). Ya recuperado y sano al 100%, Desde hace 1 año que vive en Valencia.

Es un perro muy alegre, con carácter juguetón y que le gusta saludar a la gente. Ha aprendido a socializar con otros perros y no necesita mucho ejercicio, ya que es un perro pequeño (12kg).

Se busca alguien con experiencia con esta raza.

Está esterilizado, desparasitado, tiene microchip y lleva la vacuna antirábica puesta en verano.

Si puedes ayudar a yoshi por favor sigue el enlace abajo 👇

Formulario en Español https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_rJdqk-MGjzmuFPDlHkVqooMTj2gbI_HuPp2v2q4rSUBKWA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Debido a la gran cantidad de formularios que recibimos, solo podremos responder a las solicitudes exitosas. Por lo tanto, si no nos ponemos en contacto contigo dentro de 7 días, tu formulario no fue exitoso. Gracias por tu paciencia y comprensión

Si no puede acoger, por favor, comparte o dona❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Gofundme https://gofund.me/6c146eda

Amazon wish list https://www.amazon.es/hz/wishlist/ls/1RSPQ1ROILB7N?ref_=wl_share

Forever home needed
Yoshi is a German Spitz 12kilo born in London 5 and a half years ago. He has had a very busy life, where he has lived in different houses, countries and has had a very traumatic experience where he almost lost his life (attacked by a larger dog on the street). Already recovered and 100% healthy, He has been living in Valencia for 1 year.

He is a very cheerful dog, with a playful character and who likes to greet people. He has learned to socialise with other dogs and does not need much exercise, since he is a small dog (12kg). He is looking for an experienced owner who knows this breed.

He is sterilised, dewormed, has a microchip and has the rabies vaccine in the summer. If you can help yoshi please follow the link below 👇


Due to the high number of forms we receive, we will only be able to reply to successful applications. Therefore if you don’t here from us within 7 days your form was not successful. Thank you for your patience and understanding
If you can't foster:

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Gofundme https://gofund.me/6c146eda

Amazon wish list https://www.amazon.es/hz/wishlist/ls/1RSPQ1ROILB7N?ref_=wl_share

Thank you 💜

Can you help us reach our target of €500, €270 still neededThe summer is a difficult time with less donations and volunt...

Can you help us reach our target of €500, €270 still needed
The summer is a difficult time with less donations and volunteers, but for us it doesn’t stop rescue is 7 days a week 52 weeks of the year. The emergency calls are not stopping and we can’t help them without your help
Make a difference today donation links below ⬇️

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Looking for help this FridayCan someone with a suv, estate car or with a van to collect this run it is all dismantled an...

Looking for help this Friday
Can someone with a suv, estate car or with a van to collect this run it is all dismantled and ready to go from Vilamarxant and bring to grace at Bonaire?
If you can help please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65

English below ⬇️ 🇪🇸 Nuestro deslumbrante chico Reo está buscando un hogar de acogida o un hogar para siempre.Es un mesti...

English below ⬇️
🇪🇸 Nuestro deslumbrante chico Reo está buscando un hogar de acogida o un hogar para siempre.Es un mestizo de tamaño mediano que nació en el 2020.Reo es un chico dulce y alegre que se lleva bien con otros perros. También ha vivido con gatos en el pasado. Reo es muy dulce y cariñoso, le encanta jugar. Nos encantaría encontrarle a Reo un hogar, él es tan amoroso y todo lo que quiere es un poco de amor a cambio. Si puede ofrecerle un hogar a Reo, siga el siguiente enlace ⬇️
Si no estas lista para adoptar pero quieres ayudar, hay muchas maneras!Acogiendo animales salvas vidas! Es tan simple como eso! Nuestras familias de acogida son miembros especiales y apreciadas de la Familia Darna! No podriamos salvar tantos animales sin su ayuda! Cubrimos todos los gastos de veterinario, simplemente tienen que aportar amor y una cama calentita. Nos puedes ayudar?

Formulario de Acogida para Perros https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_rJdqk-MGjzmuFPDlHkVqooMTj2gbI_HuPp2v2q4rSUBKWA/viewform?usp=sf_link

no puede acoger, por favor, comparte o dona❣️
🐱paypal: [email protected]
🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65
🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna
🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Gofundme https://gofund.me/6c146eda

Amazon wish list https://www.amazon.es/hz/wishlist/ls/1RSPQ1ROILB7N?ref_=wl_share

🇬🇧Our stunning boy Reo is looking for a foster or forever home. He’s mix breed medium in size and was born in 2020 Reo is a sweet and happy boy who gets on well with other dogs. He has also lived with cats in the past. Reo is very sweet and affectionate he loves to play. We would love to find Reo a home he is so loving and all he wants is some love back.
If you can offer Reo a home please follow the link below ⬇️
If you aren’t ready to adopt but still want to help out there are many ways 🐾Fosters save lives. 🐾 Its THAT simple. 🐾 They are very special people and invaluable members of the Darna family. We simply couldn't save animals in need without them.
💕We cover all of the vets bills, they simply need warm beds and love.
💕Can you help us to help them?💕

Dog Foster form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_rJdqk-MGjzmuFPDlHkVqooMTj2gbI_HuPp2v2q4rSUBKWA/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you can't foster:

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Gofundme https://gofund.me/6c146eda

Amazon wish list https://www.amazon.es/hz/wishlist/ls/1RSPQ1ROILB7N?ref_=wl_share Thank you 💜

let’s  a moment to talk about what it actually costs to keep a shelter like ours open.What is our biggest overhead after...

let’s a moment to talk about what it actually costs to keep a shelter like ours open.

What is our biggest overhead after vets bills? NOT wages as we ALL volunteers.
Can you guess? animal food!!
What about how much an average animals basic needs cost?
Let’s take our dogs for example.
Sterilization: 120-200 euros
Blood tests: 90 euros
Vaccinations:40-100 euros
Passport and chip: 75 euros
Parasite collar and worming: 35 euros

That’s before they even enter the shelter and if they are healthy, so don’t have any health problems or come in with broken limbs etc which many of ours do.
Then we have to continue their vets care, grooming, parasite treatment and of course feed them whilst they wait to be adopted. In Spain that can take years! Average monthly costs for food and basic maintenance of a dog AFTER we have paid for their initial vaccinations, sterilization and other costly vets care is roughly €85 a month per dog.
Forgetting our colony cats and dogs in foster whom we also pay for; we currently have 42 dogs, yes you read the number correctly 42 dogs on site. This example is just dogs not cats or the farm animals just our dogs.
Well, let us assume we already found the money to do all those things mentioned, and all our dogs are young and healthy (they are not, far from it actually)... here we go.
€85 x 42 = €3570 a month
Now remember not all our dogs are young and healthy many need medication and most are big dogs that eat a lot more than your average little dog at home.
We also have many on costly life saving leishmaniosis treatment or needing costly training to improve their chances of ever being adopted.
At DARNA we don’t just take in the small little healthy animals we take everyone the sick; the injured and the cases many rescues won’t.
And as mentioned before, almost every animal that comes through our doors needs chip, passport, bloodwork and castrating. I’ve added a photo to show the cost of that.
Now these figures do not even reflect the day to day running costs of the sanctuary and the maintenance, cleaning products, petrol, emergency call outs.
Everyone who works at DARNA is a volunteer so luckily we save on wages but that’s about the only place we save.
So when we say the amount €3570 per month is not crazy, it is actually a pretty accurate number!

Donations this year for not just us but nearly every rescuer are less than EVER and it is summertime, so other than our kiwoko events that we are so grateful to have as without them we really don’t know what we would have done, as most people are in holiday mode and not thinking about rescues especially with the heat, we get less volunteers.
So when you want us to take in yet another animal on top of the ones we already need to care for, please give us the a donation to at least cover the cost of month one. As although we appreciate a thank you and the praise for all the hard work we do, it doesn’t feed the mouths we have.
We aren’t the only rescue in the position right now and I’m sure many others feel the same way we do.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this post and if you are still here
Please consider joining our teaming, it’s only €1 per month and if we could get everyone who follows us across every platform we won’t ever have to do a donation post ever again.
Can you imagine that the relief each month, never needing to worry again.
All links for donations below ⬇️ and we are so grateful for any support we get 🙏
🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

We need a miracle by today to sign for the land. The next 3k installment for the land is due on Wednesday. It’s importan...

We need a miracle by today to sign for the land. The next 3k installment for the land is due on Wednesday. It’s important for safety of the animals as we had 9 pups poisoned in the past and we are desperate to make sure this never happens again. The land will be used as a rehab and training site for new arrivals. Please help us reach our target 🎯


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🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

English below 👇 🇪🇸 Buscamos acogida o una casa para siempre dentro de la Union Europea. Esta preciosa niña Charlotte es ...

English below 👇
🇪🇸 Buscamos acogida o una casa para siempre dentro de la Union Europea. Esta preciosa niña Charlotte es una perra de lo mas dulce. Charlotte es un mestizo de Pointer nacida en Marzo 2021. Le encanta jugar , especialmente con juguetes y ir detras de las Libelulas. Se lleva bien con otros perros. Le encanta la gente y los mimos. De verdad, es una niña super cariñosa a quien le encantaria una casa con jardin y otros perros con que jugar. Si le puedes ofrecer una casa, sigue el link a continuación.

Si no estas lista para adoptar pero quieres ayudar, hay muchas maneras!
Acogiendo animales salvas vidas! Es tan simple como eso! Nuestras familias de acogida son miembros especiales y apreciadas de la Familia Darna! No podriamos salvar tantos animales sin su ayuda!

Cubrimos todos los gastos de veterinario, simplemente tienen que aportar amor y una cama calentita.

Nos puedes ayudar?


Debido a la gran cantidad de formularios que recibimos, solo podremos responder a las solicitudes exitosas. Por lo tanto, si no nos ponemos en contacto contigo dentro de 7 días, tu formulario no fue exitoso. Gracias por tu paciencia y comprensión

Si no puede acoger, por favor, comparte o dona❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

🇬🇧 looking for a foster or forever home within the EU
This beautiful girl is Charlotte she is a pointer cross born in March 2021.
Charlotte is a the sweetest girl who just loves to play she especially loves toys and chasing dragonfly’s. Charlotte gets on well with other dogs. She adores people and loves cuddles. Charlotte really is the sweetest girl, who would love a home with a garden and other dogs to play with. If you can offer her a home please follow the link below ⬇️

If you aren’t ready to adopt but still want to help out there are many ways
🐾Fosters save lives. 🐾 Its THAT simple. 🐾 They are very special people and invaluable members of the Darna family.
We simply couldn't save animals in need without them. 💕
We cover all of the vets bills, they simply need warm beds and love.💕
Can you help us to help them?💕


Due to the high number of forms we receive, we will only be able to reply to successful applications. Therefore if you don’t here from us within 7 days your form was not successful. Thank you for your patience and understanding
If you can't foster:

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐰 Teaming bit.ly/teamingfordarna

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

"Teaming is an online tool to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro donations of 1€ a month. Our philosophy ...

"Teaming is an online tool to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro donations of 1€ a month. Our philosophy is based on the idea that 1€ does not have much of an impact if donated alone, but if we join forces, we can make beautiful projects possible."
(Source: Teaming website)

Are you up for it? Teaming is our BIGGEST help for DARNA to survive!

Click here:



"Teaming es una herramienta online para recaudar fondos a favor de causas sociales con microdonaciones de 1€ al mes. Nuestra filosofía se basa en la idea de que 1€ no tiene mucho impacto si se dona solo, pero si unimos fuerzas, podemos hacer posibles hermosos proyectos".
(Fuente: página web de Teaming)

¿Te animas? ¡Hacer equipo es nuestra MAYOR ayuda para que DARNA sobreviva!

Haz clic aquí: https://www.teaming.net/ayudameporfavor-santuariodarna?lang=en_UK&fbclid=IwAR29T6qAo5xF4boFOdYml4DCWGKXwjGkXGFGu4G_UlrsAVIGWqPg7SjTkIE


We need a miracle by Wednesday to sign for the land. The next 3k installment for the land is due on Wednesday. It’s impo...

We need a miracle by Wednesday to sign for the land. The next 3k installment for the land is due on Wednesday. It’s important for safety of the animals as we had 9 pups poisoned in the past and we are desperate to make sure this never happens again. The land will be used as a rehab and training site for new arrivals. Please help us reach our target 🎯


Our beautiful faith is still waiting all her pups are either adopted but she’s still waiting. Will you offer her a home ...

Our beautiful faith is still waiting all her pups are either adopted but she’s still waiting. Will you offer her a home

Esta hermosa niña es Faith y está buscando un hogar de acogida o para siempre 🏠
Faith es una raza mestiza de tamaño mediano y de alrededor de 3 años.
Faith vino con sus cachorros el año pasado, la mayoría han sido adoptados pero nadie le ha ofrecido un hogar a Faith. Faith estaba tan asustada cuando llegó, ahora tiene mucha más confianza y viene a buscar abrazos. Faith es una niña dulce que se lleva bien con otros perros. Se adaptaría a una casa con jardín en el campo con otros perros. Necesitará una familia paciente que pueda darle tiempo para asentarse y mostrar su lado súper dulce y amoroso. Si crees que coincides con Faith y lo que ella necesita, sigue el enlace a continuación 👇

Formulario en Español https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_rJdqk-MGjzmuFPDlHkVqooMTj2gbI_HuPp2v2q4rSUBKWA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Debido a la gran cantidad de formularios que recibimos, solo podremos responder a las solicitudes exitosas. Por lo tanto, si no nos ponemos en contacto contigo dentro de 7 días, tu formulario no fue exitoso. Gracias por tu paciencia y comprensión

This beautiful girl is Faith and she is looking for a foster or forever home 🏠
Faith is mixed breed medium in size and around 3 years old.
Faith came with her puppies last year, most have been adopted but nobody has offered a home to faith. Faith was so scared when she arrived now she is so much more confident and comes for cuddles. Faith is a sweet girl who gets on well with other dogs. She would suit a home with a garden in the countryside with other dogs. She will need a patient family who can give her time to settle and show her super sweet and loving side. If you think you match with faith and what she needs please follow the link below 👇

Dog Foster/Adoption form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_rJdqk-MGjzmuFPDlHkVqooMTj2gbI_HuPp2v2q4rSUBKWA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Due to the high number of forms we receive, we will only be able to reply to successful applications. Therefore if you don’t here from us within 7 days your form was not successful. Thank you for your patience and understanding

On Friday we will be at kiwoko in Bonaire Valencia collecting much needed food donations We are still looking for volunt...

On Friday we will be at kiwoko in Bonaire Valencia collecting much needed food donations
We are still looking for volunteers to help between 9am - 9pm so if you can help please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65
Or if you just want to pop along and say hello we would love to see you.
If you can’t make it there why not send a donation now so we can pick up deals on the day donation links below the map



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🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

We are a non profit charity and summer is the hardest !! We can’t continue without you!! 270 still needed. Please help u...

We are a non profit charity and summer is the hardest !! We can’t continue without you!! 270 still needed. Please help us to help animals in need 🙏🙏🙏

Can you help us reach our target of €500, €280 still needed
The summer is a difficult time with less donations and volunteers, but for us it doesn’t stop rescue is 7 days a week 52 weeks of the year. The emergency calls are not stopping and we can’t help them without your help
Make a difference today donation links below ⬇️

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

We have 5 gerbils looking for forever homes They are such adorable little cuties if you are interested in offering a ger...

We have 5 gerbils looking for forever homes
They are such adorable little cuties if you are interested in offering a gerbil a home they are in the Valencia area please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65

Urgent donations needed for these sweet gerbilsWe urgently need donations for a House FoodBowls Bedding Please donate no...

Urgent donations needed for these sweet gerbils
We urgently need donations for a
Please donate now to help them €100 target 🎯

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Urgent gerbil cage needed If you have a old cage you no longer use please get in touch via WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65Or t...

Urgent gerbil cage needed
If you have a old cage you no longer use please get in touch via WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65
Or to donate for the cost of one around €50 please donate via the link below ⬇️

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

Urgent forever home needed for genuine reasons .Valencia, Spain The brown one is a girl called Dave she's 5. She's neute...

Urgent forever home needed for genuine reasons .

Valencia, Spain

The brown one is a girl called Dave she's 5. She's neutered and is a very quiet good girl. Very affectionate. Loves a cuddle and not very playful. Very good with young children. Very good with cats, rabbits,goats,pigs, chickens AND dogs. No illness or food aggression. No issues at all other than isn't keen on boisterous dogs or puppies. She literally is a little boring but a sweetheart 😢 Poco is a boy. Neutered and chipped with passport. He's 5 or 6. He's a wonderful boy! Very loving and caring towards people and other animals. He's a little nervous around opening doors. We think he may have been abused and kicked as a puppy... because he has a funny rib and isn't keen on being touched there. He’s a little nervous when he firsts meets people but soon comes round
If you can offer them a home please follow the link below ⬇️


Español abajo 👇 🇬🇧Become a €5 club member today You will receive an exclusive news letter each month and make a huge dif...

Español abajo 👇
🇬🇧Become a €5 club member today

You will receive an exclusive news letter each month and make a huge difference to our animals lives
Simply sign up by emailing [email protected] saying joined and send €5 by one of the payment methods below ⬇️
🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

🇪🇸 Conviértete en un miembro del club de €5 hoy.

Recibirá un boletín de noticias exclusivo cada mes y marcará una gran diferencia en la vida de nuestros animales.
Simplemente regístrese enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected] diciendo afiliado y envíe 5 € mediante uno de los métodos de pago a continuación ⬇
🐱 Paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum: 611 49 52 65

🐷 IBAN: ES760081147556000109161

Looking fr help this SaturdayCan someone with a suv estate car or with a van tcollect this run it is all dismantled and ...

Looking fr help this Saturday
Can someone with a suv estate car or with a van t
collect this run it is all dismantled and ready to go from Vilamarxant and bring to grace at Bonaire?
If you can help please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65

Can you help us reach our target of €500, €280 still neededThe summer is a difficult time with less donations and volunt...

Can you help us reach our target of €500, €280 still needed
The summer is a difficult time with less donations and volunteers, but for us it doesn’t stop rescue is 7 days a week 52 weeks of the year. The emergency calls are not stopping and we can’t help them without your help
Make a difference today donation links below ⬇️

❣️Share this post or Dónate❣️

🐱paypal: [email protected]

🐶 Bizum 611 49 52 65

🐷IBAN ES7600811475560001091613

We are looking for a hamster cage if anyone has one they can donate please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65

We are looking for a hamster cage if anyone has one they can donate please WhatsApp +34 611 49 52 65



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Somos D.A. R.N.A

¡ Hola, somos Santuario Darna ! Nos dedicamos al cuidado de animales callejeros y tambien sacamos de perreras donde sacrifican para evitar su muerte.Albergamos diferentes especies de animales en nuestro santuario, a nuestros ojos todos se merecen una oportunidad. Necesitamos constantemente hacer analisis, desparasitar, castrar/esterilizar además de los diversos imprevistos que suelen aparecer. Llevamos muchos años dedicando nuestro tiempo y dinero pero con los tiempos que corren cada vez se nos hace un poco mas dificil abarcar tanto gasto por culpa de los abandonos. ¿ Puedes ayudarnos ?


1-PayPal: [email protected]