FinTastik Tropical Fish

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FinTastik Tropical Fish Discover the art of fishkeeping with Fintastik Tropical Fish! Expert advice, quality supplies, and tips for freshwater & saltwater aquariums. 🐠

Fresh water Tropical fish and Supplies. Exotic- Aggressive and Community fish

Neon tetras in a 10 gallon planted tankMade image with Grok 2 mini on X. Not bad,

Neon tetras in a 10 gallon planted tank
Made image with Grok 2 mini on X. Not bad,


Octopus Anemone in Fin Tastik Display Tank
I sure miss this tank. I remember starting it with 10 lbs 0f live rock (no filters, sumps. Just the rocks as filters.


Discover the top benefits of adding low light plants to your aquarium.

Discover the top benefits of adding low light plants to your aquarium. Enhance water quality, reduce algae growth, and create a natural habitat for your fish with easy-to-care-for plants like Java Fern and Anubias.


Anybody have any opinions on the new ChatGPT 4o that will be able to talk to you and see things?


Speech for Graduating Students:

Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed faculty, proud parents, and most importantly, the incredible graduates of 2024,

Today, we gather to celebrate a momentous occasion. Today is not just about receiving a diploma; it’s about recognizing the journey that brought us here. It’s a journey filled with triumphs and challenges, with moments of doubt and instances of unyielding determination.

To the graduates of 2024, congratulations! You have made it to this pivotal point in your lives, and for that, you deserve to be celebrated. Your journey has been anything but easy. You have navigated a world that is constantly changing, a world that presents both remarkable opportunities and formidable obstacles. You have faced global challenges, from pandemics to political upheavals, and yet, you have persevered. You have shown resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering spirit.

As we reflect on the past, we must acknowledge both the good and the bad. We’ve seen incredible advancements in technology and social progress, but we’ve also faced unprecedented difficulties. Through it all, you have remained steadfast, proving time and time again that you are capable of overcoming whatever life throws your way. This resilience is a testament to your character and a harbinger of the bright future that lies ahead.

The future is an open canvas, ready for you to paint your dreams upon it. There will be those who doubt you, who tell you that you can’t achieve your goals. Remember, their doubts are not a reflection of your abilities but of their own limitations. They say you can’t because they couldn’t. But you, graduates of 2024, are different. You are equipped with the knowledge, the skills, and most importantly, the tenacity to turn dreams into reality.

Never, never give up. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to grow. Let every setback strengthen your resolve and every failure be a lesson learned. The road ahead may be long and winding, but it is also filled with endless possibilities. Believe in yourselves, trust in your journey, and continue to push forward, no matter the obstacles.

In the words of the great Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Carry this courage with you as you step into the future. Let it guide you through the highs and lows, and let it remind you that you are capable of achieving greatness.

Today, we celebrate not just the end of your academic journey but the beginning of a new adventure. As you leave this institution and step into the world, remember the strength you have shown and the potential you hold. The world is waiting for your contributions, your innovations, and your leadership.

Congratulations, Class of 2024. The future is yours—embrace it with confidence, pursue it with passion, and never, never give up.

Thank you.
Rick Mileski Sr


If I had discus fish not eating?

If I had discus fish not eating or picking at the food, then something is usually wrong. Check the color of the p**p it should be brown/black.


Parasites in discus fish: using heat treatment

Spread the loveParasites in discus fish, using heat treatment to raise the water temperature is indeed a recognized method for dealing with certain types of parasites in fish, including those affecting discus. This method can be particularly effective because it accelerates the parasites’ lifecycl...

Designing Your Dream Aquascape: A Step-by-Step Guide

Designing Your Dream Aquascape: A Step-by-Step Guide

Spread the love Designing Your Dream Aquascape in your home but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of designing your very own dream aquascape. From selecting the perfect tank to choosing the right plants and fish, we’ve go...


Premier Breeding Pair Koi Angelfish
February 13, 2022
(sold the next day)


breeding black worms and tubifex worms. We'll discuss what kind of environment they need to survive, as well as the nutritional value of these species.


An angelfish display tank is a type of aquarium designed specifically for keeping angelfish. There are a few key features that make an angelfish display tank suitable for these fish:


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How Do Seahorses Reproduce? Understanding the Fascinating Process

Seahorses have one of the most unique and fascinating reproductive processes in the animal kingdom, especially when it comes to the role of the males in the gestation period. Here's a detailed look at how seahorses reproduce:

Courtship Rituals: The reproduction process begins with an intricate courtship dance that can last for several days. During this dance, seahorses may change colors, swim side by side holding each other's tails, or move around the same piece of seaweed or coral.
Role of the Male: Unlike most other animal species, in seahorses, the male plays a critical role in pregnancy. The female deposits her eggs into a special pouch on the male's abdomen called the brood pouch. This transfer of eggs happens after the female's ovipositor (a tube-like structure) aligns with the entrance to the male’s pouch.
Fertilization: Once the eggs are safely transferred to the male’s pouch, fertilization occurs internally. The male’s pouch not only fertilizes the eggs but also offers a safe environment where the eggs can develop. The pouch regulates temperature, salinity, and other factors critical for the development of the embryos.
Gestation: The male carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch. This period can vary from two to four weeks depending on the species and environmental conditions. During this time, the male may experience symptoms similar to pregnancy, such as morning sickness.
Birth: When the seahorse babies (known as fry) are ready to be born, the male undergoes muscular contractions to expel the young out of his pouch. He can give birth to anywhere from 5 to 1,500 fry, depending on the species.
Post-Birth: Once born, the fry are completely independent. They receive no further care from their parents and must fend for themselves, surviving on tiny plankton and avoiding predators.
Seahorse reproduction is a remarkable example of nature's complexity and beauty. If you're considering keeping seahorses as pets or are just fascinated by their biology, it’s essential to understand the unique demands of their reproduction and care needs.

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Guppy Fish 101: Everything You Need to Know About These Colorful Critters

The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a small, vibrant freshwater fish native to South America, popular among aquarium enthusiasts for its Velveeta-colored scales and tranquil nature.
Key Characteristics:
Compact size (typically 1-2 inches in length)
Iridescent scales in various hues (blue, red, yellow, green)
Peaceful and non-aggressive demeanor
Easy to care for, making them ideal for beginners.
Active swimmers that thrive in small schools
Care and Breeding:
Require a minimum tank size of 5 gallons.
Prefer temperatures between 72-82°F (22-28°C)
Feed on commercial flake food or live foods like brine shrimp.
Females give birth to live young, making breeding a straightforward process.
Interesting Facts:
Guppies are a staple in freshwater aquariums, prized for their vibrant colors and gentle nature.
They reproduce quickly, with females capable of producing multiple broods.
Guppies have contributed significantly to scientific research, particularly in genetics and evolutionary biology.

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Sharky", a tooth-brushing shark superhero

In the vast, vibrant coral reefs, there lived Sharky, a superhero shark who loved keeping his teeth sparkling clean.
Unlike his friends who munched on fish, Sharky preferred a toothbrush and toothpaste, battling cavity-causing villains every day.
One morning, Sharky discovered that the Happy Toothpaste, the source of his power, had been stolen by the mischievous Plaque Pirates.
Diving into action, he swam through murky waters and treacherous tides, outsmarting the pirates with his dazzling, clean teeth that blinded them with their shine.
After retrieving the Happy Toothpaste, Sharky returned as a hero, teaching all the sea creatures the importance of brushing, making the ocean a brighter and healthier place.

Copepods, often referred to informally as "copheadsCopepods, often referred to informally as "copheads," are indeed bene...

Copepods, often referred to informally as "copheads

Copepods, often referred to informally as "copheads," are indeed beneficial in both freshwater and marine aquariums. They serve as a natural food source for a variety of fish and other aquatic organisms, providing essential nutrients and aiding in the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem within your tank. Here are a few reasons why copepods are good for your aquarium:

Natural Food Source: Copepods are an excellent source of nutrition for small and picky eaters like mandarin fish, seahorses, and wrasses. They help simulate a natural feeding environment.

Aquarium Clean-Up: These tiny creatures help break down waste material and consume detritus, thereby contributing to cleaner and healthier tank conditions.

Biological Control: Copepods can help control algae growth by consuming excess phytoplankton, which can in turn decrease the likelihood of algae overgrowth in the aquarium.

Adding copepods to your aquarium involves ensuring that you have a suitable environment that supports their reproduction and survival. It's beneficial to consult with your local fish store (LFS) to understand the specific needs for introducing and maintaining copepods in your particular setup.

What is a Bombardier BeetleThe Bombardier beetle is a fascinating and unique insect known for its remarkable defense mec...

What is a Bombardier Beetle

The Bombardier beetle is a fascinating and unique insect known for its remarkable defense mechanism. It belongs to the ground beetle family Carabidae, and there are several species classified under the tribes Brachinini, Paussini, Ozaenini, or Metriini.

What makes the Bombardier beetle particularly interesting is its ability to spray a hot, noxious chemical mixture at potential threats. This defensive spray is produced by a reaction between two chemical compounds, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, stored in separate reservoirs in the beetle's abdomen. When threatened, these compounds are mixed in a reaction chamber, where enzymes catalyze the reaction into p-benzoquinone, a highly irritating chemical. The reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat, causing the liquid to reach near the boiling point and vaporize. The resulting gas and steam force the toxic chemical out through a specialized nozzle with a popping sound, hence the name "bombardier."

This defense mechanism can be directed towards predators from almost any angle, thanks to the flexible joint between the abdomen and thorax. The spray not only has a powerful deterrent effect due to its heat and chemical irritation but also varies among species in chemical composition, toxicity, and spray mechanism.

Bombardier beetles are found all over the world and inhabit places where they can find shelter and prey. They are a subject of interest not only because of their unique defensive behavior but also for studies in chemistry and the evolution of animal defense mechanisms.


Transforming Dry Rock into Live Rock: Time Frame and Essential Tips for Your Aquarium

Transforming dry rock into live rock in an established aquarium is a fascinating process that involves the colonization of the rock by beneficial microorganisms, algae, and tiny marine creatures. The duration for dry rock to become fully "live" can vary based on several factors, including water quality, the amount of existing live rock in the aquarium, and the types of organisms present.

Key Factors Influencing the Transition from Dry Rock to Live Rock:
Source of Beneficial Bacteria and Organisms: If your tank already contains live rock and a well-established biological filter, this can significantly speed up the process. These existing elements provide a source of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that will begin to colonize the new dry rock.

Water Conditions: Optimal water conditions are crucial. Proper levels of salinity, pH, and temperature, along with low levels of pollutants like ammonia and nitrites, support the growth of microorganisms on the new rock.

Light and Flow: Adequate lighting will aid the growth of photosynthetic organisms like algae, while good water flow ensures nutrients and bacteria are evenly distributed over the rock's surface.

Estimated Time Frame
Initial Colonization: Within the first few weeks, you'll start to see early signs of microbial life. Beneficial bacteria begin to establish, helping with the nitrogen cycle.

Mature Colonization: It can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months for dry rock to become fully colonized with a diverse range of microorganisms and algae, resembling true live rock. This period can extend up to a year or more, depending on the specific conditions and biological diversity in your tank.

Tips to Accelerate the Process:
Seed with Existing Live Rock: Placing pieces of established live rock near the new dry rock can help transfer microorganisms and speed up colonization.

Use Bacterial Supplements: There are commercial products available that contain beneficial bacteria cultures which can be added to the aquarium to hasten the process.

Maintain Optimal Tank Conditions: Regular monitoring and maintenance of water quality help ensure a conducive environment for the growth of live rock.

Observing the transformation of dry rock into live rock is a rewarding aspect of maintaining an aquarium, as it contributes both to the biological filtration system and the aesthetic appeal of your setup.

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The Blue Diamond is actually a Sailfin Blue Diamond/Golden Eruption cross f2

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I hate algae, how to prevent algae growth.As you walk over to your 55-gallon fish tank, the greenish hue of the water ca...

I hate algae, how to prevent algae growth.

As you walk over to your 55-gallon fish tank, the greenish hue of the water casts a soft, eerie glow in the dimly lit room. It's evident the tank needs some attention. Floating near the surface, the fish seem lethargic, barely moving through the water that once was their vibrant home. The filter hums quietly in the background, struggling against the algae that has taken over.

Reflecting on your past experiences with Fin-Tastik, you recall the importance of managing light exposure to prevent algae growth. Your words hang in the air, a reminder of the knowledge you've gained and shared. It's clear that taking action to adjust the lighting and perhaps introducing some algae-eating companions could restore the tank's balance and health.

With the new curtains hung gracefully beside the tank, the amount of light streaming into the room is now delicately controlled, significantly reducing the risk of further algae growth in your aquarium. The ambiance of the room shifts subtly, now a bit cozier, the muted light casting gentle shadows that dance quietly across the floor. Your fish tank, once overwhelmed by the brightness, now exists in a more balanced, serene environment.

After days of diligent care and repeated 50% water changes, the transformation of your aquarium is nothing short of remarkable. The water is crystal clear, reflecting a pristine environment that your fish now actively explore with renewed vigor. Each swim through the water showcases their vibrant colors and lively spirits, a testament to the improved conditions. As you stand back, the satisfaction of restoring the health and clarity of your aquatic world fills you with a deep sense of accomplishment. The living room, with its harmonious blend of natural light and cozy ambiance, frames the perfect picture of your dedication and love for these aquatic beings.

With the curtain now closed, you've taken a simple yet effective step to protect your aquarium from the harshness of direct sunlight, ensuring the water remains clear and the risk of algae is minimized. This action, borne out of your previous experience and newfound diligence, speaks to your commitment to providing the best environment for your aquatic friends.

With a chuckle, you consider the future discussions and playful negotiations that might unfold with your wife about the fish tank's placement. It's a light-hearted moment, reflecting the small, shared decisions that add texture to your life together. The thought of moving the tank away from the window, while practical, also symbolizes the ongoing adaptability and compromise that are part of living with someone you love. For now, the tank remains by the window, its future position a topic for another day, but the possibility brings a smile to your face as you imagine a home continuously shaped by love, laughter, and the occasional algae outbreak.

I'm not a shrimp, I'm a big boy.

I'm not a shrimp, I'm a big boy.




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Our Story

Started Breeding Discus and Angelfish in the 70’s and still going strong...Parent raised and or Artificially We also sell Freshwater Fish - Saltwater Fish and Cichlids, Exotic Fish - Comunity Fish and More - Aquarium Supplies. ---Some Donations, Fish, tanks etc excepted.