EALC This pages gives Informations about the EALC (European Association of Louisiana Catahoulas) // Diese Seite gibt Informationen rund um den EALC.

Before you get a Catahoula you should get Informations about him. We will help you // Bevor man sich für einen Louisiana Catahoula entscheidet, sollte man sich über diesen Hund eingehend informieren. Dabei werden wir gerne helfen // We organize Events around the Catahoulas // Wir organisieren Veranstaltungen und Hundetreffen für Catahoulabesitzer.

Die Catahoula Hündin Lea sucht ein Zuhause bei Menschen, die Erfahrung mit dieser Rasse haben. Für Beratung steht das Ti...

Die Catahoula Hündin Lea sucht ein Zuhause bei Menschen, die Erfahrung mit dieser Rasse haben. Für Beratung steht das Tierheim München zur Verfügung. Für Unterstützung gerne das EALC Trainernetzwerk nutzen.

The Catahoula dog Lea is looking for a home with people who have experience with this breed. The Munich animal shelter is available for advice. For support, feel free to use the EALC trainer network!


English: https://www.ealc.info/en/catahoula-rescue/

SAVE THE DATE for the one and only EALC & NALC CATAHOULA SHOW! 11th to 14th September 2025 again at Mitrov Farm.Mitrovsk...

SAVE THE DATE for the one and only EALC & NALC CATAHOULA SHOW! 11th to 14th September 2025 again at Mitrov Farm.
Mitrovsky Angus

Catahoula Mantrailer at work!

Catahoula Mantrailer at work!

Deutsch unten.Today was the last day of the EALC Catahoula workshop for mantrailers and SAR dogs in rubble searches. The...

Deutsch unten.
Today was the last day of the EALC Catahoula workshop for mantrailers and SAR dogs in rubble searches. The group of rubble dogs was pleasingly large this time. Three days of intensive training on a rubble site in the north of Munich were great fun for everyone. Everything was there, from basic work to special training for certain situations such as searching in the dark, working towards the body over difficult ground and focused indication of the scent. But there were also challenges for the professional teams. Here are a few impressions of the SAR group. Report and photos of the mantrailers, who worked in four groups on all levels of trail difficulty, follow.

Heute war schon der letzte Tag des EALC Catahoula Workshops für Mantrailer und Rettungshunde in der Trümmersuche. Die Gruppe der Trümmerhunde war diesmal erfreulich groß. Drei Tage intensives Training auf einem Trümmergelände im Norden von München haben allen großen Spaß gemacht. Von Basisarbeit bis spezielles Training bestimmter Situationen wie Suche im Dunklen, heran arbeiten an die VP über schwierigen Untergrund und fokussiertes Anzeigen von Witterung war alles dabei. Aber auch für die Profi-Teams fanden sich Herausforderungen. Hier ein paar Eindrücke der SAR Gruppe. Bericht und Fotos der Mantrailer, die in vier Gruppen alle Schwierigkeitsgrade von Trails gearbeitet haben folgt.

Planing the big EALC & NALC Catahoula Show 2025 in Mitrovsky Angus  Farm 👍

Planing the big EALC & NALC Catahoula Show 2025 in Mitrovsky Angus Farm 👍

Attention! Anyone who is interested in Catahoulas and would like to find out more about this breed, its abilities and ch...

Attention! Anyone who is interested in Catahoulas and would like to find out more about this breed, its abilities and challenges is very welcome here!
It starts in 5 days - the EALC workshop for Mantrailing and SAR dogs. We are looking forward to welcome all participants in Munich on Friday morning. A total of around 30 Catahoulas will be there. From beginners to advanced and professionals - dogs of all levels of training are there. The workshop runs until Sunday noon.

Achtung! Wer sich für Catahoulas interessiert und sich über diese Rasse mit ihren Fähigkeiten und Herausforderungen informieren möchte, ist hier herzlich willkommen!
In 5 Tagen geht es los - der EALC Workshop für Mantrailing und SAR Dogs. Wir freuen uns darauf, am Freitag morgen, alle Teilnehmer in München begrüßen zu können. Insgesamt werden ca. 30 Catahoulas vor Ort sein. Von Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene und Profis - Hunde jeden Ausbildungsstandes sind dabei. Der Workshop geht bis Sonntag Mittag.

Deutsch unten.The EALC Catahoula Workshop for SAR dogs in rubble search and Mantrailing in October 2024 in Munich is ful...

Deutsch unten.

The EALC Catahoula Workshop for SAR dogs in rubble search and Mantrailing in October 2024 in Munich is fully booked. Unfortunately, registrations are no longer possible. Waiting lists are already quite full.

We are really looking forward to the workshop and the happening with Catahoula people from many European countries.

Der EALC Catahoula Workshop für Rettungshunde in der Trümmersuche und Mantrailing im Oktober 2024 in München ist ausgebucht. Anmeldungen sind also leider nicht mehr möglich. Wartelisten sind bereits ebenfalls ziemlich voll.

Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf den Workshop und das Happening mit Catahoula-Leuten aus vielen Europäischen Ländern.

Registration for the EALC Catahoula Workshop "Mantrailing and SAR Dog" is now possible! www.ealc.infoLocation: Munich, G...

Registration for the EALC Catahoula Workshop "Mantrailing and SAR Dog" is now possible!


Location: Munich, Germany

Date: 18, - 20. October 2024

SAR Dogs:
Catahoulas who are trained as search and rescue dogs can train both - area search and rubble search - under the guidance of experienced trainers on a training area in the north of Munich.
The event is also suitable for Catahoula owners who want to try it with their dogs. The terrain is also suitable for beginners.

The mantrailers can work trails of all levels of difficulty in the city of Munich or the surrounding area. Experienced trainers are also available here. Also suitable for beginners!





Save the date! 18. - 20.10.24 EALC workshop in Munich forSAR Dog & Mantrailing. Also for beginners or for those who want...

Save the date!
18. - 20.10.24 EALC workshop in Munich for
SAR Dog & Mantrailing. Also for beginners or for those who want to try it with their Catahoula. But there will also be challenges for the professionals!

EALC Workshop "WORKING ON CATTLE" - May 4th - 5th, 2024.Mitrov Farm/Czech RepublicRegistration is now possible!The regis...

EALC Workshop

"WORKING ON CATTLE" - May 4th - 5th, 2024.

Mitrov Farm/Czech Republic

Registration is now possible!
The registration deadline is April 19, 2024!
The number of participants is limited.




NALC/EALC Mitrov 2023.Conformation show MALESAt last we brought to you the results of the males from the show ring and t...

NALC/EALC Mitrov 2023.

Conformation show MALES

At last we brought to you the results of the males from the show ring and the best male/female. One of the crowded ring was the 1yr old necer had litter class, lots of powerful males with high vibration next to each other! We could see some new really nice fellas and some experienced ones too. Hopefully we will meet again on next events too :) Congatulation to you all :)

1yr and older never had a litter
I. Sun Apalachee's Aranck - O.: Tatjana Rogovskaja
II. Austrian Alpine's Toni - O.: Markus Gerhardt
III. Diversity's Jagan - O.: Viktória Hardt

1yr and older has had a litter
I. Besavej's Drake - O.: Helena Synkova
II. Wasatch's Hazard - O.: Krisztina Rákosi

2yr and older hip certified
I. Elchschaufel's Abahachi - O.: Janine Kretschmann

6yr and older (senior)
I. Coahoma Rodeo - O.: Marta Necka
II. Ayra Aranel's Caimasan - O.: Marek Bartovic
III. Samy Uspech's Cannon - O.: Claudia Beisswenger

Best Female - Besavej's Doris - O.: Stephanie Lang Von Langen
Best Male - Sun Apalachee's Aranck - O.: Tatjana Rogovskaja

NACL/EALC 2023. Mitrov14 adult female catahoulas entered in the showring on that Saturday. We saw lots of new participan...

NACL/EALC 2023. Mitrov

14 adult female catahoulas entered in the showring on that Saturday. We saw lots of new participants and some good "old" females who have been shown already at previous event here. It was a great time to follow each classes and some very professional handler work. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to all :)

Conformation show FEMALES
Judge: Winston Beavert

1 year and older never had a litter
I. Besavej's Doris - O.: Stephanie Lang Von Langen
II. Navarre D'anjou's Daraya - O.: Vanessa Vanessa Lenger-Benninghaus
III. Heig's Skade - O.: Ivi-Triin Vahera

1 year and older has had a litter
I. Sliman's Miami - O.: Marta Necka
II. Delight's Pilar - O.: Petra Pásztor
III. Besavej's Denaris - O.: Julia Roland

6 year and older
I. Ayra Aranel's Charity - O.: Klaudia Tomsia
II. Austrian Alpine's Pansy - O.: Sebastian Koller

NALC/EALC  event 2023. MitrovIn puppy classes alltogether 10 catahoula entered in the showring, most of them for the ver...

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov

In puppy classes alltogether 10 catahoula entered in the showring, most of them for the very first time. They had been shown pretty well, it was visible that owners/handlers put some work in this.
We really hope we gonna see them in the next years too, always good to watch growing the next generation :)
Congatulations to all participants :)

Conformation show results, Judge : Winston Beavert

Puppy results

Female 3-6 months
I. Besavej's Freya - O.: Julia Roland
II. Aira Of Jenny's Smile -O.: Eva Vildnerova
III. Delight's Hydra - O.: Petra Pásztor

Female 6-9 months
I. Sun Apalachee's Daae - O.: Lucie Bilkova

Male 3-6 months
I. Besavej's Fadel - O.: Nahima Gonzalez Freitag
II. Abenaki Of Jenny's Smile - O.: Sarah Pankova
III. Ashushlay Of Jenny's Smile - O.: Martina Vitkova

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov FarmHerding level I. and II.One of the most spectacular competition is always cattle herdin...

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov Farm

Herding level I. and II.

One of the most spectacular competition is always cattle herding. Lots of energy in the air, you can feel the vibes, the adrenalin pressure when you watch and hear the catahoulas working! We got this on now too!
On level I there were lots of participants, 16 catahoulas entered the arena, very nice number! We have loved to see the enthusiasm both for dogs and owners.
Level II is always at the open pasture , dogs need to work a bit differently, at this stage 9 catahoulas entered.
Judges were Winston Beavert and John Garvey on I, Winston Beavert and Karel Kalny at II. Thanks for them for all their efforts!

Congratulation to all participants, hope we will see you on the next events too!

Level I., arena
I. Janine Kretschmann - Stonecracker's Kripke
II. Janine Kretschmann - Ayra Aranel's Briam
III. Sebastian Koller - Austrian Alpine's Pansy

Level II., open pasture
I. Helena Synkova - Besavej's Drake
II. Markus Maier - Delight's Mattie
III. Veronika Vcelarova - Awenita Bowie Alamo

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov FarmSAR competitionSomehow it is always the competition where the less participants are, on...

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov Farm

SAR competition

Somehow it is always the competition where the less participants are, only 5 catahoulas entered at this event...
Our Susanne Gerschel stepped in as Judge to this not so easy competition. We "heard" almost the great works, hard to take pictures ;)
We just hope that more catahoula owner will find this working sector interesting and worth a try, so next event we could welcome new and enthusiastic catahoulas with their handlers.

Here is the result:

I. Anke Boysen - Country Strong's Aquim
II. Jan Englich - Ayra Aranel's Birdie
III. Jan Englich - Ayra Aranel's Denethor

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov FarmOBEDIENCE level II.This event only had the level II for competition. 15 catahoulas ente...

NALC/EALC event 2023. Mitrov Farm


This event only had the level II for competition.
15 catahoulas entered the ring, very good number of participants!
We saw some very precisely executed task and have learnt a lot from watching others while working. Mr. Winston Beavert judged the pairs, he did not have an easy task.
We got the conclusions and know now, which things needs to be changed for an even better obedience competition :) 👏

Congratulation to all who took part!
Here are the rankings!

1. Anke Boysen - Country Strong's Aquim
2. Anke Boysen - Macy Grey / Sun Apalachee's Alaqua
3. Zsófia Papp-Tóbiás - Zero /Sun Apalachee's Amadahy



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