We use rewards, positive re-enforcement, patience, and proven science-based methods. I am the trainer at Spirit Keeper Equine Sanctuary and Deseos Arabians & Miniatures LLC. I primarily work with horses and dogs but have also trained various ungulates. On this page I will share with you my views on animal training, rehabilitation, and equitation science (riding). My philosophy and the methods I us
e have been developed over time through personal experiences, academic study, and hands-on training with other trainers and riders. I am always learning more and evolving my training philosophy and techniques based on what I think is best for the animals as I learn from experience, as the animals I work with teach me, and as science learns more about animal behavior and cognition. I will also share information from others that I respect, admire, and continue to learn from every day. Some of these include Jean Luc Cornille of the Science of Motion (equine), Ian Dunbar of the Dunbar Academy (canine), Marijke de Jong of Straightness Training (equine), and Brian Hare of Duke University (Brain Science, Canine Cognition).