Merry Christmas and Happy New Years everyone from The VERY Moody Farm!
We’ve been working hard on the farm building a 2nd Hay Stand/Rack, adding fun jumps and we fenced in an extra play yard for the goats. Picked up a few new roosters. And a breeding pair of Chocolate Laced English Orpingtons! I can’t wait to post their pictures!!! 😱😱😱
Time to enjoy some snuggle time with all the critters! Gary Boy is snuggling with little Mr RJ! Tooooo sweet! Brooke loving on a baby bunny. I sat in the play yard with the goats the other day soaking up some warm sunshine and enjoyed some snuggles from Maybelle for nearly an hour! She’s such a lover! Bingo and Bluey took turns for pet time to. It was a wonderful time.