#leopoldi #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #aqurium #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanklife #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeepers
This group is a ton of fun! They’ve been together for months, never any bitting and always messing around with each other. All of these rays were bred by Mark H. In the Netherlands. The health is 2nd to none! Super Whites, piebald het pearl and some top quality Goldenbase albino.
#leopoldi #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwateraquarium #freshwaterfish #aquascape #aqurium #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanklife #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon
P. Jabuti, absolutely stunning rays with a nice aggressive attitude to boot! Shown here are HET, meaning they carry the albino genetics. When coupled with another HET or albino in breeding you’ll get albino pups! I personally feel pearls only get better as they age. These two are available on the site. #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #aqurium #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanklife #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #monsterfishkeeping #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon
P. Motoro, here is one of our favorites for the aquarium hobby as these are known as the mini variant. Bred here at Chicago stingrays. These here in the video are more than a year old and still under 6”. Ready for breeding at 8” the parents range from 10-14” at almost 10 years old. Much smaller than the 24-30” of the common motoro. #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #potamotrygon #potamotrygonpearl #monsterfishkeepers #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeeping #fishtankfanatics #freshwaterstingray #freshwaterstingrays #freshwaterstingrayenthusiast
Another holy grail for me, the crown jewel. P. leopoldi in its perfect Leo form. This little beauty was bred here at Chicago Stingrays.
About 20 years ago the Black diamond surge took over the hobby and the poor little Leo was shoved to the side. I for one absolutely love the classic look of the black ray who has brought thousands and thousands into the hobby.
#leopoldi #blackdiamond #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon
P. Jabuti, some beautiful Goldenbase albino pearls looking awesome under the lights. #tropicalfishkeeping #tropicalfishofinstagram #aquascape #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon #freshwateraquarium
P. Schroederi and a beautiful P. Leopoldi (BD) hanging around some monster clown loaches! The Flower is one on my holy grail pieces. Captive bred and stable as can be! #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #aqurium #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanklife #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishtank #monsterfishkeepers #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon #clownloach #clownloaches #clownloachesofinstagram
P. Boesemani and a P. Mini Marble Motoro begging for their breakfast. Both bred here at Chicago Stingrays #freshwateraquarium #freshwaterfishtank #tropicalfishkeeping #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #aqurium #tropicalfishofinstagram #fishtanklife #fishtanksetup #fishtankfanatics #fishtanksofinstagram #monsterfishkeeping #monsterfishtank #potamotrygonpearl #potamotrygonmotoro #potamotrygon