Brush Creek Border Collies

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Brush Creek Border Collies Want a great dog sport partner, consider a border collie. They'll be happy to do whatever you want. Occasionally we have SAR puppy candidates available.

We raise and train Border Collies for agility, obedience, SAR and as companions. Currently 4 of our puppies are FEMA certified and 1 is working toward it. Puppies occasionally available. Most litters are sold out 1 to 2 years in advance, sorry for the inconvenience.


PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THERE ARE A FEW FAKE FACEBOOK PAGES FOR THE AKC NATIONAL AGLITY CHAMPIONSHIP. THIS IS THE ONLY ONE! We do not send out invitations to the page, post links to merchandise for sale that is not in our event store (that is no closed) or post links to livestream that require a credit card to access. We report to FB - but it is very hard to get FB to remove.

Providing the Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus Areas with Humane & Effective Geese Control, Management, & Remova...

Providing the Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus Areas with Humane & Effective Geese Control, Management, & Removal.

For all my friends in the area of Joliet, Illinois. Could be a good way to see if a puppy were a fit for you. But foster...

For all my friends in the area of Joliet, Illinois. Could be a good way to see if a puppy were a fit for you. But fostering is such a worthwhile thing to do. Having done several hundred dogs myself it is so heartwarming and beneficial for both the foster person and the foster dog.

Need fosters. It's raining puppies!
Grab your umbrellas and rain boots. We are desperately in need of fosters.
Please share
Contact 815-530-1124
Apply at www.allherdingbreeddogrescue

When one of the best things in your day is knowing that a dog you’ve bred could save a life.

When one of the best things in your day is knowing that a dog you’ve bred could save a life.


Saw this on Matt Twitty’s page and thought it was worth sharing.

What a Bordercollie is not.

By Sue Kinchin, a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers.

If you have a Border Collie you have a very special dog; a dog that is intelligent, sensitive, eager to please and very quick to learn. Sounds like the perfect pet? Yes, with our help they can make wonderful pets, but we need to remember that when we take one of these very special and complex dogs into our homes we have a responsibility to try to understand all the factors that make a Border Collie what it is. The more we can understand our Border Collies the less likely it is that we, and our collie, will encounter serious problems. Border Collies have been bred for generations in a very specific and restricted environment for a very specific task and, as a breed, are relative newcomers to life as pets. Some cope very well and others struggle. It is our duty to try to understand these beautiful, clever creatures and to help them to cope.

We can easily find books that tell us what Border Collies have been bred for. We will be warned about their sensitivity to movement and tendency to chase things and about the fact that they need to have their brains occupied, but what we are not generally asked to think about are those characteristics that are not necessary in a working sheepdog, but which make life easier for a pet dog.

Anyone who has owned Border Collies will be aware that they are generally cautious dogs. Without intensive and sensitive socialisation as puppies they are often wary of people, intolerant of unfamiliar dogs and anxious about anything new or changing. Even with intensive socialisation some retain these characteristics. Border Collies are prone to being affected by a single bad experience and have poor "bounce back" when something goes wrong for them.

They are very sensitive to reprimands, but equally crave guidance and instruction. Because they are very sensitive to movement, any fast movement that they cannot control can be very disturbing to them. No wonder so many Border Collies hate traffic. Remember though, it is this sensitivity and intelligence that we find so appealing.
So why are they like this? Why can life upset them so easily? To understand our collies fully we need not only to consider what they have been bred for, but also what they have not been bred for.

When a shepherd is selecting dogs to breed from he is selecting for a specific task and characteristics that do not interfere with this task are likely to be ignored.
Over the generations your Collie has NOT been bred to:

• Cope with noise … collies need to have very acute hearing to hear and interpret a shepherd's signals at a great distance, but sheep farms are generally quiet places and their sensitive hearing does not cause them problems. Urban and domestic life bombards our dogs with noise and this can cause them extreme stress. Be aware of this and if necessary protect your dog from excessive noise. Speak quietly to your collie, he doesn't need you to shout at him.

• Cope with change ... sheep farms tend to be relatively unchanging places, there are sheep, the shepherd and his family, the barn where the dog sleeps and an odd tractor or car. Sheep dogs don’t generally need to cope with change. Every time our urban collie leaves home the street outside will probably have changed (new vehicles, new people, rubbish skips etc.). Just going out for a walk, even if the dog looks forward to his walk, can generate stress and we need to be aware of this and help him cope.

• Cope with the presence of strangers/visitors or groups of people ... sheep farms tend to be isolated places. It is not necessary to be at ease with people to be a good working sheep dog. In a pet home, our dogs are surrounded by many strange people in the street and visitors to the home. If you get your collie as a puppy make sure he is sensitively socialised to people at an early age. If he is older respect the fact that he may find meeting strange people stressful.

• Cope with the presence of strange dogs ... apart from the familiar dogs with similar characteristics that live on the farm with them, working sheepdogs are unlikely to need to mix with other dogs. As pet owners we expect them to meet a lot of strange dogs, many with appalling dog manners, and often with our dog on a lead so that it does not have the option of running away. Even if your collie does not react aggressively in these situations he could well be very stressed.

Many sheepdogs will never leave their farms so traditionally they haven't really needed to get on with other dogs or unfamiliar people. Sociability and resilience are not characteristics that have historically been important in the development of the Border Collie. Although your dog may not be directly from working stock he will still have many of the characteristics inherited from generations of working sheep dogs and equally he may not have inherited those characteristics that would make life in a pet home easier for him.
Shepherds are the experts with Border Collies and we can learn a lot from them. Yes, we've all heard of harsh and callous shepherds, but many value their dogs very highly, not just as working dogs, but also as members of their family. Watch a sheepdog working, it is referring back to the shepherd for guidance all the time. His impulses to chase and control movement are under very tight control. The shepherd is guiding the dog and the dog is exhibiting self-control. Ideally this is how we want our collie to be with us. If he is checking in with us to find out what do next not only is he under control and less likely to get himself into trouble, but he is also getting reassurance from us. He doesn't have to worry; we will tell him what to do in any situation. Encourage your dog to look to you for guidance; it shouldn't be too hard, it's in his genes.

l Watch the shepherd too. He has to keep very calm and guide his dog at all times. You just don't see excitable shepherds, an excitable shepherd would mean an excited dog and scattered sheep! Be a calm owner. Think about this if you are considering agility or flyball with your collie, a good working sheep dog is fast and has lightning reflexes, but is not in a state of over-excitement. Teach your dog calmly what you want him to do. If he understands and is enjoying what he is doing he will do his best; after all he has been bred from generations of dogs selected for their willingness to work as a team with their handler. There is no need for your dog to be roused to a hysterical state for it to perform well, and it is bad for its mental and physical health to be in such a state. If your dog shows signs of stress or gets over-excited ask yourself is this is really the best activity for him.

A final thought ... when a working sheepdog is not working alongside the shepherd he is shut away in a quiet, non-stimulating place to rest and recover and to keep him out of mischief. Importantly, adrenalin levels that have probably been quite high while he is working now have a chance to return to normal. Your sensitive, alert pet collie is being bombarded with information from his environment all the time; make sure he has plenty of opportunity to rest in a secure, non-stimulating place where he can relax.


Long after the last play was called in the 2020 Super Bowl and fans and players left the stadium, an amiable golden retriever named Scout, who appeared in a 30-second commercial during the game’s second …

Being a breeder has been such a rewarding part of my life. However, as I approach my 70th birthday later this year, it's...

Being a breeder has been such a rewarding part of my life. However, as I approach my 70th birthday later this year, it's time for me to retire from breeding.

I (and my stud dog owners) have always made it a point to be there for my puppy buyers and always willing to take back any dog that needs me or give any helpful advice we can.

Any puppies I would produce now, would be 10 when I'm 80 and who knows if I'll even be around then. So, I've made the decision that I won't be breeding anymore.

Beep is 7 heading toward 8 and should give me another 4 or years of agility and Mae is just 17 months and I'm hoping will give me at least another 10 years of fun running her. At that point, we'll see where I'm at in my life. I'm still happy to help people find puppies that I know of and admire from my many friends that will still be or starting to breed.

Thanks to everyone that has gotten a puppy from me, and shared that puppy's life with me in person, pictures and stories. You are the best of the best when it comes to being dog owners. Hoping this year and those to come, bring you joy and check marks on your life list.

Thought I’d share an updated picture of Beep and Thief’s daughter Zyp. She’s so adorable and growing fast and acing her ...

Thought I’d share an updated picture of Beep and Thief’s daughter Zyp. She’s so adorable and growing fast and acing her training classes. Even got to skip a level.

For all my GSP loving friends ☺️

For all my GSP loving friends ☺️


We're still looking for dogs to participate in the following clinical trial. Please click the link for eligibility requirements:


280 grants, thank you!


Isn't this a beautiful piece 😍


CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL INVITED TO THE 2022 AKC Agility INVITATIONALS! Selling commemorative 2022 AGILITY INVITATIONALS MAGNETS: TWO for $20.00 includes shipping. (PayPal must be as “Friend”) LIMITED AMOUNT!!Taking advance orders with payment. Your magnets will arrive in September.



Thank you so much for always supporting these fun d raisers! 🤣❤️These magnets are quality, fun to put on your car (or wherever) & what a great momento / souvenir of being invited to the prestigious AKC Invitationals! CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing accomplishment & you’re supporting the junior team!!! How great is that!! All of the profits go for 2023 AKC Junior Agility Team USA ❤️🇺🇸❤️ THANK YOU ❤️U XOXOXOXO

Morning gardening is tiring work. 😍 with Ellie McCully and Steve McCully.

Morning gardening is tiring work. 😍 with Ellie McCully and Steve McCully.

 The puppies have been working hard on becoming good little family members.

 The puppies have been working hard on becoming good little family members.

AKC is more than just dog shows and records.

AKC is more than just dog shows and records.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank AKC Reunite and USPCA for sponsoring the sheriff’s office to assist in purchasing K-9 Odin!

They're here! Born on 6-6-22 starting about 9pm and done before midnight. Thief introduced something I'm not used to see...

They're here! Born on 6-6-22 starting about 9pm and done before midnight. Thief introduced something I'm not used to seeing. Lots of white! The top white one is a girl laying on the other girl. Then the 3 boys are next to Beep.

We're excitedly waiting on the arrival of 5 little ones that will "steal" your hearts from Beep and Thief (Tracy Hanna)....

We're excitedly waiting on the arrival of 5 little ones that will "steal" your hearts from Beep and Thief (Tracy Hanna). Only a few more days of waiting left.

PS. All puppies are spoken for.

Update, x-ray done and 5 puppies it will be. :)💌Exciting news!!💌My Beep (Bebop) daughter of Kip x Sharon Allswede's Ben ...

Update, x-ray done and 5 puppies it will be. :)

💌Exciting news!!💌My Beep (Bebop) daughter of Kip x Sharon Allswede's Ben is confirmed pregnant by Tracy Hanna's Thief who's a smooth son of Karen Thompson's Imp. Jimmy x Imp. Jan. Puppies are due on June 6th. They saw at least 5 on the ultrasound and that's what she had last time so that would be fine. All puppies are currently spoken for but wanted to share this exciting news. Expected whelp date is about 6-6.


Happy 10th Birthday to Hope (Katrina Walters), Tru (Sara Mishefske) and Jolt in heaven (Jeremy & Cheri DeRose Brinkmeier). They were the first 3 Kipplets (Kip x Jake). Have a fun day and many more healthy birthdays. And congratulations to Hope who will be competing at the AKC NAC in Ocala FL this year.

Beep got mail ❤️ 👣 🐾 🐾 ❤️

Beep got mail ❤️ 👣 🐾 🐾 ❤️


Brush Creek Kip 4-4-09 ~ 11-1-21 💔🐾🐾👣💔

And just like she came to us she left, without warning or planning. When I went that day to find a puppy for a friend she got in my car with her 3 other littermates and by the time I was home she was in my heart. She was totally unexpected. She left us that way too, totally unexpected.

She didn’t have a bunch of fancy titles. But her labels of best friend, best mother ever, amazing grandma, and perfect farm dog say so much about her. She thought I was the best person on earth and how lucky I was for that.

She leaves behind her a trail of joy for so many people with all of her wonderful puppies. She brought so many new people into my life that I wouldn’t have become friends with otherwise. I owe her so much of my joy.

She stayed long enough to help train her granddaughter Mae some and I’m so thankful. Without her I wouldn’t have her daughter, my Beep (Bebop). And anyone that knows her knows Bunny (Kip’s cat as we call her) is totally lost and doesn’t know what to do and where to sleep.

That’ll do Kip, that’ll do….. 💔🐾🐾👣💔

Beep got mail! 👣🐾🐾❤️

Beep got mail! 👣🐾🐾❤️

Got to see Mozz at the agility trial yesterday so I took a couple pictures of him for those of you with Bebop puppies. I...

Got to see Mozz at the agility trial yesterday so I took a couple pictures of him for those of you with Bebop puppies. I also got to see Juni and what a little sweetheart she is! Her and her mom had fun romping in JoAnn’s yard yesterday.

Bebop x Mozz’s little girl Raven tried her paws at dock diving. First try and this! Way to go Becky! “Took the pups to T...

Bebop x Mozz’s little girl Raven tried her paws at dock diving. First try and this! Way to go Becky! “Took the pups to The Gated Dock and little sister Raven showed up the boys. Her personal best was 14’3. Not bad for 7 months old.”




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What We’re About

We raise Border Collies and train for herding (sheep), agility, obedience, rally, scent, disc and dock diving and as companions of course. Occasionally we have SAR puppy candidates also. Currently 4 of our puppies out of Kip are FEMA certified. Puppies occassionally (maybe 1 litter a year), all dogs dual reg. AKC (for dog sports) & ABCA to maintain their heritage.

Maybe in the future after I retire from my agility job, I’ll have 2 litters a year once in a while. It will depend on how our newest girl Brush Creek’s Livin’ the Dream (Liv) “Olive” on her ISDS papers, turns out.

I’m always happy to help you find a puppy, or to give any advice or information that you might find helpful.