T-minus 1 week until I pick up Fair Play! 😍
#oldenburg #dressagehorse #dressage #fei #imported #germanhorse
This was yesterday and today she got 3 changes on a diagonal 😂🖤4th level here we come! @trilogy_saddles @roecklequestrian @onekhelmets @englishridingsupply @proelitefeed @romfhequestrianapparel @thinlineglobal
#dhh #dressage #horse #equestrian #fei
Deva maybe 22 in 2022, but she certainly doesn’t look like it! 🖤
@onekhelmets @thinlineglobal @roecklequestrian @trilogy_saddles @proelitefeed @romfhequestrianapparel @englishridingsupply
Who is ready to see me let Vie loose on Wellington this season? 👑⭐️🥇 .
Alberto Fasciani USA Täkt Saddlery Choice of Champions International Roeckl Equestrian One K Helmets CrossFit Liger
#dressagelife #jadorelavie #happy #fei #fei5yearold #usef #usdf #wellington #dressagebarn #blackmare #dutchharnesshorse #dhh #prestigeperformancehorsesusa #pphusa #champion #winner
Come down for the winter for training and boarding in warm & beautiful Florida! At Prestige Performance Horses USA, Riding Stable, it's all about the horses. Mel Montagano lives on site to guarantee 24/7 care and service to clients and their horses. She will do whatever it takes to promote health & happiness, so they can excel in their athletic disciplines.
Year Round Board
1350 Full Board - Hay, Shavings, Choice of Grain, Care
1050 Partial Board - Hay, Shavings, Choice of Grain OR Care
450 Dry Stall - Stall & facility use only
Seasonal Board
1600 Full Board - Hay, Shavings, Choice of Grain, Care
1300 Partial Board - Hay, Shavings, Choice of Grain OR Care
700 Dry Stall - Stall & facility use only
• 10 stalls, 4 with run outs
• Stall are cleaned twice daily
• 5 turnouts, cleaned daily
• 2 wash stalls
• Arena groomed & watered daily
• Air Conditioned tack room
• Well ventilated stalls with ceiling fans
• Water lines in each stall
• Free choice hay - certified organic from Canada
• Nutrition Services on site
• Concordia Saddle Service on site for saddle fittings & sales
• All disciplines welcome
Contact Mel Montagano 609.602.6346 email [email protected]
#winterinflorida #horsecapitaloftheworld #horses #board #stalls #equestrian #florida #wellington #train #ride #show #barn #nutrition #concordiasaddleservices #melmontagano #pphusa
Callie’s first time in a double bridle! She was a champ about it. Third level here we come! 🎉⭐️ .
#baymare #thirdlevel #doublebridle #wellington #wef #maresrule #schockemöhle #eat #sleep #ride #repeat #eatsleepriderepeat
Happy new year!!! 🎊🎆🎈
Competitive Grand Prix Rider, Trainer, Coach, Sales & Nutrition Consultant
Mel Montagano
Prestige Performance Horses USA
[email protected]
#roecklgloves #roecklequestrian #covesdardenfarm #prestigeperformancehorsesusa #dressage #dressur #equestrian #andalusianhorse #dutchharness #dhh #winner #choiceofchampions #champion #fei #usef #usdf #grandprix #horse #rider #trainer #coach #winnersdontquit #newyear #sameme
POLICE aka Fuzz aka Po Po 👮🏻💦🚿
We did it!!!!!! 🖤⭐️👑🥂🏆🥇Thank you Deva for the most amazing journey together.
Killing time before go time🤦🏻♀️
👌⭐️🖤#canter #zigzag #dressage #mare #blackhorse #dutchwarmblood #usdressagefinals #usef #usdf #fei
🖤⭐️⚜️#vie #dutchharnesshorse #horse #horses #blackhorse #dressage #dressagehorse #dressur #dressurpferd #schleese #roeckl #choiceofchampions #schockemöhle