Sweet Marshmallow is settling into her foster home and getting some much needed love and attention. Her fosters say she needs to put on some weight, but is super kind and learning to be brave inside! We know she is going to be spoiled rotten.
To becom an approved adopter go to
Have a Quincy Christmas!
Quincy is a 2 year old, 70 lb gorgeous black Lab mix. He is the perfect gentleman with a kind and loving personality. He has been around kids as young as 5 yrs old and done great. Quincy is very friendly and playful with other dogs of all ages and is looking for his forvever family!
How about we make his Christams a special one!
To become an approved adopter you can fill out an applicatio at
Polar Bears!
Just a little cuteness from our Celebration Crew for your afternoon!
Have you applied to become an approved adoptot yet?
Our Celebration Crew pups are 3 weeks old now and just had their first official photoshoot. CUTENESS OVERLOAD! Eyes have opened and all are over 4 pounds! These special pups should be available mid-January, so if you are interested in adopting you need to get your application in sooner than later. Our puppy adopters have a few extra boxes to check, and we want you to be ready and waiting!
To become an approved adopter go to
Lute's toy
Lute is a 4-year old, yellow boy who came to SOLR when his family lost their home. He is 67 pounds of sweetness. Lute is quite calm and quiet and loves to be around his people and does well with other dogs. He has even lived with cats in his previous home. Lute is house-trained, knows the doggy door, can sit, shake and lay down.
You become an approved adopter go to
Charlie 14 needs a home!
Charlie 14 is a one year old black lab mix who is looking for his forever home!
Charlie is a friendly boy and loves everyone he meets. He likes toys and playing fetch even more. He also loves to play with his foster sibling so his forever home will have to have a young, playful dog sibling. Charlie is house trained and crate trained and enjoys car rides.
To give Charlie a forever home, you can apply to become an approved adopter at
Puppy cuteness
Your puppy cuteness for the day! Merry, Happy, Bubbly, Confetti, Dancer, Midnight and Sparkler are growing up and have their first official photo shoot tomorrow!
Lily loves to play
Look at our girl, Lily, go! Yes, she is feeling better, and yes, she loves to play with other dogs! We are so proud of this sweet girl and cannot wait to see her find her forever family.
Cuteness overload
The Celebration Crew just crossed the 2-weeks mark! Their eyes are opening and should be fully open in the next day or two. The puppies are almost all 3 pounds already and are the sweetest things around.
They are being bottle fed every 4-5 hours around the clock and are just starting to be introduced to potty training as they were already squatting to potty on their own already! Watch out world, these guys are smart!
Sadie's new trick
Our sweet Sadie 12 is learning new tricks to impress you! She is settling in nicely at her foster home and will be available soon so keep your eyes open for details.
Three way kiss
Everyone needs puppy kisses in their lives!
The Celebration Crew is doing well and we are starting to get peeks of their little eyes!
This is Benny!(aka Sir Benjamin, Benjamin Franklin, Benny Bops, Yamin, baked bean) His family sent us this heart warming update!
He joined our family just over a month ago and we are so thankful he came into our lives. We spent 4 days at a boat-in campsite on Roosevelt this weekend and sitting by the fire one night, Benny just happily walked over, jumped on the boat and took a cat nap in the seat. Lucas was a little choked up when he did that! Thank you SOLR for all you do and for giving us the most unexpected and perfect addition to our family