Information, advice, discussion and testimonials about how Concentrate of Tahitian Noni, the worlds first and most powerful superfruit, can help not just people, but dogs of all ages and breeds to thrive both physically and mentally. News of it's myriad benefits spread like wildfire across the planet making Morinda the 4th fastest growing company in its first 5 years. This included numerous veteri
narians. This is the report of one such:
We still have TNJ available but we prefer to use the concentrates as they are pure Noni and the concentrated form is easy to administer to pets. Limehouse, DVM, CVA - February 6th, 1997. Dear Dr. Zosche,
You asked how we are using Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) at our clinic. When we first started dispensing the product, I was very selective and used it in cases of cancer. A high percentage of the clients reported back that their animals were acting very young and playful...more so than in a long time. In a few cases, some tumors actually regressed...a squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva of an old Labrador Retriever shrunk by 1/2 its original size. In a dog with multiple lipomas, several have decreased in size and some have even resolved. An undifferentiated mammary tumor on another dog is non-palbable within 1 month. With the reports of increased well-being in cancer patients, I started using Noni for cases of degenerative joint disease with stiffness and/or weakness. Many of these dogs and cats responded within 2 weeks or less and became less stiff, increasingly able to get up on elevated surfaces (jump on the bed, get into the car), and alsobegan playing more. Now we are placing all geriatric animals on Noni Juice to evaluate their
restrictions. Some of these animals we re-evaluate ourselves. Some are not being re-examined, but the owners are asking for refills of Noni for their pets or themselves. The majority of these animals are improving within 3-4 weeks, with an occasional one taking as long as 2 months before improvement is noticed. However, these are usually animals that have been slow in responding to other treatments, or in whom the duration of effect of other therapies has been limited. I have tried it on several cats with millary dermatitis and dogs with atopic disease. Even though we have continued our regular therapies along with Noni, these cats have responded more quickly, and are remaining free of skin problems. Our own Golden Retriever is a classic atopic, sensitive to almost all pollens found in this area of Southern California. Although we did not anticipate using him as a test case, because of our travel and teaching schedule, we were unable to treat him with acupuncture for about 6 weeks. Historically, this would have meant severe dermatitis...yet, with him receiving Noni twice daily, his allergies are almost non-existent, and his coat looks the best it has since he's lived in Los Angeles! Several other pet owners have contacted us to report that parasitic animals have improved dramatically with the use of Noni.