Pets Without Parasites

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Pets Without Parasites Non-Toxic Flea & Tick protection

After giving in to the pressure of using what everyone else was using for fleas and ticks, when I saw Chico's reaction to the toxic treatment, I said "never again" ..."there has got to be a better way"
I knew better and compromised what I was feeling in my heart. I started to look at other options after he lay listless and lethargic for 48 hours. That's when I started to do MY due diligence and fo

und Pet Protector! Pet Protector drives away all external parasites from your pet. It's used to prevent flea and tick attacks and it is one of the safest anti-parasitic systems. It is effective on animals of any age (even newborns) and weight, including ill, convalescent and pregnant pets. for more info, go to :
THE WORLD'S ONLY PET PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL PARASITES WITH 96.67 % SUCCESS! Other chemical anti-parasite products provide up to maximum 90 % effectiveness. WITH ONE PET PROTECTOR, YOUR PET IS SAFE FOR 4 YEARS! Compared with other anti-parasite products that have to be applied over and over every few months, Pet Protector is your pet's guardian for a 4 year period. If you compare how much money you would have to spend for another product in a 4 year period, Pet Protector costs 20 times less! PET PROTECTOR IS THE SAFEST ANTI-PARASITIC SYSTEM

• Pet Protector is NON-TOXIC and contains NO CHEMICAL elements. Pet Protector helps better blood circulation and therefore strengthens the immune system and initiates detoxification!

• Pet Protector disc can be used from the first day of your pet's life. Pet Protector is non-toxic and contains no chemical elements THEREFORE IS COMPLETELY SAFE FOR YOUR NEWBORN PET. No need to wash your hands after touching it or to stop your children playing with their pet. You can order Pet Protector over our website and we'll deliver it to your home address.


The Pet Protector company developed modern and profitable way of distributing the Pet Protector disc. We know that all our customers are satisfied with Pet Protector disc and that they recommend it to other pet owners. Next to great feeling of being able to make more pets happy and safe, our customers get much more - they are being richly rewarded for recommending our product. There are 4 types of profit, 3 joining levels and additional titles and bonus rewards in our Compensation Plan. Our members generate profit from the infinite binary matrix and develop successful online business without limits - their market is the whole world. You can become our member too, even if you don't have a pet! There's an attractive start up position for people who don't need the Pet Protector disc but want to develop profitable business. FREE ACCESS AVAILABLE ► We have launched Free Trial registration, where everyone can register and generate profit before they become our official members! To learn more about Pet Protector disc and the business opportunity, visit our website and sign up:



Be aware of the possible side-effects of flea and tick products before using them on your dog or cat.

One more webinar tonight at 9 pm est

One more webinar tonight at 9 pm est

Rabies 101: Does Your Pet NEED a Rabies Vaccine? Discover how to assess your risk for rabies where you live. Learn the very real risk of blindly following vet recommendations on rabies vaccination.


I am no longer an affiliate with Pet Protector but I will continue to use it and recommend it because it works. I am still working with animals on a different level ( more to come on that) but for now, I am helping connect people to raise $ for their needs, causes and dreams. Sometimes we have to get our needs met before easing into making our dreams a reality. I am doing it CoOp style. Like Uber, Air BnB and Vista Print. Did you know they were CoOps?

Flea and Tick Product Ingredients: What You Should Know : The Humane Society of the United States

This is a real problem.
SOLUTION: The Pet Protector disc good for 4 years. When used correctly, it is as effective as the chemical treatments, without the poison. Just curious...why WOULD you choose the toxic stuff? Just wondering.

Be aware of the possible side-effects of flea and tick products before using them on your dog or cat.

The Dodo

The Dodo

This is going to change thousands of lives.


PawTree has the solution!
GastroPro Plus.
Fill out a pet profile and I'll send you a sample of the PawTreats!

Pet Protector's International Photo Contest!

We are extremely happy to announce that we have our winner of the International Pet Protector's 'Pet of the month' Photo Contest for the month of December!
The winner is Jerry-Lee Crna Cizmica from Zrenjanin, Serbia!
We congratulate our first place winner on winning a valuable prize: the Pet Protector Disc, which will protect their pet from ticks, fleas and mosquitoes in a safe and healthy way for the next 4 years!
Have you participated in our Contest yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Upload a photo of your pet, invite your friends to vote and you may be our next lucky winner!

Take a part in our Photo Contest and win a fantastic prize! Check it out, it's awesome!

Best Dog Food Reviews and Ratings of 2015 -

Tell me what you think.

Latest Updates July 14, 2015 Since the 2012 recalls, many smaller brands, including WellPet, which owns Eagle Pack and Holistic Select, have cut ties with Diamond entirely. Additionally, Eagle Pack, which we initially eliminated due to its inclusion of corn as an ingredient, has changed its formula…


Would you like to be on the list for the new E-book coming soon on the new website? Message me your email and you will also be entered to win a Pet Protector disc.
Great for gifts too!
A gift that lasts 4 years!


Happy National Dog Day. Where is your picture?


When I brought Chico into the Vet this morning for a dental procedure, I asked them to make sure that the Pet Protector disc was left on. I went on to say that IF the collar HAD to be removed, to keep it placed up against his body. With that being said, it opened up a conversation as to what it was all about. A card was exchanged with the tech and whether or not they are open to it, I don't know but I am not attached to the outcome. I am responsible to make everyone I come in contact with aware of this product! My job is done!


What are you waiting for? I often hear " I have to check it out more" as an answer. And then the crazy cycle continues of using the toxic and potentially deadly treatments. Why? What do you need to know to make a better choice? You will find your answers and concerns addressed on the website or PM me and I will help. If you haven't yet checked it out because you haven't gotten around to it, today might be the day.Your beloved companions will furever be grateful. We ARE their advocates, they rely on us.Let's do right by them.


Chico wearing his Pet Protector disc as he has been for the past 3 years. I wouldn't use anything else.
I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't totally know that it works!
Learn more about it by visiting:


Herbie at his residence for the next 2 weeks while I'm in LA seeing family AND spreading the word about Pet Protector, the 4 year non toxic disc which makes fleas, ticks and mosquitoes a thing of your pet's past! Learn more at www.

20-year-old dog and her best canine friend homeless after owner died

EVERYONE who has a pet, needs to have a plan in place. Just in case. I see it all too often on here. Don't assume that family will take your beloved. Make a plan. I am saying this for me as well. I talk about it all the time and haven't yet taken action. It's never too soon. Especially if you live alone.
Please share!!!

A shelter in Mississippi is doing everything within their power to find a loving new home for a bonded pair of dogs who recently lost their owner.


Check out my cousin's new business.
So excited for her,.

Shop our site for your PAWfectly curated Wagdrobe™ fashion box uniquely tailored for your pets! no subscription/monthly fees! Style your pet TODAY!

Pet Protector's 'Pet Of The Month' Photo Contest!

What are you waiting for? Don't you think your beloved companion is just the cutest ever? Don't you think that he/she deserves the title of "Pet of The Month?" Enter now!

Take a part in our Photo Contest and win a fantastic prize! Check it out, it's awesome!

Non Toxic Pet Parasite Protection

Fleas, ticks & mosquitoes are an issue here in Florida. What part of the globe are you living in? Is it a problem there and if so, what are you doing to protect your beloved companion(s)?
If you are using ANY of the chemical treatments for this, please know that there ARE options. Not only is it toxic for your pet, it is not a good thing for us (humans) to be exposed to as well! Check out the Pet Protector non toxic disc that's good for 4 years!


Today while at the dog park, I started to talk to a man on the other side of the fence (for those of larger stature) about what he uses for flea and tick protection. He said Advantix, so I offered him a card to check out another option. One that was not a poison! One that was safe. Yes... I started to get on my passionate high horse but what struck me is that he said that he was happy because Bianca didn't have a reaction.
Of course I tried to explain that although there was no visible immediate reaction, that it was indeed a toxic chemical going into their bloodstream. When the issues arise as a result, and they can take on all different forms, most vets are not connecting the dots.
Pictured below are Chico and Handsome Herbie, my resident Pet Protector models.


Pet Protector is good for pets of all sizes and ages. Yes...even new born.
* it is suggested that dogs( or other animals over 70 lbs may need to wear 2 discs.)

Pet Protector's 'Pet Of The Month' Photo Contest!

enter your beloved companion in this photo contest for a monthly chance to win a Pet Protector disc and $5000.

Take a part in our Photo Contest and win a fantastic prize! Check it out, it's awesome!

Pet Protector - No Fleas, No Ticks, No Chemicals For 4 Years!

Let's stop poisoning our beloved pets!

Visit our website and find out more about the greatest discovery in the Pet Industry! Stop using toxic chemicals and protect your pet from fleas and ticks with a highly effective, 100% safe and natural solution!

Pet Protector | Promotion

Pet Protector has just started with their Christmas Promotion Prelaunch, and it’s awesome! Your pet will be protected from fleas and ticks safely and effectively for 4 years, FREE of charge!
P.S. Don’t wait, because this is a time limited offer and you’ll get huge benefits only during the Prelaunch!

From November 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, we’ll open our doors to help and support all those pet owners out there who really care about the welfare of their pets and are determined to protect them from fleas and ticks without the use of toxic chemical products.Our company has created a very specia…

Build A Successful Career With Pet Protector!

Build A Successful Career With Pet Protector!

Every pet owner needs our revolutionary product, so it literally sells itself ! Join our zero competition opportunity today and get paid with one of the highest profits in the network marketing industry!

Welcome to the Event

Pet Protector's Thursday Call was outstanding, a great deal of very valuable information was shared. All of you who care for dogs, cats and other live beings, take some time of your busy schedule and watch the replay. 30 minutes of your time mean a world to our furry friends:


Does it REALLY work???????

"I have been using the Pet Protector disc on my five Samoyed dogs for one year. One of my boys used to get flea hot spots every Summer but now has gone through two Summer seasons with no fleas. The humidity is high here in this part of New Zealand and every year the flea breeding season seems to get worse. I used to dose my dogs with chemical spot on treatments and sprays and they weren't working very well. I'd have to reapply too quickly.

All those years I knew it was potentially harmful but I was lucky to never experience the deadly side effects as some poor pet owners have. I didn't dose all year because it just never seemed the right thing to do. But I know pet owners who weren't so lucky. I haven't seen one flea in the last year.

I live on a cattle farm and there is a new type of tiny tick that's arrived in the area. I have attached discs to my three alpacas too to keep those away after being drenched. They have a breakaway safety collar and a cow ankle strap with a disc on each.

I am so glad to have found Pet Protector for many reasons but mainly because I have senior dogs ranging from 9 to 15 1/2 years old and along with their healthy diet, I know that the disc improves their blood circulation and immune system as well as keeping parasites away forever. How could you lose with all that?"
Marilyn Begg, Warkworth, NZ

Marilyn is just one of hundreds of thousands of happy users of the Pet Protector Disc. For everyone out there who has a pet, I sincerely recommend you to take a look at how this great product can preserve the health of your pet:
For more info, please visit:

HolVet - Dr Michele Yasson

A couple of weeks ago, while vacationing in one of my favorite "neck of the woods" as THEY say, I knocked on Dr. Michele Yasson's veterinary practice's door called HolVet. I wanted to introduce the Pet Protector Disc ( the non-toxic flea and tick disc that lasts for 4 years).She very graciously gave me her lunch time ( good timing on my part) and we had a very nice conversation. I'll cut to the chase...she mentioned that she is offering a phone consultation at no cost to us ( no obligation) during the month of July. Just mention PAY IT FORWARD! So today is the last day of July and I am just going out on a limb now to say that I have a feeling that she will honor it IF you take her up on her offer soon!!!!! like tomorrow. is her email to me:

Hello Suzi,
It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the info on PetProtector. I may do a
clinical trial with it.
The code to use for the free appts is indeed, Pay It Forward. There is no
reason for anyone to hesitate. It's not a sales pitch. I just spend 15
minutes by phone answering any questions a pet lover has. I can cover a LOT
of ground in that time. There is no cost, no obligation, no pressure. So
even skeptics can feel comfortable chatting with me.

Thanks for spreading the message!

All the Best,

Michele Yasson, DVM
HolVet ~ Nationwide Holistic Veterinary Services
Holistic Health Coach ~ for people
[email protected]

Established in 1987, HolVet is one of the oldest holistic veterinary practices in the U.S. Dr Yasson is an elder and a pioneer in the field of alternative, natural, holistic medicine. Dr. Michele Yasson specializes in veterinary homeopathy, natural/species appropriate and individually customized…


please please please...if you love your dogs...and cats...horses, whatever is in danger of being exposed to fleas, ticks and mosquitoes and you are using ANY of the chemical products ( Frontline, etc), owe it to them to check out this option...a NON TOXIC one...good for 4 years!

Unconditional Love!


Thank you to all my new "LIKERS". keep sharing. It's important that the word is out that there ARE indeed options to the toxic and potentially deadly poisons that are used on our beloved pets.
Please check out the website for more info as to how the Pet Protector Disc works.


Hello my friends and family and those I have met along the road ( literally while traveling). I have not been as up to date on this page as I would have liked to but back again and intend on keeping this page current. It's important!!!! All I will say for now is that the chemicals are really harming our pets.Please find out why the Pet Protector Disc is a really smart and conscious alternative.Please spread the word. I am open to comments either on my Suzi Kotler page or here.



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