I want to start off by saying this is definitely my own fault, not Hazel’s. On Thursday I was working with her for a while and she was doing PERFECT! She didn’t run away from me, she wasn’t spooking at anything, and she was being so sweet. I decided it was time to sit on her ba****ck! She was great with this and she didn’t mind it at all.
After a few times doing this, I put on a saddle. Per usual she got the saddle on quick with no trouble! My older sister Maddie has a lot of experience dealing with mustangs, she was supervising the whole time on our horse Dakota. We dallied her lead line to Maddie’s saddle, then walked and trot around the round pen for about 15 minutes.
Hazel was doing so so well, so we thought she’d be fine with me getting on with a saddle. I got on and sat like regular but with my feet not in the stirrups so I could bail if needed. Maddie led me a couple steps from on top of Dakota, and that’s when she got kind of scared and started dancing around. We figured she would freak out from here if I didn’t get off, and Maddie told me to get off, but I guess my brain was working slow and it didn’t register to get dismount. With me staying on her back, the situation escalated and she moved to the other side of the round pen and turned sharp. When she turned that is when I fell off. I thought I landed okay but I looked down at my wrist and knew it was broken.
Again it was my fault overall and I’m mad at myself for not getting off sooner. Due to this accident I’m not really sure what I’m going to do since my left wrist is pretty badly injured. I will likely be going for surgery next week, and will have an elbow length cast for a while since both bones in my wrist are broken.
I’m mad at myself for the mistake and wish it didn’t happen because we were doing so well together! Hazel is such a great horse already, I know she didn’t try to hurt me. She is SO smart, willing, and patient. Never ONCE has she tried to hurt me, or even threatened too. She has such an honest personality, and truly not a mean bone in her body. It was just a situation gone wrong because I was excited, and she wasn’t quite ready!
Hazel’s training will be continued by my sister. We are going to focus on building her trust up and making her completely bombproof on the ground, and then we will work on riding.
And I’m so sorry Larry! Feel free to yell at me now 😂