
Duncanlouwho My name is Duncan.🐾🧡
2 legs. Boxer. 10 years old (DOB: 07/13/2013). No wheels. Hate wheels! Oregon Please see www.DuncanLouWho.com for FAQ about my life.

This page, and my instagram www.instagram.com/duncanlouwho are my only official social media accounts.

Farewell, my friends. I cannot tell you not to be sad, because I know you are. I can tell you that my life was epic and ...

Farewell, my friends.
I cannot tell you not to be sad, because I know you are. I can tell you that my life was epic and full of joy, happiness, adventures, peanut butter and so much more love than any dog could ever wish for.
I told Dad on Tuesday morning as we were laying on the couch together watching the sun rise that I had fulfilled my duty, helping him find someone that loved him and would take care of him unconditionally. That it was time for me to rest, it was clear that I was only going to start having more bad days than good days. He told me in the Drs office when I was diagnosed that I better at least make it to my birthday .. ok Dad… so I did, and I had a wonderful birthday. I felt great, M made me amazing cookies and we spent all day together in the yard.
Everyone told me when I was little that I would only live a few years... Ha, that turned out to be a crock of you-know-what. Dad and M were convinced that I was going to live forever, kinda had me convinced too. 😊
The reality is that I will live on forever in the hearts and minds of all of you, I hope, not to mention the interwebs... Dad mumbled about a book of some sort… I have the thing written, all he has to do is get it on actual paper. He is also working on a video of my life that I’m sure when he is ready he will finish and post.
My life’s mission was to inspire and spread the joy of living every moment. Many say that I overcame so many obstacles in my life, I say that I just played the cards that were dealt. I saw the good in everything, life is a gift, and we should spend it loving one another. Whenever you are having a bad day or down on your luck, I hope you come back here and scroll through my account and smile. That is what life is truly about, enjoying our time together.
Be kind to one another.
All my love,
🐾Duncan Lou Who🦴

PS. I’m sure Dad and M will make their own posts as well in their own time. 🫂


Update as of 6:30pm PST:
Duncan ate & took his daily meds at the vet's office. He drank more water too.
His blood work showed that (surprisingly) his white blood cell count was fine - however his red blood cell count (unsurprisingly) wasn't't so hot. He's been slightly anemic since the blood showing in his stool started in late June.
Today his vet offered a blood transfusion as an option.
One of the questions he asked was, "Ignoring today, how has Duncan seemed to be doing?"
And the answer was that he's actually been doing well with everything up until today. So we decided to go forward with the blood transfusion. The crux of it all was that Duncan has responded well overall & we felt it was absolutely worth it to give him the chance to feel stronger and less anemic.
After his infusion his energy and color was *much* better. He even ate more. We're home now and will be resting for the most part. Oh - and Duncan was able to walk around to potty when we got to our yard. Everything is still minute to minute, but Duncan is doing better than he was when we posted this original post.
Thank you all so much for the loving support you've shown us. G will always put Duncan's quality of life above all else, just like he always has.

We will be seeing Duncan's oncologist in a couple days & will have his blood work done again then.

Original post:
Hey y'all. It's M here with this Sunday's update.

Please understand that this entire situation has been and is being monitored minute by minute.

We were so happy with Duncan's response to his first week (7/3/23) of his CHOP protocol. (More info about that in last Sunday's update)

The second week was given to him on Tuesday (7/11/23). This week's medication was rougher on Duncan than the first week's was. He's been lethargic this weekend, and his muscle mass (especially in his left shoulder) has been shrinking since the beginning of his diagnosis - making it more difficult to walk for long enough to go potty. Today he doesn't want any food, snacks, or much water.

One of the expected side effects of the medication from 7/11/23 is a drop in white blood cells 5-7 days after treatment. So we're working with his vets on figuring out the best next step.

This isn't a very happy update, but we've always kept you guys in the loop with what's going on with Duncan.

G is evaluating his quality of life at this point, very seriously.


July 13th, 2023
Happy 10th Birthday Duncan!!

We went to my second week of my CHOP protocol yesterday (7/11/23).My vets said that my blood work looks great and has im...

We went to my second week of my CHOP protocol yesterday (7/11/23).
My vets said that my blood work looks great and has improved since last week. (Make sure to read our last update with the good news, posted on facebook).

I feel kind of tired today & just want to be close to dad - the vet says that it's normal for me to feel tired for a little while. Overall I'm doing well and look forward to feeling better.

Tomorrow is my TENTH birthday!!!
M said she's making me my favorite homemade peanut butter cookies and I'm excited for them.

We're all taking everything day by day, and we'll keep you updated as things progress.

In the meantime, check out these funny outfits that my doctor gave to my parents.
With my unique shape, I've always had a little issue with getting some p*e on my legs when I go. It was never a big deal and was always easily fixed.
Well, with the medicine I'm on, my p*e is dangerous for my parents and my legs. So now our potty routine includes a fashion show.

[Photo 1 description: Duncan on G's lap in the clinic's lobby, waiting for his appointment.]

[Photo 2-5 description: Various angles of Duncan being cleaned up by G in the front yard.]


Hey y'all - it's M, popping in to give a quick update.

In short, Duncan's improvement is so impressive & we look forward to seeing his panels at his next appointment.

Since Wednesday Duncan has done nothing but improve every day. Thursday there seemed to be almost no blood in his stool. Also on Thursday, Duncan began having solid bowel movements again after about 5 weeks of diarrhea.
Over a month ago we began working with our primary vet to address the loose stool. We did lots of blood tests, a diet change, supplements, medication - none of which gave us an answer or helped. That's when we were referred to the specialists who found the lymphoma. On Monday the 3rd, we found out that Duncan was a candidate for chemotherapy & we started it immediately.
And, as stated, Duncan is responding so well to his treatment. His energy is up, his food drive is higher than ever. Last week (Sunday - Tuesday), his belly had enlarged and was throwing off his balance which made it difficult for him to walk long enough to potty. Well, on Wednesday morning, his belly looked almost normal. He started running past both of us when we'd take him out to potty and even (needlessly) hopped back and forth over some decorative rocks in the front yard. (Almost as if he was proud of himself & showing off for us. 🥹🥰)

He's doing really well. Thank you all so much for your love and support through this process. Duncan is the boss, and we're following his lead day by day.

Hey y'all! The collective power of love has manifested yesterday and today being the best days I've had in over a week. ...

Hey y'all! The collective power of love has manifested yesterday and today being the best days I've had in over a week. Two days ago I struggled to take enough steps to go to the bathroom. The last 24 hours I've been running up and down the stairs. ( When I can sneak past mom and dad ...! ) AND I heard Dad and M freaking out and watched them jumping up down that there wasn't any red when they wiped my butt with that nasty cold, wet wipe thing. Guess that's a good thing..🤔
We all just wanted to say thank you! The continued outpouring of positive energy is definitely felt and making a difference. You are all amazing! 🥰😍🥰

Dad and M took me to the beach yesterday. Oh the smell, I love it so much. Unfortunately I wasn't really feeling up to i...

Dad and M took me to the beach yesterday. Oh the smell, I love it so much. Unfortunately I wasn't really feeling up to it and I told Dad that I just really wanted to be home, but I definitely wanted to come back when I was feeling better, plus it was really cold and Dad said he didn't want me getting sick.
Maybe it was the new toy Dad got me for the van that had me distracted .. 😁 - as y'all know... Peanut butter trumps them all, even the beach ( and don't tell him, but Dad too 😂 )
Anyway, we are back home and I'm really happy to have my comfy house and quiet time to relax and heal. We cranked up blade runner to drown out all the stupid fireworks.


This is a recording of an Instagram live around 4pm today.
(No, I'm not very tech savvy. I just share p*eks into our life from time to time. Please excuse my ignorance.)

I can't adequately articulate the gratitude I have for all of you and the loving support you've been sending us through this.
Thank you.

Duncan is our entire world. And knowing that you all love him so much, means the world to us.
Knowing that he's touched so many of your lives still blows my mind. You're incredible.


Hi everyone it's G. First and foremost I want to say that we are asking for only positive vibes, prayers and energy dire...

Hi everyone it's G. First and foremost I want to say that we are asking for only positive vibes, prayers and energy directed towards Duncan in this post. Please no sadness, condolences or sorry. We are not there yet. We have hope and are asking for the same from all of you.
Duncan was diagnosed with lymphoma last week after having a few weeks of diarrhea, we thought he just had an issue that could be cleared up and wasn't a big deal. After he didn't respond to the treatment we went to a specialist for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed an enlarged spleen and possible lymphoma in his GI tract.
Biopsy came back this morning positive for lymphoma and it is extremely aggressive.
So.... Under different circumstances I would have let him go today. However, we all know that DLW is a survivor and because of that, we decided to start chemo. I have to give him the chance as he has continually overcome unsurmountable odds.
That being said his quality of life is paramount and that is the highest priority and always has been.
We ask that all the comments, prayers and thoughts be focused on healing and that the chemo will improve his condition.
We are headed to the beach tomorrow to give him some time in the sand and to smell the ocean air. As you all know, that is truly his happy place.


Hey p*eps!!
Happy Sunday! Here are some funny videos from this weekend.

[Video description 2: Duncan's head resting on G's knees. Duncan is totally zonked out and is snoring. ]


Hey p*eps!!
Happy Sunday! Here are some funny videos from this weekend.

[Video description 1: Duncan and G wrestling on the couch. Duncan jumps from one end of the couch to the other to pounce on and tackle G. M makes sure to block Dubbies from falling off the couch while trying to maintain the camera. (Please ignore the mess, it's spring tidying time 😂).]

Just checking-in with everyone!😁😁😁I'm still doing great! I'm healthy, mobile, independent, and playful.We originally pla...

Just checking-in with everyone!
I'm still doing great! I'm healthy, mobile, independent, and playful.

We originally planned to go on a family beach road trip closer to the beginning of the year - but first the weather wasn't cooperative, then we were dog-sitting LJ (G's mom's dog) for a bit, and work got kind of busy for G. So we've postponed a few times. Which is fine by me, I guess. I'd prefer my favorite place (the beach) to not be too cold when we *do* go. 😉🐾🏖️

So - helping (hanging out with) Dad while he works is the plan for the time being.

We hope you all are doing well, too!!

[Image description: Duncan, cozy & curled up on his bed with his fuzzy blanket in the foreground - in focus. Behind him is G, seated at his home-office desk - out of focus. ]


Hey p*eps!! Just checking in to let everyone know that I'm alive and doing great!! (My parents have been getting questions about me.)
Here are some updates: We celebrated my half birthday earlier this month - can you believe that I'm still thriving at NINE AND A HALF years old!? I *still* act like a puppy when I want to play. I'm still 100% independent with pottying, and using stairs. I really haven't slowed down much at all with age. We're planning for an adventure to the beach soon, so keep a look out for some fun posts from my favorite place in the world in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, here's a fun video of me distracting dad from his re-organization project. 🤣😉🐾

[Video description: Duncan on his bed with a huge fuzzy blanket, playing with his favorite raccoon toy. He's playing tug with G, while G tries to maneuver the sprawling cords and wires from his project on the floor behind him. ]

Merry Christmas everyone!! We hope your holiday season has been cozy and safe. We've been enjoying some extra family tim...

Merry Christmas everyone!! We hope your holiday season has been cozy and safe. We've been enjoying some extra family time celebrating all of our traditions - like tree hunting, cookie decorating and we're excited for pancake breakfast in the morning!! 🤤🐾🥞 🎄🍪

[Photo 1 description: Duncan on his bed in the snow by the van. He's wearing his puffy grey & orange coat. Behind him are large snow-covered pine trees and fur trees.]

[Photo 2 description: Duncan standing in the snow, looking away from the camera. Some of the family is in the background among the trees.]

[Photo 3 description: Duncan back on his bed by the van.]

[Photo 4 description: Duncan standing in the snow. He's looking back at the van, watching the family enjoy the snack table.]

[Photo 5 description: Duncan running towards the camera in the snow. His mouth is funny from being mid snow-bite & sneeze.]


My parents were getting a head start on our Christmas lights, but I had other plans!! 🤪🐾

[Video description: Duncan - 9 year old, 2 legged boxer dog - and his dad, G, play in the yard with a rope toy while M records them. Dubbies is being especially crazy and persistent about wanting to play, even when G tries to get back to hanging lights. ]

More info available @ duncanlouwho.com & instagram.com/Duncanlouwho

Happy autumn y'all!! 🎃🍂🐾 We hope that your season has been as filled with love and family time, as ours has been.[Photo ...

Happy autumn y'all!! 🎃🍂🐾
We hope that your season has been as filled with love and family time, as ours has been.

[Photo 1 description: Duncan on the couch behind G's legs. He's leaning forward towards his K9 cousin, Twix (rottweiler puppy). Duncan is all but saying, "nanananabooboo" with his tongue out in Twix's face.] 😂

[Photo 2 description: The end result of our family pumpkin carving party. Six of the lit, carved pumpkins lined up on an orange and black plaid table cloth.]

#🎃 #🧌 #👻

Living my best bark ranger life. 🐾[Photo description: Duncan in Gary's lap in a camp chair on a beautiful day. Duncan is...

Living my best bark ranger life. 🐾

[Photo description: Duncan in Gary's lap in a camp chair on a beautiful day. Duncan is getting pets while he rests his head on G's arm. ]


I still run like the wind! Even at 9 years old!!

[Video description: Duncan and G running on the lake shore towards M (who's holding the camera). The sun is setting behind the mountains in the background.]


I saved a bunch of sticks from the water!! I still hate water (and despise baths) but I really like sticks, and being brave. 💪😉🐾

[Video description: Duncan playing on the beach with G, retrieving sticks from the shore line. There are mountains & a thick tee line behind them.]

This vacation is awesome! And dad even remembered all his camera stuff *strike a pose!* 😁🤣🐾[Photo description: Duncan on...

This vacation is awesome! And dad even remembered all his camera stuff *strike a pose!*

[Photo description: Duncan on his travel bed, with his orange water bowl. Behind him is a protected field of plant life. In the smokey sky, a spectacular sunbeam is p*ering from behind a mountain peak, and Dubbie's head.]

🐾I love adventures! And I love that my parents always have something for me to rest on. 😉🧡[Photo description 1: Duncan o...

🐾I love adventures! And I love that my parents always have something for me to rest on. 😉🧡

[Photo description 1: Duncan on his bed. The dry part of the creek bed is littered with colorful pebbles and rocks. Behind Dubbies the moon is visible, and the sky is lit by the sunset. There is a distant mountain and a near by lush tree line. Duncan looks as regal as can be.]

[Photo description 2: Duncan on his beds, looking towards the camera - his eyes, squinting in the sunlight. His blue water bowl is on a rock in front of him and behind him is a red picnic table. In the distance, the steep & rocky mountain face can be seen through the trees. ]

Perfect day 😍😴Enough duck patrol for now.[Photo description: Duncan resting on his bed by the river. ]

Perfect day 😍😴
Enough duck patrol for now.

[Photo description: Duncan resting on his bed by the river. ]

On duck patrol (from my bed). I love our adventures!! [Photo description: Duncan being very alert, while being cozy in h...

On duck patrol (from my bed).
I love our adventures!!

[Photo description: Duncan being very alert, while being cozy in his bed with a blue and white blanket. The river is behind him, and the weather is perfect.]

I love my cruising spot in the van. I have my own window, and I get to ride right behind my dad. 😎[Photo description: Du...

I love my cruising spot in the van. I have my own window, and I get to ride right behind my dad. 😎

[Photo description: Duncan in he's bed in the van.]


Remember when we announced that I was going to be in a video game back in 2020!?

This project has been so rewarding to see come to fruition. So happy for and proud of Jess.

Hey p*eps!! 🐾The first look at  has been out for just about 2 weeks. How many of you were able to seize the opportunity ...

Hey p*eps!! 🐾
The first look at has been out for just about 2 weeks.

How many of you were able to seize the opportunity to be one of the lucky test-players for this awesome (and positively purposeful) mobile game!?

We'd love to hear about your experience while playing!

[Photo description: A zoomed in screen grab of Duncan's featured in-game avatar. ]


Make sure to follow me over on Instagram.
Sometimes there are posts over there, that are not here on Facebook.



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