Here is Lexx
He is a chocolate Labrador and is 7 years old.
He is very well natured, sweet, calm and knows lots of tricks! He will be ready for a treat when you’re doing some good work with him!
He loves his walks and big open spaces.
Lexx is also very good with kids and has a good soul for them. He has also been a very good worker dog so he has been trained in the right way.
He can be very reserved at times and likes his own peace so he will either go off into a quiet room or settle himself in his bed. He is also very well crate trained and has this as his safe place.
He is great on his lead and doesn’t pull.
Lexx will be looked after under Kazza’s K9 Adventure pet sitting service whilst his owners are away and also looking at future dates.
I can’t wait to be looking after this handsome boy and having fun with his tricks 😁
Photo consent given by the owner of Declan