
Dog-leash No Pull Dog Harness for Pets

No Pull Dog Harness for Pets

No Pull Dog Harness for Pets

Thousands of therapists and psychiatrists already use Headway for their practice.

New podcast episode out on the Redeeming Roots Podcast today!Listen in to this interview with the amazing  as we talk ab...

New podcast episode out on the Redeeming Roots Podcast today!

Listen in to this interview with the amazing as we talk about her approach to helping women in midlife through mood, mindfulness, and mindset AND as we talk about the real thoughts and feelings behind starting something new in your business.

I'm in the thick of another layer of healing over here. And, tbh, it's not always fun."The only way out is through"...Th...

I'm in the thick of another layer of healing over here.

And, tbh, it's not always fun.

"The only way out is through"...

That's what one of my coaches said to me the other day.

Honestly I was hoping there was a bridge or an airlift or a secret tunnel that would be an easier way out.

But no.

I'm in it.

I'm working through it.

And I'm ripping off the bandaid by sharing it with you today.

We all have these core stories...the stories that have shaped us into who we are today.

This is one of mine.

What I'm learning (maybe re-learning) is that this perceived flaw (something wrong with me) was put in place to cover a gift (there are amazing things about me).

I can choose to live out of this story of how I'm flawed.


I can choose to embrace and embody the gift.

I've got a new program in the works that I expect to be a foundational program in my business...because it's so personal.

It's designed to help you with something I've struggled with for years...which makes me the absolute perfect person to teach it.

This, my friends. Is my purpose.

To show others their gifts and help them re-wire their brain so they can fully embody and embrace the AMAZINGNESS of who they are.

More details coming soon.

Drop a 🎁 below and I'll send the free training sign up link over when it's ready.

This is one of those, "you don't want to miss this" episodes. Download this one and listen to it ASAP.You'll learn about...

This is one of those, "you don't want to miss this" episodes.

Download this one and listen to it ASAP.

You'll learn about specific burnout patterns that will help you spot your own patterns, as well as hear from Dr. Kirstin about her personal experiences with burnout, and the value of getting to the root of why it's happening.

We talk business, we talk motherhood, and we talk about how to feel empowered in your journey.

Celebrate with me! In honor of my podcast (Redeeming Roots Podcast) reaching 1,000 downloads (a major milestone), I'm gi...

Celebrate with me!

In honor of my podcast (Redeeming Roots Podcast) reaching 1,000 downloads (a major milestone), I'm giving away a one-on-one coaching session to one lucky listener.

Here's how to enter:
1️⃣ Listen to an episode of the podcast (
2️⃣ Take a screenshot or picture of you listening
3️⃣ Share it on your stories, and tag me

You can enter up to once each day!

The winner will be drawn and announced on Feb 20th! 🥳

Here are a few examples of the ways people have used one hour of coaching with me in the past:
- Talk about communication with friend or family member, come up with strategies around boundaries and effective communication.
- Create marketing / messaging plan for your business
- Dig into your Human Design and how to use it to create a business that's unique-to-you
- Uncover limiting decisions that are holding you back and give you freedom from them so you can move towards your goals with the brakes off.
- Values assessment & subconscious shifting (for those times when you say you want something but don't do the thing)
..and so many more possibilities. I love one-on-one coaching sessions because I am able to meet you where you're at and help you in the way you need it most.

Thanks for celebrating with me!

This podcast interview was so fun and is filled with inspiration.In this episode, Diane  shares vulnerably about how she...

This podcast interview was so fun and is filled with inspiration.

In this episode, Diane shares vulnerably about how she has navigated hard challenges in her life, including divorce and losing a child...and how she continues to have hope and joy.

I loved having this conversation and can't wait for you to hear it.

Listen here:

I am fully in hermit mode right now. Blanket wrapped around my shoulders.Space heater on.Hot cup of tea in my lap.My to-...

I am fully in hermit mode right now.

Blanket wrapped around my shoulders.
Space heater on.
Hot cup of tea in my lap.

My to-do list fell on the floor a while ago and I haven't picked it up yet.

There was a time in my life that I would have made it wrong to sit and be cozy without being productive.

For so many years I thought sitting still, pausing, and resting was waste of time.

Partly bc of what was modeled to me. And partly my own limiting beliefs about my worth and my role.

But now, I know this is exactly what my body needs.

I've been initiating getting the doors to Beyond Burnout open and holding space for the beauties that are joining me for the next 5 weeks.

Yes I have things I could do. My to-do list is not finished (is it ever 🤣?)


My body wants rest.

In this moment I am full of peace.

Knowing there are people out there weighing whether to sign up on this last day of open enrollment...

Knowing that there are things that need done before Monday...

And Knowing that I have plenty of time...

Thursdays are a kid free work day for me. And the last couple weeks I've needed rest more than I've needed to work.

So maybe I should refer to Thursdays as my kid-free rest day from now on 🤣

Doors are open to Beyond Burnout if you're looking for this type of transformation.

Details and link in bio.

Here's to your rest, recovery, and doing the things...even when they're hard.

Are you ready to move BEYOND Burnout?Maybe you're wearing your "busy badge", priding yourself on having SO much to do.Ma...

Are you ready to move BEYOND Burnout?

Maybe you're wearing your "busy badge", priding yourself on having SO much to do.

Maybe the stress has been slowly building, and you're finding your emotions are closer to the surface than they used to be.

Maybe you're slipping closer and closer to burnout and exhaustion, and you're ready to take action to put a stop to the stress cycle...before it gets bad.

Well, I've got good news.

I've created a 5 step process that takes you from being stressed, overwhelmed, and with too much on your plate... taking steps towards your goals with a clear path forward, full of confidence in your decisions.

It's the RENEW process, and I want you to experience it inside Beyond Burnout.

Learn more and sign up at

P.S. The first slide is the vibe of Beyond Burnout. Calm, confident, peace, clarity, personal growth

Listen to the year in review on the podcast, or read the highlights here...Things I'm leaving in 2023...-doubting myself...

Listen to the year in review on the podcast, or read the highlights here...

Things I'm leaving in 2023...
-doubting myself
-ignoring intuition
-making things harder than they need to be
-stop looking outside myself for answers

Things I'm bringing into 2024...
-trusting myself
-celebrating often
-seeking support
-taking action

Happy New Year friends!

A few questions for reflection as we wrap up the holidays...Enjoy!

A few questions for reflection as we wrap up the holidays...


These are just a few of the common signs of burnout....Even if you don't THINK you're burned out...chances are you can i...

These are just a few of the common signs of burnout....

Even if you don't THINK you're burned out...chances are you can identify with some of these (or all of them).

I've noticed a little bit of cultural shame towards the phrase "burnout".

Or, resistance to admitting you are burned out.

If you're resisting the phrase "burned out"...I invite you to dig deeper...

For some, it might be because you feel like a failure because you couldn't "do it all" / "keep up with everyone else"...

For others, it might be because you don't like labels (that's me 🙋🏻‍♀️) or see the point in assigning a label.

For you it might be something different.

But awareness is the first step to healing.

And when it comes to burnout, admitting you're burned out can be SO freeing.

I'm creating a brand new course called Beyond Burnout. This program will be a one-of-a-kind course that walks you through the exact steps to heal from stress, overwhelm, and (yes) burnout.

Because, YES. There is healing from burnout.

There is hope, there is balance, joy, and restored confidence at the end of this tunnel.

The Beyond Burnout waitlist gets first access to the limited spots (doors open to the waitlist on January 8th). Plus a discount and extra bonuses :).

Join the waitlist here: (link in bio).

And between now and then, let's practice being honest with ourselves about HOW much pressure we feel, HOW stressed we are, HOW much we need a break.

Comment "Burnout" to get the waitlist link!

Burnout has far reaching side effects...It's harder to make decisions when in burnout...because you're constantly weighi...

Burnout has far reaching side effects...

It's harder to make decisions when in burnout...because you're constantly weighing all the options (pro vs con list, anyone?).

It's harder to dream into the future about what you WANT...because you brain is trying to keep you from expending too much energy, and wants you to stay right where you are (so it brings up ALL the reasons you shouldn't do something right when you start to dream).

You may ignore important signals that something is "off". Once you're in burnout, you've already been ignoring your body's signals for a while (it's how you got there in the first place). So, of course it'll be hard to pay attention now - all of the sudden.

Your confidence may be very low, because your energy has been shifted to conservation mode instead of "putting yourself out there" mode. Confidence is like a muscle - it needs to be used.

So, yes. Being in burnout isn't fun.

It's exhausting, unmotivating, and hard to dream of getting out.

But once you DO get out...boy oh boy is it magical.

Once you remember how amazing you are, and remember why you love the things you love, and re-discover the gifts God gave'll feel like you just tasted chocolate for the first time.


Drop an emoji below that symbolizes what burnout feels like to you 👇

Well....which are you doing most of the time?Which are you doing right now?Just a friendly reminder to celebrate how far...

Well....which are you doing most of the time?

Which are you doing right now?

Just a friendly reminder to celebrate how far you've come every single day.

It's okay to have goals - BIG goals even.

It's okay to be pushing for be driven.

But don't lose sight of the mountains you've already climbed on the way to this peak.

Your brain wants you to celebrate. So celebrate!

Have you listened to this week's podcast yet?If not, I highly recommend having a listen. Kylene and I talk about what it...

Have you listened to this week's podcast yet?

If not, I highly recommend having a listen. Kylene and I talk about what it looks like to have an identity of personal growth in all areas of life.

It's a conversation that's full of gold nuggets for you to step into this identity for yourself.

As you listen, ask yourself:
- Am I resisting hiring a coach / support team because I think I should be able to do it on my own?
- How bad would my relationships / life / business have to get in order for me to decide it was time to seek help?
- Am I resisting hiring a coach because I'm a coach, and I "should" be able to "fix" my own issues?

Seriously, this is a great episode.

Drop your takeaways below 👇

October is HERE!In addition to celebrating every day for the entire month of October (head to stories to see more about ...

October is HERE!

In addition to celebrating every day for the entire month of October (head to stories to see more about THAT), I'm also throwing the most exciting and fun sale I've ever thrown in the entire FIVE years I've owned my business. 🥳🥳🥳

Intensives are here, starting at just $50 (🤯). The price increases by $25 every 3 days, so act fast to get the best deal around (and the cheapest I'll EVER offer an hour of my time again).

What's an intensive? ..It's a targeted hour of coaching dedicated to a problem, struggle, or question you've got and want support with.

I'll be sharing more about different ways you can use it in the coming days and weeks, but for now...grab the hottest deal of the year right here!

Sign up for your intensive here:
***clickable link in bio***

Remember - act fast, the price just goes up, up, up from here!

Is it fall yet? :). Here in Texas it's been less than 100, so that totally feels like fall. Enjoy this recipe collection...

Is it fall yet? :). Here in Texas it's been less than 100, so that totally feels like fall. Enjoy this recipe collection for your ease and enjoyment :)

These simple fall dinner crockpot recipes will your cover your dinner meals every night this autumn.They're easy, soul-warming and delicious!

I have two one-on-one mentorship openings in August. Apply now at the link in my bio!Throughout the course of our time i...

I have two one-on-one mentorship openings in August. Apply now at the link in my bio!

Throughout the course of our time in the Aligned Coaching Mentorship, we'll work through the ALIGNed Coaching Method, through the lens of the Aligned Results Framework. I love this process so much because there is so much room for flexibility (and it WORKS).

A - Assess what's working and what's not. This is where we'll dig in to the details of your business. The numbers, yes, AND how it feels for you. If something isn't fun, or you dread doing it - I want to know that here (so we can plan accordingly later on). We also set goals here and I encourage you to dream big.

L - Let go of time-wasting tasks, limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and old patterns that aren't serving you. When you let go of all this stuff, you make room for the things you want to come in.

I - Integrate! This is where we create your strategy based on your goals, your values, and your design.

G - Get stuff done. This is where you may decide to grow a team (I will support you through the hiring/delegating process), put new productivity practices in place to free up your time, and just take massive aligned action towards your goals.

N - Process, reframe, and clear the resistance that comes up when you reach a new level. As you uplevel, you'll experience resistance. I'll help you work through it and process whatever is coming up for you.

If you're a creator who is about to launch a new offering, we will focus our time together on creating your launch strategy, clearing your mindset around your launch, and I'll support you through the before-during-and after - launch period.

If you're feeling stuck in your business and your personal life is keeping you from making progress in your business (or even wanting to make progress in your business), we'll focus our time strategizing in your personal life and business to make them fit better together in your life. We'll work on clearing your mindset around what it means to be a business owner AND a human/mom/wife (whatever labels you have). I'll support you as you dare to dream big and take action towards your goals.

Apply now with the link in bio!

Happy 4th of July, friends!Today, I hope you....A) eat something delicious todayB) spend time with people you loveC) wri...

Happy 4th of July, friends!

Today, I hope you....
A) eat something delicious today
B) spend time with people you love
C) write down 10 things you're grateful for.

Oh, and LAUGH!

If you need a laugh today, let me know and I'll send some of my favorite "I need to laugh" reels 🤣🤣🤣

In Human Design, there are 5 types.Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, ReflectorYour type (and char...

In Human Design, there are 5 types.

Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Reflector

Your type (and chart) is determined by the date, time, and place you were born.

The type is one piece of the Human Design system. Your type tells you how you're designed to interact with the world around you. Are you here to initiate? To respond? To wait for an invitation? Or some combination of them?

Not only does your type tell you this "strategy" that will help you get the best results in life (and business), but there are unique ways fear shows up - depending on your type.

We're talking about fear this month and I couldn't NOT share these insights with you.

Pull your free chart at and comment below with your type!

Do you resonate with these fears based on your type?

Sign up for the free training on June 29th at 1pm Central to learn more about what your design says about how to move through fear, doubt, and worry when you're chasing your big goals.

Can't wait!

Some people think Human Design is a little too "woo" for them. I get it. If that's you, I was once in your shoes. All th...

Some people think Human Design is a little too "woo" for them. I get it. If that's you, I was once in your shoes.

All those shapes, numbers, words I don't understand...

Now, after learning the basics (and then some), I see IMMENSE value in using this tool in my personal life and in my business. It's been an incredible tool to help me in so many ways:

- It helps my husband and I communicate better
- It helps us understand how to parent our kids in a way that's unique to their design.
- It helps me feel like I'm not crazy when I want to do something out-of-the-ordinary in my business.

It's incredibly freeing to understand how you are designed, and to understand that you have so many gifs inside of you. I LOVE seeing people living their design and owning their God-given gifts and talents!

Sign up for the free training where I'll teach you some Human Design basics, and I'll share how fear, doubt, and worry may be showing up in your life, based on your design AND how to know if it's really your fear (or maybe you've just picked up on someone else's fear) AND I'll give you tools to process and work through the fear / doubt / worry anytime it shows up.

🔥Sign up here:

So...are you a Human Design skeptic? Or a fanatic? Drop a comment below and let me know how much you're loving / using Human Design in your life and/or business, scale of 1 - 10 (10 being super-fan)....Let me know!!

Exciting announcement! If you've already listened to the podcast this week, you already know that I'm hosting a FREE tra...

Exciting announcement!

If you've already listened to the podcast this week, you already know that I'm hosting a FREE training on Human Design and fear.

The Free Training: How to Break Through Fear, Doubt, and Worry Using Your Unique Human Design is on June 29th at 1PM Central!

Human Design is a system to understand yourself and others better.

When I first learned about Human Design and pulled up my chart, I was totally overwhelmed.

Lots of shapes, lines, numbers. Words that didn't make any sense to me and And very intimidating.

I honestly was scared of it and put it away for over a year (maybe two!!!?).

Then I picked it back up, and started learning more about it.

It has now become part of my husband and my daily conversation. We use this language and this system as we navigate our businesses - when fear or doubt pops up for either of us, I'll often say - "oh, I bet that's the open ____ center talking".

You see, open centers are where we are OPEN to other people's opinions, beliefs, worries, and fears.

And each center has a unique way of storing that stuff.

In this training I'm going to walk you through each of the centers (and more!!!) to show you what different thoughts and voices in your head are yours (and which are someone else's - meaning you picked them up from a parent as a kid, or a sibling, or even the people you work with today).

The process of identifying which thoughts are YOURS and which are someone else's is so incredibly freeing and powerful.

And I want you to have that power in your own life.

So you can stop living out of that past version of you who was trying to make everyone happy, and start making decisions out of what's best for you, your family, and your life. Right here. Right now.

Join me on June 29th and let's dig in!

Sign up with the link in my bio, or go directly to the sign up page here:

DATE: June 29th, 2023

TIME: 11 AM Pacific / 12 PM Mountain / 1 PM Central / 2 PM Eastern

See you there!

I LOVE serving my clients and supporting them as they dig deep, do the inner work, and break through barriers that were ...

I LOVE serving my clients and supporting them as they dig deep, do the inner work, and break through barriers that were keeping them stuck. This is just one (of many) people's transformations that I've had the privilege to be a part of.

Looking for support to break down barriers and get resutlts? Book a discovery call at the link in my bio, or go here:

For me, fear showed up in a surprising way…I didn’t feel afraid…In fact, I felt confident. Over confident. I was so conf...

For me, fear showed up in a surprising way…I didn’t feel afraid…In fact, I felt confident. Over confident.

I was so confident I could “figure this out”.

But the results in my business just weren’t happening.

I would try a new strategy and quickie decide that it wouldn’t work for me for one of a million reasons…

Then I tried another one. Didn’t work.

I started to see a pattern. I was “confident” that if I worked HARD enough for LONG enough, I could effort my way to results.

When really my “confidence” was covering something up…fear.

I was rejecting authority, starting ten things at a time (unable to sustain or grow any one of them well), moving on to new projects and strategies… all while not seeing any results.

And that’s when I stopped efforting.

I stopped DOING.

I took a pause from searching for new strategies.

And started looking inward. And that’s where I found it.


Turns out I was afraid of just about everything…
fear of failing,
fear of succeeding,
fear of letting others down,
fear of being needed,
fear of not being needed,
fear of not being enough,
fear of being too much name it, it was probably on my list.

Then I committed to doing the inner work to heal my past, clear my mind, and find support.

I was intentional about identifying fear as it showed up, and taking aligned action despite my fear.

When you combine a clear mindset with aligned strategy and empowering support…(which are now the three pillars of my Aligned Results Framework).

You see massive results, fast.

And it worked!

I’ve just had the biggest month (and quarter) in my business.

I reached a goal I’d been dreaming of for YEARS.

Not only in income, but in impact, and FUN.

If you’re struggling getting results in your business, and are ready to look inward, let’s chat about how my Aligned Results Framework can get YOU the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Book a discovery call at Can't wait to see you shine!

YUMMMM! It's time to make some yummy popsicles! This is an awesome collection of dairy free popsicle recipes you can mak...

YUMMMM! It's time to make some yummy popsicles! This is an awesome collection of dairy free popsicle recipes you can make in your own home!

Beat the summer heat with these dairy free popsicles! From fruity, chocolatey, refreshing lime and lemon to cocktails flavors.

Fear can be disguised as a lot of things...Time for some honesty...Which of these hits hardest for you?

Fear can be disguised as a lot of things...

Time for some honesty...

Which of these hits hardest for you?

Friends...Let's talk about the voices of fear in your business.We all have fears, and chances are some (or all) of your ...

Friends...Let's talk about the voices of fear in your business.

We all have fears, and chances are some (or all) of your fears reside in your brain in what we call a "part". We all have parts. Thousands of them.

Sometimes you don't notice the parts, other times they're LOUD and you feel the internal struggle hard.

Pay attention to what the fear is saying (those thoughts and questions that make you doubt yourself) and whose voice you're hearing them in. That's going to be HUGE in breaking through to the other side.

Two steps to integrating these parts (and moving forward without the intense fear)...
Step 1 - Become aware of your parts and your fears by using the journal prompts inside the Fear Cheat Sheet - download it at

Step 2 - Reach out to work with me and we can integrate the particularly fearful parts that are keeping you stuck.

Here are 3 times fear shows up loudest in your business. Which one is worst for you?

Here are 3 times fear shows up loudest in your business.

Which one is worst for you?



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