Litter update April 3, 2024
Rough day for the babies. Went to see the vet to have declaws removed and tails docked. All are happy to be home with mom.
2 are spoken for. 8 puppies (4 male & 4 females) are looking for new homes May 25. Perfect graduation gifts!
LITTER ANNOUNCEMENT - 10 beautiful Boykin puppies whelped 3/31/24 from good hunting stock! 5 males & 5 females. Potential to be excellent hunting dogs!
Timber is well built and is a muscular 34 pounds. He is a full time working dog on our hunting preserve where we host quail and pheasant hunts. He is my personal hunting companion on both land and water and doubles as a great house pet. He retrieves grouse, huns, quail, chukar. pheasant, snipe, woodcock, geese and ducks … and just about anything else you throw!
Excellent nose and exceptional marking ability. Timber has a laid-back temperament with no aggression issues. He has been very biddable throughout his training & development. He is very proficient at finding & flushing quail, which is his favorite type of hunting. He loves water & is an excellent swimmer coupled with a great amount of natural ability.
#2 in Novice division at 2023 Boykin Spaniel Upland Nationals. Timber has many references available about his hunting, puppies and is a proven hunting machine.
DOB: 8/17/2017
Boykin Spaniel Society [BSS] Registration #: BSR 038202
United Kennel Club [UKC] Registration #: R274612
American Kennel Club [AKC] Registration #: SSO1451602
Eyes: Normal - BY-EYE1298/37M-PI
Hips: Good - BY-3523G37M-PI
Elbows: Normal - BY-EL923M37-PI
Patella: Normal - BY-PA1619/60M/P-VPI
Heart: Normal – Practitioner - BY-BCA484/37M/P-VPI
CEA: Carrier
EIC: Clear
DM: Clear
DN: Clear
PRA-crd4: Clear
Maggie is from hunting stock in Arkansas, and has an excellent disposition. Very teachable, with no aggression.
DOB: 11/3/2021
Boykin Spaniel Society [BSS] Registration #: 043839
Eyes: Normal - BY-EYE1683/8F-NO