Please Don't Kill Me Foundation- Non-Profit Organization

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Please Don't Kill Me Foundation- Non-Profit Organization Please Dont Kill Me Foundation Inc,
A 501(c)3 Nonprofit
California Charity Registration CCN3473567
E [email protected]

Established in 2012, Please Don’t Kill Me, Inc. (PDKM) is a NON-PROFIT 501(c) 3 animal welfare organization based in Los Angeles. Our rescue organization is dedicated to tirelessly saving animals and upholding the cause of animal rights, specifically advocating for their right to live free from suffering. We are committed to providing a safe and loving environment for all animals in need, ensuring their well-being and promoting a future where all animals are treated with compassion and respect.


Hey JFC crew, time to rally! Please share, share, share! Tag your favorite social media platforms, news teams, celebrity gossip columns, political leaders, media outlets, producers, etc... THANK YOU! LFG!!!!

Lee Asher: Heartthrob to Hoax - Unmasking the Dark Side of Philanthropy

Lee Asher, crowned as America’s Animal-Rescue Heartthrob, has become a global sensation, winning over millions with his captivating mix of charisma, good looks, and an endlessly wholesome persona. He’s been featured in People magazine, TMZ, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and even landed his own reality series, My Pack Life on Animal Planet, where he’s positioned himself as the face of animal rescue. His mission—promoting kindness, animal adoption, and overall animal welfare—has earned him over 8M+ followers on social media alone.

To his fans, Lee is nothing short of a real-life hero. He’s a shirtless, chiseled figure who seamlessly blends muscle with tenderness, showing off his powerful physique while cuddling rescue dogs (sometimes to the point of molestation - fondling their private parts, forcefully kissing their mouths, and inappropriately handling them half-naked on camera) and advocating for the animals he’s dedicated his life to. His social media feeds are a carefully curated display of “perfect” moments—rescue stories, heartwarming animal interactions, and images that radiate sincerity, kindness, and love. His goofy, down-to-earth side only adds to his appeal, making him seem like the ideal guy: a compassionate animal lover with a side of humor and a heart as big as his biceps.

But behind this polished image lies something far more complex. Lee has cultivated the persona of a selfless, animal-loving hero, but this image isn't the full story. While millions swoon over his muscular frame and the heroic acts he’s performed in the name of rescue, the truth behind the carefully crafted public figure isn't as pure as it seems. The “perfect” package has many hidden layers, contradictions, and a far darker reality beneath the surface.

The Illusion of Lee Asher: Salesman to Savior

What most fans don’t realize is that Lee Asher’s carefully crafted persona is just that—an illusion. Behind his image as the charming, animal-loving heartthrob lies a dark truth, one rooted in his past as a top salesman for Tony Robbins. There, Lee mastered the art of persuasion, earning six figures by perfecting manipulation and the ability to create an illusion of success. What they also don’t know is that his mentor is none other than Jordan Belfort, the infamous "Wolf of Wall Street"—the convicted financial criminal who swindled millions from unsuspecting investors. Now, Lee is following in those same footsteps, but instead of Wall Street, he’s found his prey in the world of animal rescue.

A Sanctuary or a Scam?

The reality behind Lee’s so-called sanctuary, The Asher House, is far from the haven for animals his followers believe it to be. Beneath the surface lies a world of corruption, abuse, and financial fraud. In just three years, Lee has built a $12 million real estate portfolio, leveraging generous donations from his fans and misappropriating donor money to build his empire. The Asher House 501(c)(3) nonprofit, once active in California, is now suspended due to tax issues, yet it continues to operate under the guise of a foreign entity in Oregon, raking in millions each year. The rescue "prince in shining armor" has now found himself in boiling hot water with the DOJ and IRS who have put his "scamtuary" under a microscope.

Millions of fans, eager to support what they believe is a noble cause, are unknowingly fueling an operation that isn’t saving animals—but exploiting them. The donations meant to provide life-saving care are instead sustaining a vicious cycle of abuse, neglect, and financial deceit. Lee Asher, with his carefully cultivated celebrity status and slick PR team, Moondust Management, continue to push out glossy Instagram photos and feel-good rescue stories. Lee is not the Wolf of Wall Street, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. A new wave of animal reform is finally holding him accountable. is a grassroots effort that has uncovered the truth about this con man and his house of lies. You can read more about that here:

What his followers fail to see is that their well-intentioned contributions are not going toward the animals they love, but are instead lining Lee’s pockets, enabling him to live a lavish lifestyle. Instead of funding real rescue efforts, Lee now faces attorney, legal fees, delinquencies, and loan sharks who are now after him. It is legal for non-profits to use donor money for these things. In order for Lee to save his castle, he has to pay his debt. The cost of fame is quite high and he'll do just about anything to protect it - from paid sponsorships to his speaking engagements. Have you noticed the influx in those ads for his merchandise - the items he convinced you were 100% non-profit but are actually for-profit? Just like that time in 2021 when he told everyone 100% of his Patreon goes to The Asher House (when it doesn't)? You know what they say... what goes around, comes around.

Abuse, Neglect, and Employee Suffering

Behind the façade of The Asher House, the reality couldn’t be more different. Employees have been injured and mistreated in dangerous, unsafe conditions. One woman was mauled by two of Lee’s Tibetan Mastiffs, requiring 66 stitches. Read here:

Instead of receiving help, she was fired. Those who dared to speak out—whether about unsafe working conditions or the lack of real animal care—were silenced, their voices erased. Lee Asher isn’t just exploiting animals; he’s abusing his employees, punishing anyone who challenges him, and protecting his empire of exploitation at all costs. Now we know why he has NDA's in place - but whistleblowers aren't afraid anymore.

This isn't an isolated issue—it’s part of a disturbing pattern of negligence and corruption that stretches beyond Lee's sanctuary. In Oregon, where Lee operates, the animal welfare system is virtually non-existent - yet, it's touted as being the #1 state in the US for animal welfare. With only one person overseeing 120-160 rescues statewide, enforcement of regulations is a joke. Local rescue organizations report systemic corruption and a lack of accountability at every level. The state is failing its most vulnerable, and Lee Asher is exploiting that failure for his own gain. This is a wake-up call: what we’re being sold as a noble cause is nothing more than a well-orchestrated con hoarding over 250+ animals. The millions of dollars donated by well-meaning supporters are not saving animals—they are perpetuating abuse, neglect, and a cover-up that stretches to the top. This isn’t just about Lee Asher. It’s about a broken system that allows operations like his to thrive, unchecked, at the cost of lives—both human and animal. Former employees have witnessed dogs being kicked, punched, thrown, neglected of medical care in urgent situations, adopted out intact and left in city shelters when adoptions failed, dogs consistently run away from their new owners (likely the after-effect of being confined in a tiny, filthy kennel for 23.75 hours a day). Dogs are overmedicated and prescribed heavy-duty sedatives as they never touch grass. They are kept in horse stalls and arenas that have been built to blur the EFU zoning regulations (as Lee knowingly purchased 240 acres of land that he CAN NOT operate as a rescue). When the DOJ questioned his actions, Lee suddenly changed the narrative to a "sanctuary" which he is not. By definition, a sanctuary is a safe haven and refuge for animals and residents to stay long-term. Lee consistently displays his "rescue day" videos where he receives transports of dogs coming in...but we have never seen adoptions going out - until JFC started questioning The Asher House just a few short months ago. Where do these dogs mysteriously disappear to? It's the exact question I raised when looking for answers about Chevy. Chevy was a 1-year-old Dogo Argentino that never made it to The Asher House sanctuary. He was sent to an unqualified trainer who didn't have a proper training facility or environment to even assess him. In fact, Chevy was thrown in an outdoor kennel with no water or bed to protect himself from the dirt floor in the hot summer month of June. Chevy didn't even get a chance to decompress. An integral process to a rescue dog's mental well-being. After 36 hours of his "rescue day" announcement, it was leaked that Chevy was killed. A passionate animal lover, Dogo owner, and advocate instantly knew something was not right. The Asher House takes in millions of dollars in donations and Lee has over 240 acres of land. There should have been no reason to shoot from the hip and euthanize Chevy in this manner. Rescues should exhaust all resources when they commit to a dog. They should find qualified trainers and behaviorists. Chevy didn't stand a chance. Lee took in 150 dogs in the month of June alone, after Chevy's passing. He made a 12-minute rant saying that Chevy wasn't worth paying training for yet he could "rescue" 150 more dogs that same month? Where do 150 dogs go? He doesn't even have 150 dogs posted on his adoption page. He's allegedly claimed to help rescue and save thousands of dogs yet these dogs are seen once on camera and are never to be seen again.

So, that animal advocate started asking questions...just like Erin Brockovich. She had NO idea what unimaginable horrors she was about to uncover about America's most beloved animal sanctuary. She had no idea the bashings she would receive from millions of The Asher House cult following. She had no idea the level of corruption that existed and that government officials will happily turn a blind eye even when begged and pleaded for help. Something is wrong here... something is very, VERY wrong.

Dogs have become impregnated on the open reckless sanctuary, defeating the purpose of "rescue work" and preventing unwanted litters. Dogs have attacked, mauled, and killed each other. They fight multiple times daily. An open sanctuary serves NO PURPOSE in rescue. Imagine taking in 30 dogs you have never met or assessed from a shelter environment and throwing them all together in a big group? Now imagine 200 of them! How idiotic and dangerous! Dogs have drowned in the reservoir, they have died of pneumonia, they have been shot and killed at the hands of Lee. Dogs have not been properly vaccinated and did not meet state requirements (Rabies) as of October 2024. These dogs only get fed 1x/day and sometimes they go a day without eating (per former employees). These dogs do not receive exercise, socialization, or any enrichment. Their tiny, filthy kennels are outdoors and they have no shelter from the elements - sun, rain, snow. They are far worse off at The Asher House than they are at any county shelter - yet government officials, county animal services, his donors, and The Oregon Humane Society continue to protect him at all costs. They have no idea what's really going on. Finally, whistleblowers are telling their truth. Even local news stations are afraid to touch this subject. But why? This is not a sanctuary or a rescue. This is an animal hoarder's paradise that is profiting of their backs. Who else is profiting off this, too? wants to know.

This is where we need you.

The Power of the Grassroots Movement

JusticeForChevy has become more than just a campaign—it’s a powerful movement that’s gaining momentum every day. In just a few months, we’ve built a community of over 15,000 passionate, like-minded individuals on TikTok and Facebook. These people are determined to uncover the truth about Lee Asher and the broken system behind his operation. And as our message spreads, so does the demand for accountability.

But the fight is far from easy. Lee Asher’s PR team, Moondust Management, has leveraged their resources to try to silence us at every turn—deleting accounts, flagging content, and doing everything they can to suppress the truth. They may try to erase our voices online, but they can’t stop the growing tide of people who are waking up to the reality. The more they try to bury us, the louder we get. The truth is coming out—and it’s impossible to ignore.

This isn’t just about exposing one man’s greed; it’s about the deep-rooted corruption in Oregon’s animal rescue system that’s allowed this to go on unchecked. We wonder, do they have a hand in this? A state that prides itself on its strong animal protection laws has turned a blind eye to exploitation, abuse, and fraud. Lee Asher is the face of that exploitation, but he’s only one part of a much larger problem. Every dollar donated in good faith to his cause has been funneled into his personal empire, while the animals they’re meant to help continue to suffer. And the public, for too long, has been deceived.

The reality is that Lee Asher’s operation isn’t a sanctuary—it’s a business built on lies. Behind every viral rescue video, and every heartwarming Instagram post, there’s a trail of manipulation, mistreatment, cover-ups, and blood. Employees have been harmed, whistleblowers have been silenced, and the animals continue to suffer in unsafe, neglected conditions. But we’re not backing down. We’re pushing harder than ever to ensure that the truth reaches everyone.

With every person who shares our message, every video that goes viral, and every story that is told, we’re building the pressure needed to force real change. This movement is only going to grow, and Lee Asher’s days of hiding behind his false image are numbered. JusticeForChevy is not just a fight for one dog—it’s a fight for transparency, accountability, and the animals who have been exploited in the name of rescue. We won’t stop until the truth is heard, and those responsible are held accountable. The people are demanding change—and we are the catalyst for it.

Why This Story Matters: The Bigger Picture

This isn’t just the story of one corrupt celebrity. This is a story that exposes the darkest corners of the animal rescue industry, the billion-dollar pet industry, and the ruthless exploitation that can thrive when power goes unchecked. Behind the glossy images and emotional appeals, millions of well-meaning donors are unknowingly funding a system of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. They think they’re saving lives—they’re not. They're perpetuating suffering.

Lee Asher’s operation is a microcosm of the broader, systemic corruption within Oregon’s animal welfare system—a state that boasts of being #1 for animal protection, yet fails miserably to enforce its own laws. While the public believes animals are being saved, the truth is that animal protection agencies are underfunded, understaffed, and ill-prepared to stop the abuse running rampant within the industry. The system is broken, and it’s failing both the animals and the people who think they’re doing good.

This documentary is not just about exposing Lee Asher—it’s about pulling back the curtain on a much larger issue. It’s about a system designed to protect animals, but instead, it’s enabling corruption and exploitation on a massive scale. By shining a light on the deceit, the manipulation, and the systemic failure, we are starting a much-needed conversation about transparency, accountability, and the urgent need for reform within the animal rescue and nonprofit sectors. Sadly, pets are often considered property. Dogs and cats have become disposable. Our nation has never seen a homeless animal crisis like the state it's currently in and animal rescuers are sick of it! This is the result of a failed and corrupt system. No one has ever shown a light on the rescue space, yet there are more pet owners on the planet and the pet industry is expected to reach a whopping $500 billion market by 2030. Animals are paying the ultimate price and they are being slaughtered in shelters in alarming numbers. As the days go by, animal lovers pray for a miracle but become disheartened at the reality we face.

This isn’t just a wake-up call—it’s a demand for change. And this is only the beginning. The truth will no longer be hidden. The system will be held accountable. And we will not stop until those in power are forced to answer for the lives they’ve exploited.

The Call for Help: Why You are The Key

This story can’t wait, ######XX —and you’re the voice that can make it impossible to ignore.

With your unmatched ability to expose hidden truths and craft powerful narratives, you have the power to bring this issue to the forefront. We’ve gathered the evidence, the heartbreaking stories, and a growing army of supporters, but we need your platform to elevate this cause. Without you, the truth can’t break through the noise.

This is more than just another scandal—this is a fight for justice, transparency, and accountability in an industry that’s been operating under the radar for far too long. The world is ready for the truth. With your help, we can expose Lee Asher for what he really is, spark national outrage, and push for real reform.

The time to act is now. This isn’t just about one man—it’s about shining a light on a broken system. You have the influence to help us do that. Let’s make this impossible to ignore, and finally get justice for the victims who’ve been silenced for far too long.


Please spread the word for this lost dog. Mia was LOST on October 27, 2024 in Yonkers, NY 10710 near Saw mill river road

Message from Owner: She is scared and runs when chased
No airings for a few days. If picked up please be kind and return
Owner is Sara the 845 number on poster

Description: Nose is brownish pink at tip
Front teeth a bit crooked
Missing back teeth
Tear stained eyes

For more info or to contact Mia's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Re-Post - STILL MISSING AS OF Nov 10, 2024

Re-Post - STILL MISSING AS OF Nov 17, 2024


Please spread the word so we can reunite this found dog with its family! FOUND on November 1, 2024 in Joliet, IL 60436 near McDonough Street Bridge

Description: This dog was holding on to the bridge as it went up and fell down to concrete. Police is with dog right now waiting on animal control. Dog is alive looks like back legs may be broken

Do you have information? Contact finder here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:


Dumped by His So-Called 'Owner'—Now on Death Row, Discarded Like His Life Didn’t Matter! 😡

This poor, defeated soul was heartlessly abandoned by the person he trusted the most. Curled up in a cold, lonely corner, his eyes reflect the deep pain of betrayal. His wrinkled face, worn from years of suffering, shows a dog who has lost all hope. Now he’s on death row, with only a few days left unless someone steps in to save him. Can you be the one to show him that his life does matter, before it’s too late?


Shelter Details:
San Antonio Animal Care Services
Animal ID: (Male, 4 years old, white American Bulldog)
Address: 4710 TX-151, San Antonio, TX 78227
Phone: (210) 207-4738
Email: [email protected]

To Save Him:
You must EMAIL the shelter with Animal ID immediately! Don’t let his life end without knowing love again.




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