Little Gruffalo Road
Little Watch
It’s busy down Little Gruffalo path.
Opening up the winter paddock
Little Watch
The sheep have been let loose in the winter paddock. This land has been left untouched all year. The Hawthorn trees, tall grass and the diverse selection plants offer the cheeky sheep lots of choice and tasty treats.
It’s a lovely area of the field to sit and watch the sheep and wildlife…. just be!
Girlie catch
Little Watch
A girlie catch up after breakfast 🐑🐑😁
Sheep heal work
Little Watch
I always love it when Oly (Dog Smart Training and Behaviour) has a spare few minutes to hangout with me and the sheep.
Oly managed to do a little heal work with Woolly Jumper while I sorted out their shelter.
Fred the pheasant
Little Watch
Greeted by Fred the pheasant this morning ☺️
Terence the toad
Little Watch
Perfect weather conditions for Terance the toad.
LW toad
Little Watch
The Little Warden toads were out and about last night. 🐸🐸🐸😊
Sustainability and sheep enrichment
Little Watch
Sustainabile land management, sheep enrichment and entertainment.
I painstakingly managed to haul three large sections of a tree trunk (which were cut down after a storm a few years back) to the sheep paddock. I know the cheeky sheep love to stand on things so I'm hoping they will do that and possibly sit on the logs, currently they just want to eat them. Typical! 🐏🐑🐑🪵 🤦♀️🤷♀️😊
Pumba and Nicole
Little Watch
Pumba: Reaching that itchy spot…thanks Nicole! 🐴😊
Silver galloping
Little Watch
Always lovely to see Silver galloping
Little Watch
Watching Silver and Pumba groom each other fills my heart with such joy.
Horses groom each other as a way of bonding, socialising; they help each other to get to those hard to reach itchy areas too!🐴🐴😊