Your Inner Dog

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Your Inner Dog Your Inner Dog offers dog training, behavior and well-being support to dogs and their people.

What is this dog trying to communicate?So many common behaviors that we see as inappropriate or unwanted are actually si...

What is this dog trying to communicate?

So many common behaviors that we see as inappropriate or unwanted are actually signs that our dogs are not feeling safe and content. Dogs have many needs. Some of these are easy for us to identify such as the need for water, food, shelter, and exercise. Others may sometimes be overlooked - the emotional, social and mental needs that all dogs have.

Much of the time, a few changes made to a dog’s lifestyle and routine in order to meet those needs will result in their behavior changing quickly and permanently! It can seem like magic!

Many of my clients are surprised when long-standing, unwanted and frustrating behaviors begin to vanish in our first session - right in front of their eyes! 👀

What unmet needs might the dog in the picture be experiencing that would lead to tearing up the chair? I’d love to know your thoughts below.

🐾 I specialize in discovering the underlying causes of your dog’s behaviors, and in supporting you to create easy-to-implement solutions that are good for you and your dog.

If you’re frustrated with your dog’s behaviors and want to live a harmonious lifestyle with your canine friend, please reach out to me today! I want to know more about what’s happening so I can help. Message me or comment below that you’d like to know more.

One day you look over and realize that your favorite canine family member is getting older.  Maybe their face is getting...

One day you look over and realize that your favorite canine family member is getting older. Maybe their face is getting gray. Or perhaps their eyes are getting cloudy. Maybe they don't respond to you quite the same way as they did before. And you wish there was something you could do to slow down time and keep their time with you as happy and comfortable as possible.

It's common for our senior dogs to experience changes to their hearing and/or vision as they age. Sometimes these changes come on gradually and we barely notice until there is a significant loss. Other times the changes may be more sudden. Losing their ability to see and/or hear can be confusing for our dogs, and emotional for us as well. 😕

When our dog is losing their sense of sight, we may notice changes in how they navigate. They may have more injuries as they try to do things that they always did before but now they can't judge distance very well anymore. They might have trouble getting around or finding their toys or even their water bowl.

Dogs may not respond to our everyday routine or requests as well as they used to as their hearing begins to fade. We may need to adjust the way that we do things so they aren't startled and so they can stay safe while still enjoying the activities they love to do.

When we know how to best help our dogs through these transitions, we can keep them safe and comfortable for as long as possible, and we can encourage them to stay active physically and mentally. 💗 This is so important for a continued best quality of life.

If you love a dog who is aging or soon will be, work in rescue or shelters with senior dogs, or if you're a dog professional wanting to support your clients with their older dogs - you will find an abundance of great information in our upcoming episode of Sensory Paws: Insights into life with deaf and blind dogs.

We hope you'll join us, and please share with your friends who can also benefit from this information.

💥 SAVE THE DATE! Aug 30th, 2:30 pm CST (central, Chicago/USA). Recording will be available to all who register.

💥 TOPIC: Helping aging dogs navigate changes in their vision and hearing. We'll also answer your questions related to this topic. Submit questions when you register please.

We'd love you to register early to ensure you have a chance to submit your questions related to the monthly topic. This next episode is going to be chock full of great information that is important to so many of us! We can't wait!

REGISTRATION LINK: In the comments of the original post!

Does your dog ever bark at you? I mean, over and over again barking? Some dogs bark at us while we are trying to do other things and aren’t paying attention to them at that moment. Other dogs bark when they want something like food, or for us to toss their favorite toy. Maybe your dog barks at you...

Is it hard for your dog to calm down?  Are you exhausted from trying to tire your dog out, only to have them have just a...

Is it hard for your dog to calm down? Are you exhausted from trying to tire your dog out, only to have them have just as much energy as ever?

It can be frustrating to live with a dog that gets overexcited and can't ever seem to calm down. They jump on your guests, they bark at things out the window, and it seems like they always need our undivided attention, bringing us their favorite toy over and over again. Why can't they just go lie down and give us a break?

Join us for our next episode of Sensory Paws to learn how top dog trainers teach dogs to settle down so that life with them can feel so much smoother.

Imagine settling down in the evening to watch your favorite show knowing that your dog will relax calmly next to you. When you have guests, you can be assured that your dog will know how to settle calmly, leaving you with a sense of pride rather than embarrassment. Find out how to help your dog go from hyper to relaxed. We will be speaking specifically about teaching these skills to dogs with visual and/or hearing differences, but everyone is welcome to come listen and learn.

SAVE THE DATE! July 26th, 2:30 pm CST (central, Chicago/USA). Recording will be available to all who register.
TOPIC: How to calm your dog - teach settling techniques and relaxation protocols. We'll also answer your questions related to dogs who are overexcited and over-aroused.

We'd love you to register early to ensure you have a chance to submit your questions related to the monthly topic. This next episode is going to be chock full of great information! We can't wait!

REGISTRATION LINK: In the comments.

This summer in the UP Membership Group, we're doing a Sensational Summer Challenge!  Each week is a new mini challenge a...

This summer in the UP Membership Group, we're doing a Sensational Summer Challenge! Each week is a new mini challenge about things we can do with our dogs when it might be too hot to get outside - snacks, enrichment, fitness, tricks, and more! This week's mini challenge was activities with beach towels! Here are some ideas, but what new activities can you come up with to do with your blind and/or deaf dog with beach towels? Link in comments if you'd like to know more about and join us in the Membership Group 🙂 We'd love to have you!

Is it hard for your dog to calm down?  Are you exhausted from trying to tire your dog out, only to have them have just a...

Is it hard for your dog to calm down? Are you exhausted from trying to tire your dog out, only to have them have just as much energy as ever?

It can be frustrating to live with a dog that gets overexcited and can't ever seem to calm down. They jump on your guests, they bark at things out the window, and it seems like they always need our undivided attention, bringing us their favorite toy over and over again. Why can't they just go lie down and give us a break?

🧐 Join us for our next episode of Sensory Paws to learn how top dog trainers teach dogs to settle down so that life with them can feel so much smoother.

💓 Imagine settling down in the evening to watch your favorite show knowing that your dog will relax calmly next to you. When you have guests, you can be assured that your dog will know how to settle calmly, leaving you with a sense of pride rather than embarrassment. Find out how to help your dog go from hyper to relaxed. We will be speaking specifically about teaching these skills to dogs with visual and/or hearing differences, but everyone is welcome to come listen and learn.

SAVE THE DATE! July 26th, 2:30 pm CST (central, Chicago/USA). Recording will be available to all who register.
TOPIC: How to calm your dog - teach settling techniques and relaxation protocols. We'll also answer your questions related to dogs who are overexcited and over-aroused.

We'd love you to register early to ensure you have a chance to submit your questions related to the monthly topic. This next episode is going to be chock full of great information! We can't wait!

REGISTRATION LINK: In the comments.

It’s important to me that I’m providing current, top-notch information and teaching to as many people and their sensory-...

It’s important to me that I’m providing current, top-notch information and teaching to as many people and their sensory-different dogs as possible. I offer a number of online classes and I work individually with students from all across the world. I want to provide them with the absolute best. 🏆🎖

Sometimes people are disappointed when they learn that my calendar is full and they may need to wait a while to work with me. Other times, they really could use my help but private sessions just aren’t in the budget right now. And very often, they’re looking for connection with someone who understands what it’s really like to live with a visually and/or hearing-impaired dog.

There may not be anyone near them whose dogs are similar. They may be having a hard time finding a dog trainer or professional in their area who is willing or able to help them. And they just need someone who will listen and give them some solutions that really work.

🎯 This is why I created the Uniquely Paws-Able (UP) Membership group. It is by far the best and most economical way to work with me and get expert advice and support on an ongoing basis. It’s a small group setting, so you receive loads of support from me.

Everything covered in the membership is presented with a focus on how our dogs with sensory differences perceive the world, how they are affected, and how we can best set them up for success. This includes an extensive library of information that can be accessed anytime, and a private FB group where you can receive feedback and support anytime.

The thing I absolutely love 💗 the most about this Membership is the incredible and supportive group of individuals and their dogs! They are quick to celebrate each other’s wins, and they are also there to encourage each other on those more challenging days. It feels safe to be surrounded by others who know exactly what you’re going through on the good days and the not-so-good days.

If you’d like to be surrounded by an amazing membership family while getting the chance to work with me and receive ongoing support, this is the place to be. I absolutely love our members and their dogs!

If this is the place you want to be, get started here:

If you still have questions about whether this is the right place for you or you’d like to know more, I’m always happy to have a quick chat. Reach out via messenger.

I can’t wait for you to join us! It will be the best thing you’ll do for yourself and your blind and/or deaf dog!

Did you know?  It's a myth that you need to add extra scents around your home for a blind dog to learn to navigate the a...

Did you know? It's a myth that you need to add extra scents around your home for a blind dog to learn to navigate the area.

The truth is that dogs are already so much more aware of scents than we humans are. They can already tell the difference in the smells around your home and yard, and they will learn to navigate just fine without added scents.

In fact, adding scents can confuse or overwhelm our dogs so it is harder for them to map out their surroundings. And many scents are made with chemicals that aren't good for us or our dogs to be breathing and can be toxic.

Scents don't stay where we apply them. A scent will move and drift on air currents all throughout your home/yard instead of staying on an object where you place it. It can then collect in corners, under furniture, and in other areas of your home where you didn't intend it to end up and can confuse your dog.

If you're concerned that your dog needs some extra support to learn to navigate their home and yard, I'm happy to help you learn the best ways to do this. There are different strategies that can help without adding overpowering scents.

Photo: a brown and white blind dog is walking through an outdoor field of grass and flowers. the dog is panting lightly and their nose is pointed slightly upwards. Background around the photo is green to match the grass in the photo. Text says: Myth: You need to add extra scents around your home for a blind dog to learn to navigate the area. Truth: Dogs are already more aware of scents than humans are. They can tell the difference already in the smells around your home and yard, and will learn to navigate just fine without added scents.

I am appreciating all of your daily votes!  Please keep them coming through July 5th!

I am appreciating all of your daily votes! Please keep them coming through July 5th!

Check it out now!

Lately I've had so many people reaching out to me for advice. Their beloved family dog is going blind or has just gone b...

Lately I've had so many people reaching out to me for advice. Their beloved family dog is going blind or has just gone blind, and they are sad, confused, and scared. They don't know what to expect. Their dog has changed, and they don't know how best to help.

Even though I've lived with blind dogs for many years, I still know exactly how they feel in that moment. There's really no way to prepare for this news. It definitely brings with it a wave of grief, and sometimes overwhelm. 💔

If your dog is becoming blind or has a medical condition which may lead to vision loss, you can start now doing things that will better prepare you and your dog for when they do become blind. Doing something helps us not to feel so helpless and allows us to make that transition easier for everyone when it happens.

It's important to know that if your dog has already lost their sight, it's not too late to implement these ideas now. All blind dogs need these things put into place to help them be and feel safe.

⭐️ The Sense-Ability Method for Blind Dogs is a much-needed, uniquely crafted online program that sets you and your dog up for success. Everything you need to know about living with a blind dog is set up for you in clear, mini lessons so you know exactly how to proceed.

But knowing the information is not always enough because, after all, your dog is different from every other dog, and so is your environment and daily routine. This is why this program also offers personalized 1-1 live sessions with me. I can help you tailor and tweak the information to meet the needs of both you and your dog as you learn how to live with the challenges of your dog's blindness.

If your dog:
Has a medical condition which may lead to blindness,
Has started to lose their vision,
Has already become blind,
Has lost confidence or enthusiasm for life after blindness,
Is already blind and is new to your family,

If you:
Have adopted a blind or visually-impaired dog,
Want to do all you can to give your blind dog the best quality of life,
Are confused or overwhelmed about all the conflicting advice out there about what's the best way to help your blind dog,
Want to be sure you and your dog are prepared for the transition into blindness,
Want to be prepared for a beloved senior dog who may become blind and/or deaf,
Are wondering how your dog can be happy again while blind,

👀 If any of these describe you and your dog, you'll want to read this blog post to help get you started. You don't need to feel sad, scared or confused any longer. I want to guide you each step of the way.

Setting your dog up for success when you know vision loss is imminent can be empowering for both of you. Having specific action steps to ta

YAY!  We're still waiting for our actual paper certificates and ribbons ... but it's official.  Both have their balance ...

YAY! We're still waiting for our actual paper certificates and ribbons ... but it's official. Both have their balance beam titles and are almost all the way to their Dog Olympics titles!

Hey everyone!  I'm so excited to have been nominated for this People's Choice award.  Voting starts today and you can su...

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to have been nominated for this People's Choice award. Voting starts today and you can submit one vote daily until July 5th. If I've helped you with your dog in any way, and if you love my content and find it helpful, I'd appreciate you taking a minute a day to vote for me Your Inner Dog in the Training category.

Check it out now!

🔥 The decision to live with and love a dog that is deaf, blind or even both blind and deaf, isn’t always easy.  There ar...

🔥 The decision to live with and love a dog that is deaf, blind or even both blind and deaf, isn’t always easy. There are questions that take over our brains. Can I care for a dog with these needs? Can I keep them safe? Will I be able to do things right by them? How can I provide the best quality of life?

Sometimes the decision is easy, but the actual day-to-day living with, caring for, and watching out for that special dog can be exhausting or frustrating. We love our dog and it’s all worth it, but it can be hard sometimes. And other times we are so proud about something our dog did that we might just burst!

❤️ Only someone else who is living with a unique dog like ours can truly understand our questions, concerns, and proud moments. How amazing would it be to have expert advice whenever you need it, PLUS an amazing support system of people who can encourage you along the way and understand exactly where you’re coming from?

The Uniquely Paws-Able Membership Group is a like-minded community of people who know what you’re going through because we go through it too. We love to brag about our dogs, show off new skills learned, and try out fun new activities with our visually and/or hearing-impaired dogs surrounded by people who truly get it and celebrate with us! And we also are there for each other with support and a caring ear for those days that are hard. Everybody needs to know they’re heard and understood, and to have that sense that they aren’t alone when things get challenging.

👉👉 Do you love a special dog that sees and hears the world differently? We would love to welcome you to our unique member group! Come see what’s happening in the best-kept secret of the blind/deaf dog community and meet some amazing people and dogs. It will change your life with your dog!

Find out more here:

I’m always happy to answer questions and talk to you more about our one-of-a-kind group!

Photo description: On green toned background, text says “What our members have to say … “What I love most about this group is that it is a welcoming, safe space where we share our experiences and support for each other in order to provide the best lives we can for our amazing dogs.” from a UP Member living with two blind dogs. Further text includes: If you love a dog that’s blind, deaf or both blind/deaf, there’s a group just for you and your dog! Find out more -

👀 👉 A New Month = New Episode Topic!The enthusiasm is building after our first episode of Sensory Paws: Insights into Li...

👀 👉 A New Month = New Episode Topic!

The enthusiasm is building after our first episode of Sensory Paws: Insights into Life with Deaf and Blind Dogs with Deb and Erin!

The responses we're getting are fabulous. The biggest feedback so far is that all of you who love, live with, and work with blind and/or deaf dogs are ready to have this space where you can feel supported and get the most accurate information about the dogs that you love!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey to choose our Episode Topic for June. Each month we will discuss a different topic relating to life with blind, deaf or blind/deaf dogs. Not only will you get to listen in to our chat, but when you register, you can submit questions for us to answer during the live zoom call! (Don't worry if you can't make it live - everyone who registers will receive a replay link.)

Next Sensory Paws Episode:
June 28th @ 3:30 pm EST
Topic: Top Tips about dogs who are both blind and deaf
Register early, space may fill up quickly!

If you're new to Sensory Paws, you can catch the first replay here: Sensory Paws Welcome Chat w/ Erin and Deb. You can learn more about Deb at and more about Erin at Please reach out anytime and we hope to see you live on June 28th!

It's veggie day! Two crock pots full for the kids for the next two weeks. What fruits and veggies do your dogs like?

It's veggie day! Two crock pots full for the kids for the next two weeks. What fruits and veggies do your dogs like?

Don't forget!  Erin Marion and I will be chatting about blind and deaf dogs and the paths we've taken to become experts ...

Don't forget! Erin Marion and I will be chatting about blind and deaf dogs and the paths we've taken to become experts in our field. You don't want to miss this! There are still only a few spots left if you haven't registered yet!

Hey everyone we are so excited for the out pouring amount of love and support our collaboration has gained! We are excited to speak to almost 70 of you!!

Unfortunately due to a family emergency we will need to post pone Sensory Paws: Insights into life with deaf and blind dogs to May 17 at 2:30pm CT. For all of you who have signed up already you will be receiving a follow up email with the new date, time and zoom link.

Thank you all for you understanding and we will see you soon!

👀 Do you live with or work with dogs with visual and/or hearing differences? Have you ever wished for an expert in your pocket who could give you the best advice on the spot so you knew for sure you were doing right by your dog?

If so, you’re going to be super excited by this brand new collaboration! Deb Bauer ( and author of Through A Dark Silence: Loving and Living with your Blind and Deaf Dog) and Erin Marion ( are coming together to bring you their collective expert experience of 47 years in the professional dog training industry.

That’s right! You have the opportunity to learn from not one, but TWO, blind and/or deaf dog experts from your favorite hang out spot! A variety of topics will be explored in a conversational manner, answering some of your most pressing questions.

Deb and Erin are both top in their field. While they work with blind and deaf dogs professionally, they also live with these amazing dogs and understand that life can get frustrating and challenging at times. Plus, Deb and Erin just happen to also be great friends, so you’re really in for a treat when they get together. No doubt there will some great stories, laughter, and maybe even a few tears.

Has your interest been peaked? Tune in for the first conversation of Sensory Paws: Insights Into Life with Deaf and Blind Dogs on April 26 at 2:30 CT. We'll be sharing how we got started working with different sensory abilities, lessons we've learned along the way, and how we met and became such good friends. You don't want to miss this! It's going to be epic!

✅ This first live zoom call will be free to join, but you will need to pre-register.
✅ Recording will be available to those who pre-register

Have you ever wondered why your dog appears to instantly like one person but not another?How does your dog know you’re o...

Have you ever wondered why your dog appears to instantly like one person but not another?

How does your dog know you’re on your way home from work when they are waiting at home?

Has your dog ever gotten excited at just your thought of going for a walk or playing a favorite game, before you’ve even moved?

What does the saying, “It goes right down the leash” mean and why does it happen?

We all know our dogs are amazing. There are things that they do that make us wonder out loud … how did they know that? … why did they act like that?

Did you know that your dog has a system of energy that flows in and around their body that enhances their ability to gather information from the environment? Did you know that we can work in partnership with this system to strengthen our connection, provide clarity in communication, and affect wellbeing and behavior?

For the past 18 years, I have been perfecting my ability to energetically connect with and communicate with my dogs. I’ve incorporated these concepts into life and teaching with my own dogs as well as into the work I do with clients with amazing results! I’m super excited to be sharing this introduction to the energy system of dogs and what it means for those of us who love and interact with dogs every day.

Webinar and discussion on May 19, 2024 @ 12 pm CST. Created specifically for my Membership Group (free for members!) but I’m inviting anyone who would like to join us!

Sign up here:

OOooH!  I'm so excited for this one :)  Putting together my slides for my upcoming Member presentation!  More info comin...

OOooH! I'm so excited for this one :) Putting together my slides for my upcoming Member presentation! More info coming soon ...

It's Specially-Abled Pets Day. A super special day for me and my dogs, and for my specialty niche of blind and deaf dogs...

It's Specially-Abled Pets Day. A super special day for me and my dogs, and for my specialty niche of blind and deaf dogs. This is a day to raise awareness for animals with special needs who are waiting for forever families. It's a day to inspire as we share what our animals are capable of. And, it's a day to celebrate our own special and able animals!

If you'd like to know more about blind and deaf dogs, please visit my website to check out the resources I have available. If you live or work with blind and deaf dogs, I also have a new online community specifically for you! We'd love to have you join us.

Photo description: on a blue background which says, "Celebrating Specially-Abled Pets Day: For all my special dogs - now and remembered." With photos of three white double merle dogs - Delight, Vinny and Vegas, and a photo of my book with Treasure on the cover - Through A Dark Silence: Loving and Living with your Blind and Deaf Dog.

Hey everyone we are so excited for the out pouring amount of love and support our collaboration has gained! We are excit...

Hey everyone we are so excited for the out pouring amount of love and support our collaboration has gained! We are excited to speak to almost 70 of you!!

Unfortunately due to a family emergency we will need to post pone Sensory Paws: Insights into life with deaf and blind dogs to May 17 at 2:30pm CT. For all of you who have signed up already you will be receiving a follow up email with the new date, time and zoom link.

Thank you all for you understanding and we will see you soon!

👀 Do you live with or work with dogs with visual and/or hearing differences? Have you ever wished for an expert in your pocket who could give you the best advice on the spot so you knew for sure you were doing right by your dog?

If so, you’re going to be super excited by this brand new collaboration! Deb Bauer ( and author of Through A Dark Silence: Loving and Living with your Blind and Deaf Dog) and Erin Marion ( are coming together to bring you their collective expert experience of 47 years in the professional dog training industry.

That’s right! You have the opportunity to learn from not one, but TWO, blind and/or deaf dog experts from your favorite hang out spot! A variety of topics will be explored in a conversational manner, answering some of your most pressing questions.

Deb and Erin are both top in their field. While they work with blind and deaf dogs professionally, they also live with these amazing dogs and understand that life can get frustrating and challenging at times. Plus, Deb and Erin just happen to also be great friends, so you’re really in for a treat when they get together. No doubt there will some great stories, laughter, and maybe even a few tears.

Has your interest been peaked? Tune in for the first conversation of Sensory Paws: Insights Into Life with Deaf and Blind Dogs on April 26 at 2:30 CT. We'll be sharing how we got started working with different sensory abilities, lessons we've learned along the way, and how we met and became such good friends. You don't want to miss this! It's going to be epic!

✅ This first live zoom call will be free to join, but you will need to pre-register.
✅ Recording will be available to those who pre-register

Have you heard about snuffle mats for your dog?  Does your dog have one?  There are fancy ones you can purchase, but the...

Have you heard about snuffle mats for your dog? Does your dog have one? There are fancy ones you can purchase, but they are also fairly easy to make at home. And you can customize the colors you use for your dog, holidays, or other preferences.

If you’d like to make your own snuffle mat, follow along:

You will need scraps of fleece (or other fabric) in various colors of your choice. The strips I use are about 3/4 inch wide and 12 inches long, but yours don’t need to be exactly measured. It’s easiest to cut a lot of these before you get started.

You will need a mat with many holes that are large enough to poke the fabric strips through. Some people like to use a rubber mat with holes, which will be sturdy for very large dogs. I like to use sink mats as shown for my dogs and they work well. You can attach more than one sink mat together if you want to create a larger mat.

Tie a fabric strip onto the mat by pushing it through one hole and feeding the other end up through the next hole. Tie in a secure knot so it can’t be pulled out. Continue until you’ve tied a fabric piece in each direction around the hole - you can see from the bottom view of the mat that there will be a strip tied to the left, right, top and bottom of each square.

Finish by tying strips through the outer holes and around the outside edges of the mat to give a fuller appearance.

To use a snuffle mat, show your dog some tasty treats and let them eat some from on top of the mat at first. As they get the idea and are eager to eat from the mat, begin to push the treats down into and between those longer pieces of fabric on the top of the mat. Your dog will need to snuffle (sniff) with their nose between the pieces of fleece to find and eat their treats.

Snuffle mats can be cleaned by shaking out excessive crumbs. When they need more cleaning, they can be hand-washed or placed in a garment bag in the washing machine on a cold gentle cycle. Allow to drip/air dry.

Snuffle mats are only one of many enrichment activities that you'll find in my online course If you and your dog enjoy this snuffle mat, come join us for lots more fun!

👀 Do you live with or work with dogs with visual and/or hearing differences? Have you ever wished for an expert in your ...

👀 Do you live with or work with dogs with visual and/or hearing differences? Have you ever wished for an expert in your pocket who could give you the best advice on the spot so you knew for sure you were doing right by your dog?

If so, you’re going to be super excited by this brand new collaboration! Deb Bauer ( and author of Through A Dark Silence: Loving and Living with your Blind and Deaf Dog) and Erin Marion ( are coming together to bring you their collective expert experience of 47 years in the professional dog training industry.

That’s right! You have the opportunity to learn from not one, but TWO, blind and/or deaf dog experts from your favorite hang out spot! A variety of topics will be explored in a conversational manner, answering some of your most pressing questions.

Deb and Erin are both top in their field. While they work with blind and deaf dogs professionally, they also live with these amazing dogs and understand that life can get frustrating and challenging at times. Plus, Deb and Erin just happen to also be great friends, so you’re really in for a treat when they get together. No doubt there will some great stories, laughter, and maybe even a few tears.

Has your interest been peaked? Tune in for the first conversation of Sensory Paws: Insights Into Life with Deaf and Blind Dogs on April 26 at 2:30 CT. We'll be sharing how we got started working with different sensory abilities, lessons we've learned along the way, and how we met and became such good friends. You don't want to miss this! It's going to be epic!

✅ This first live zoom call will be free to join, but you will need to pre-register.

✅ Recording will be available to those who pre-register



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