Hello community,
it's been awhile and you're probably worried about us. Don't panic, it's been a difficult time and it's a known pattern for when the going gets tough, we don't focus on social media at all. That or only select social media which was YT last month for only a short period of time before the sun decided to cook us all in WA state.
Let me start off this conversation by saying I love and appreciate my volunteers. Seriously. Thank you team. I'm so glad you love animals and want to be a caretaker or transporter for them, to be their voice. To take them out of uncomfortable, terrible or just sometimes sad circumstances and try to make everything better for them. Life isn't fair. To animal kind and people kind. So thank you for being here at Munchie's Place and for lifting up my spirits whenever something happens in my personal life or a passing at the rescue. Ty kindly for caring.
I'll always be honest to the best of my abilities and right now I'm behind on cleaning tasks. Mainly just cleaning out unused cages or dirty hides. The amount of used bedding that's sitting in my garage because we don't have a large enough trash can, or that I don't have anytime to drive to the nearest dump site and pay for them to take my used bedding bags, is just a lot. Sometimes people wonder how I, Munchie, at the main house, even do it all. Well I used to and I had more animals back then than I do now. I still wonder how I did that while managing two jobs and a rescue. But I had a strong support system back then. Life changes constantly. And what I could handle years ago, I can't anymore due to a new job, a new location, a new place, a new schedule, new health issues, aging, the list can go on. Volunteers come and go. People change and we have to let go. Truly regular stuff you can probably relate to, even if you're not in the hobby of rescuing animals.
Juggling tasks has become hard. I spend 10 hours a day working. 2.5 hours I spend driving on average but I count that towards my total work hours, cause why else would I drive for that long otherwise? Some days it's easy to get to work. Others, not so much. When i get home, I'm exhausted since the job is very labor intense. For those that know me, truly know me, I am a hands on person. I don't do very well sitting at a desk for long periods of time. So my job is very physical. So it makes trying to clean up everything (since we had 56 animals at a time once, maybe even more), even harder. The amount of cage cleans is a lot with that many.
We are now down to almost a handful of critters, you would think cleaning would come easier. But stress is still a major factor for why some days I feel slower to do stuff than others. We are slowly losing the hamster intakes of Aug 2023, to medical problems. Sudden passing's without explanations other than we know their genetics were unhealthy because of the uncontrolled breeding of the past owner. Or maybe we didn't truly know some of their ages and honestly guessed.
For the remaining hamsters and gerbils, there are those at the rescue that we've decided to hold onto, like sanctuary animals. Just because finding the right homes has become too much of a burden for me unless people truly care about their wellbeing, it's rare to see someone invest in a hamster before seeking one from us. Our standards are now very high since this year we had someone rehome our hamster we adopted to them, on Facebook marketplace. I still CANNOT believe that. It haunts me. I knew it could be possible but seeing it after one of our lovely supporters pointed it out, was just a nail in the coffin to me. So now if someone truly wants a hamster from us, we don't list them and people must inquire via email about who we have. Petfinder is now fixed, but I've chosen to stay off of it for now and inquiries are from word of mouth. (ty to those who recommend us).
So my goal for the coming fall to winter 2024 would be to hopefully get more help. That way I can take a load off from always feeling like tasks are just getting pushed to the next day, week, etc. That the burnout stops creeping up on me. That and a family member on my partners side is passing. So I may need to vanish from online yet again to tackle whatever challenges we as a family may face.
If I were to win the lotto, I always told myself I would quit my job and focus souly on the rescue. I had the pleasure of doing it over the pandemic. And it was the best time of the rescues life. We saved so many. I had time to travel and pick up critters (also no one was on the road), to be answering emails as quickly as they were sent. If I had land, I would build a rescue building from the ground up. Invite trusted volunteers to my home. And if we had the money or volunteer power, maybe I could take a real vacation. The only time I ever considered it being a vacation was traveling to Arizona and back up to WA by car, within 24 hours, to visit family for just 4 total days. And even then you can't count that truly as a vacation, especially if you cant sleep and are driving for 9+ hours at a time.
I miss chatting with you all. I am only human and times like this feel like one in a few now a days. It's almost midnight for me and i still haven't relaxed after coming home from work. But I just checked emails, cleaned out some junk mail, fed the critters in the rescue and now I'll for the last half hour, try to do something for myself before falling asleep and waking up for work in 7 and a half hours.
You guys take care. I appreciate you all for letting me babble. I'll try taking some photos of the hammys/gerbils soon and hopefully can be back to posting consistently.