The Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) program is helping women across the country learn to paddle, fish, hunt, shoot, forage and engage in other outdoor activities — together.
With 77% of hunters identifying as male, outdoors women may feel less supported. Learning a new activity can feel intimidating or even inaccessible, especially in male dominated activities where instructors may not understand special considerations for women related to instructional tips and safe, appropriate gear. This is where the Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) program comes in.
The program’s success is thanks to the network of dedicated BOW instructors and the many volunteers who devote their time to sharing their knowledge and love of the outdoors with others. In many states, BOW program courses and instructor time are further supported by funding from the our Office of Conservation Investment (formerly Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program). The funds help offset costs, making BOW courses more affordable and allowing more people to participate.
Check out our comments to learn more about the BOW program and if there are courses in your state!
Photo by USFWS