If you would like to help out with a donation for the kitties, please do so via our GoFundMe page (link below).
Alternatively, you can donate directly into my bank account (in my name, Tobin Darling), which will avoid any fees or costs.
Starling Bank: Tobin Darling
sort code: 60-83-71, a/c no: 97438363
It's not my daily bank account - it's a savings and transfer account so I can send the money from it to the Philippines (actually via another bank account, with Wise), and when I get back there I will be keeping accounts to show how the money is being spent, and publishing them here. :)
If you want a Starling Bank account, just ask me and I will refer you, then we both get a National Trust day pass for 2 people, free! Wow!
They are good as a 'traditional' bank - worth a look - their mobile interface is really slick. But I prefer to stick with Co-Op for my day-to-day banking. I have been with them for over a decade.
Alternatively, you may be interested in Wise (formerly Transferwise) if you travel overseas a lot. They give you midmarket Tx rates and are upfront about their fees for any transfers. I actually use them for sending money overseas, and Starling for withdrawing cash at ATMs - it works in most countries, fee free. If you regularly send money overseas, either to family or some investment, it is worth it. We will both benefit from it if you follow this link to create a Wise account, and if I were you I would go for the free Tx of up to £500. The physical card is not much use (although you can use it in ATMs, I have Starling for that)!
It seems like a complicated setup, but it really isn't. Everything is done online and takes minutes. Even sending money to the Philippines- it used to to take 2-3 days to appear in our bank account there, now it takes 20-30 minutes :)
Hi, I am Tobin, and my wife Maricel and I run a cat sanctuary in the Philippines. P… Tobin Darling needs your support for The Darling Kittyland Love Sanctuary