Puller Canada

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Puller Canada PULLERS + YOUR DOG + MY METHOD = GREAT THINGS!! Less overwhelm, more time, happy dog and happy life!

PULLER Chase organiser
DOG PULLER classes
ABSOLUTE believer in Pullers as the BEST toy and training tool for active dogs :-)
And of course POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT based training as recommended by the founder of PULLERS (and good dog trainers everywhere!)


Last Q&A of the series. New format and time coming soon :-)

Be sure to check out the first comment and watch the live for competition details!

This is your reminder to join me live at 10!Cute photo is of Soleil, loved by Kelsi Ruff ❤️ at a Puller fun match

This is your reminder to join me live at 10!

Cute photo is of Soleil, loved by Kelsi Ruff ❤️ at a Puller fun match


Check the video to see who won!


Follow these to keep your dogs safe while playing with Pullers

Don’t forget to join me live at 10am!I’ll be sharing tips to help make play safer for extreme dogs. Watch or join for mo...

Don’t forget to join me live at 10am!

I’ll be sharing tips to help make play safer for extreme dogs.

Watch or join for more chances to win!

UPDATE:  winners were announced!  be sure to check out the live last Friday (29th March) for who won and instructions on...

UPDATE: winners were announced! be sure to check out the live last Friday (29th March) for who won and instructions on how to claim your prizes.

Time to share the Puller Love 💜

I need your help to spread the word about how great Pullers are and how much they can help people and dogs. To do this we need more people involved! So…

First prize is a a set of Pullers for you and a friend who is not currently following this page. I’ll cover shipping if in North America. But anyone can win anywhere! (Approx $60 value although not redeemable for cash)

Second prize is an t-shirt. Same rules for shipping.

How to win…

Like this post and in separate comments

1. Tag a friend who has pullers and isn’t in this page as of today.
2. Tag a friend who doesn’t have pullers but you think might like them.

You need to do both to be entered. Each tag = an entry.

You can comment as many times as you’d like to and each new tag will get an entry after the initial tags 1 & 2.

Come back every day for more ways to get more entries!

Competition closes on Friday and the draw will happen Friday evening, 6pm PST.

This competition isn’t associated with meta in any way.

Are you a coffee or tea kinda morning person?As my dogs have matured and I have a baby in the house, mornings look a lit...

Are you a coffee or tea kinda morning person?

As my dogs have matured and I have a baby in the house, mornings look a little different for me, but the drink is still the same!!

I'm definitely a coffee person. I've tried to change, I've tried to kick the habit, drink MDWTR or something else that's potentially better for me...but I always come back to coffee. And sadly, I think I'm a better person for it 😮 yes! I said it out loud 🤣

On Sundays (and every day now) I get to drink my coffee before taking the dogs for a walk or a play. I get to savour it.

So, your turn! are you a coffee or tea kinda person?? no judgement from me, I promise :-) Drop an emoji in the comments, and Happy Sunday!

What does your dog prefer treats or toys...well Pullers really!??My FB live on Wednesday somehow got lost in that days' ...

What does your dog prefer treats or toys...well Pullers really!??

My FB live on Wednesday somehow got lost in that days' tech issues, so if you were there, you saw it and if you weren't...well I owe you a rerecording. Apologies.

I talked about food and that even though or perhaps becuase my dogs love toys so much, I find food even more important.

As a coach and dog guardian I choose to work without punishment and so I need all the other tools I can get. Food is amazing at bringing dogs' arousal levels down and helping them to think more clearly.

I use it for things like:
- teaching puppies outs;
- ending my game;
- teaching a casual drop it in the houe;
- checking that my dog can think and hear their food reinforcement cues before playing;
- and so much more!

So, do you still use treats even though your dog loves Pullers? share in the comments!

Take a moment to reflect on how far you've come, and to celebrate!So often we get caught up in looking ahead at that goa...

Take a moment to reflect on how far you've come, and to celebrate!

So often we get caught up in looking ahead at that goal, that destination, and we don't stop to appreciate the journey so far.

Happiness is in the moments when you can enjoy and appreciate the journey and reliase how far you've come and how much you've achieved already.

Share a GIF of how you feel :-)


Your chance to get your questions answered about anything Pullers!!

- dog not returning?
- dog not picking up?
- want your dog to tug more?
- come all the way back?
- destroying Pullers?
- not outing/dropping?

and more!


LIVE Q&A is starting is 30 mins!!
Tune in to get your questions answered
or put them in the comments 😊

Does your high drive working dog settle?You’ve probably been told “it’s training” or “genetics” or some other such excus...

Does your high drive working dog settle?

You’ve probably been told “it’s training” or “genetics” or some other such excuse when someone’s training hasn’t worked.

This is Cash. At the time of the photo he was 4. He is an extremely high drive Malinois; bred to do protection work at the highest levels.

We were staying in a hotel. I’d been teaching all day so he’d had some, but not a lot of exercise.

It’s the kind of exercise he had that makes the difference.

He’d been my Puller demo dog.

And although Pullers can be used just for exercise, when combined with a system of clear communication, clarity and consistency, they become the most amazing reward for training.

And do Cash was not only physically but mentally tired. And because training is ALWAYS fun, it’s not stressful and so he was a happy dog too.

These things count. If you really want your dog to be tired at the end of 20 mins if exercise, it can just be throwing a ball.


Play is the most fun thing you can do with your dog…period.

When you see dogs out there going fancy behaviours and tricks…

When you see agility dogs running super fast course…

When you see highly motivated and engaged dogs working with their people

Do you think their dogs are trained with treats alone?

Absolutely not.

What you see is a result of toys + person.

If you aren’t using toys in your training you’re leaving huge potential on the table.

Do you play with toys with your dog? Comment below! Or perhaps you disagree! That’s ok too 😊

What kind of unwanted behaviours reduced when you started playing PULLERS with your dog?You might not have noticed immed...

What kind of unwanted behaviours reduced when you started playing PULLERS with your dog?

You might not have noticed immediately, but maybe you realised one day

“hey! My dog lets me chill uninterrupted in the house now”


“I haven’t had to fill in a hole in the backyard in a while 🤔”


“Hmmm…looks like I don’t need to hide my shoes anymore. Fido is leaving them alone!!”

Or maybe even…

“You know I don’t think he’s barked at the neighbour’s dog while on leash in a few days.”

Let me know in the comments!!!
And if you don’t want to type lots and it’s something I’ve mentioned just type 1-4!


Answers to your Puller questions

Don’t forget to join me for bite sizes Q&As starting Wednesday (tomorrow!!) at 10 PST.

Don’t forget to join me for bite sizes Q&As starting Wednesday (tomorrow!!) at 10 PST.

Did you know that playing PULLERS properly is the safest way for your dog to play fetch?Have you ever felt your stomach ...

Did you know that playing PULLERS properly is the safest way for your dog to play fetch?

Have you ever felt your stomach drop and your breath catch as you launch a ball for your dog and it hits and an unseen object that sends it off in a direction you couldn’t have imagined….but you know your dog will go for it anyway???

Or you’ve clenched your teeth and held your breath (always the breath holding 🤣) as your dog flings themselves at the frisbee and you’ve no idea what the landing will look like 😬

Well…there none of that with PULLERS.

A proper Puller throw:
💜 places the puller in front of your dog for a clean pick up
💜 it rolls so no fear of crazy bounces
💜 it rolls on the ground so no fear of crazy catches and landings.

And your dog will love them the most!! If they don’t already!!

Play safe and have fun with your dog today’


UPDATE: the first Q&A is Wednesday at 10 am PST!! You still have time to get your questions in.

**Live question and answer sessions starting soon!!!**

Do you have any burning (or maybe just smouldering…) questions that you’d like answered about Pullers?

Any questions at all!! I’d love to hear them and answer them. I’m going to be going LIVE once a week…likely Wednesday 10am PST but to be confirmed. But just in case you can’t join me, you can submit your questions ahead of time and I’ll answer them.

They can be anything from:
- a training problem,
- to how to use them,
- to how to get them back,
- sporting questions, etc.

I am a certified Puller Coach as well as a certified dog trainer and Pullers are my passion and helping you to love playing with pullers and your dogs fits right into that passion bucket!!!

So please ask away! And if you don’t want to ask in the comments, PM me or add to the story 💜

And, as always, every day is a great day to play with your Pullers!!

Swimming..anyone?? Or should I say everyone 🤣 Swimming for PULLERS is one of our favourite things to do. I bet we aren’t...

Swimming..anyone?? Or should I say everyone 🤣

Swimming for PULLERS is one of our favourite things to do. I bet we aren’t the only ones…

Question time!How do you use your Pullers most of the time …as a set or a single toy?The face a dog mad for his Puller! ...

Question time!
How do you use your Pullers most of the time …as a set or a single toy?

The face a dog mad for his Puller! Zeke always uses 2 😊💜 doesn’t he Ranjini Rajasingham??

The 5 sizes of Puller!There is a size for all sizes of dogs 🙂 From the tiny Micro, for puppies and very small dogs, all ...

The 5 sizes of Puller!

There is a size for all sizes of dogs 🙂 From the tiny Micro, for puppies and very small dogs, all the way to the BIG Maxi.

Fun fact: the maxi was the first that was designed, initially in the likeness of a bite sleeve...for bitey dogs. But very quickly, sizes were developed for all dogs, appropriate to leg length, grip size and drive levels.

Which one is your dog's favourite?

When’s the best time to start teaching your dog to play with Pullers?The answer is very simple… 💜 NOW 💜And the next best...

When’s the best time to start teaching your dog to play with Pullers?

The answer is very simple… 💜 NOW 💜

And the next best time is when your dog’s a puppy 😊 if your dog is a puppy now, even better.

A bit confusing? Let me explain…

Chances are, if you’re here, then you have a fairly energetic dog and you’re looking for something else to do with them.


You’ve found that something, now don’t delay or question or second guess…go for it!

In a years time you want your look back and see how far you’ve come and how much Fun your dog is having. You don’t want to look back and wonder…and then think “I should have just given them a try last year…”

And the puppies….

All puppies like to play so take advantage of this!! It will never be easier than when they are a puppy to teach them to play with Pullers from scratch.

But no matter what, these mantras will help you

💜 I have fun with my dog no matter what!
💜 let it be easy

It can be easy…as long as you’re having fun 😉

Make every day a Puller Day!

If you have a senior dog you know that feeling when they suddenly can’t do the things they used to. They can’t quite jum...

If you have a senior dog you know that feeling when they suddenly can’t do the things they used to.

They can’t quite jump into the car anymore, the can’t see a toy in the grass…

And yet sometimes they act like spring chickens and a ready to go!

This week my darling 11yr old Inga told me she was getting old when she couldn’t follow a ball at dusk. [I only play with balls that have strings or rope, in this case a liker ball lumi, for my dogs’ safety]. She couldn’t follow the ball in the air 🙁

I was surprised as we still play with Pullers. Then I realised…. When I throw a Puller it’s in front of her and it rolls on the ground so she can chase it easily!!

So, if you have a senior dog, Pullers are a great way to go! Easy to chase and see and a rolling pick up is far easier on their bodies than the impact of a stopped ball.

Give it a try and your dog’s smile will warm your heart 💜

Don’t forget that your set of Pullers doesn’t do just one thing…it does EVERYTHING!!

Don’t forget that your set of Pullers doesn’t do just one thing…it does EVERYTHING!!

Are you interested in making some money on the side by sharing a product you love??Is that a yes…or a HELL YES??!! 🤣So i...

Are you interested in making some money on the side by sharing a product you love??

Is that a yes…or a HELL YES??!! 🤣

So it seems that people hear about Pullers from…you guessed it, other people! And they buy them because someone they trust recommended them.

No surprise there, if you think about it.

Just seeing them in a store isn’t enough to make people buy. Why?
- because they’re different
- because the dog next door doesn’t have them
- because most people don’t know of or understand the two toy concept
- because rings aren’t a ‘thing’…yet.

And also because most of the people who run pet stores that I’ve come across, aren’t passionate about playing and the enormous health benefits playing affords our dogs. And that’s ok. This is not a judgement, just an observation.

But the scenario goes like this:

You tell your friend about Pullers and they like the idea and this out it for a while.

And the next time they’re in the local pet store they look for them…. But can’t find them 🤦‍♀️ oh no!!

And because it isn’t something they love yet or know lots about, they don’t go to the store attendant and ask about them. Instead they buy some other toy and home they go.

2 months go by before you see them again and in the meantime they’ve forgotten all about pullers.

BUT this doesn’t have to be how it goes. YOU could ensure they get into stores AND make some money just buy telling stores about a product you already love. It’s that simple!

That’s right, you don’t need to sell, carry stock, etc. all you’d need to do is share Pullers with you local store. If they are interested in carrying them, you just send them to me, and if they buy, you make money.


If you’re interested in learning more and spreading Puller love, send me a PM with the word AFFILIATE and the most recent picture you have with your dog playing pullers. I’ll send you more details.

And in the meantime, keep sharing 💜

Stop the scroll!! And if you have a second, please do me a huge favour…I would really love to know how and where you fou...

Stop the scroll!! And if you have a second, please do me a huge favour…

I would really love to know how and where you found Pullers? Truly, I really want to know 😊

Why? You might ask…

Because I think it’s no secret that I love pullers and the are by far my dogs’ favourite toys.
They make our lives better, easier AND more fun.

I could have just played with them with my dogs and perhaps taught the odd person to do the same.

BUT I really believe in these toys, in their ability to change lives and help people and dogs and their connection and relationships.

Pullers are not your average ball or frisbee. They are different. They are special.

This year, I would LOVE to share Pullers with as many people as possible. The more people who know, the more people and dogs are positively are impacted and the more inspired to share. And knowing how YOU found them will help me and many others.

Thank you thank you thank you in advance 💜

And if you know someone who loves Pullers, if they are ok with you tagging them, please do so they can share too.

Happy Sunday!

Because every day is a Puller day 😊

Because every day is a Puller day 😊

Is the snow preventing you from getting outside and having with your dog??DON’T let it!!Unless it’s icy or slushy, which...

Is the snow preventing you from getting outside and having with your dog??

DON’T let it!!

Unless it’s icy or slushy, which can be unsafe terrains for your dog, the snow is great to play in. PULLERS are light and so generally float on the snow.

Not sure you believe me? Give it a try 😊



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