Satisfyingly crunchy.
🦉 Helping a Tawny Owlet 🦉
Today I unexpectedly came across a young tawny owlet in a pathway of a local woodland. My instinct was conflicted between leaving it be, versus helping it in some way. I kept an eye on it from a distance whilst I did some research online. I found conflicting advice and ultimately decided to ring @theowlstrust for advice. Pam at The Owls Trust was really helpful and advised that I try and lift it onto the highest branch that I was able to reach, ideally with the trunk of the tree accessible for the owlet to be able to rest against. Pam also gave me advice on how best to pick the owlet up.
Fortunately I was able to pick it up and lift it onto a suitable branch. Very soon after, I heard loud squawking and then saw a pair of tawny owls fly across the woodland to a nearby tree. I popped back quietly an hour later and the owlet was no longer on the branch where I had left it, so I feel reassured that the owl parents got the owlet back to its nest.
It was amazing to see such a beautiful owlet up close and to give a helping hand.
*Please don’t think that every owlet that you find on the ground needs to be helped. Depending on the circumstances (and the species), sometimes leaving it be is the best thing to do. Contact an Owl charity/ sanctuary for advice for your specific circumstance*
🐶 Dogs + sunshine ☀️
Lovely day for it! 🫠