As a pet enthusiast, I have always wanted the best for my little buddies. I have spent so many years with many different pets and I have always cherished each and every one of them, I have kept each and every one of my pets close to my heart and I have always been thankful for the time and the memories that we have all shared. The latest addition to my family is my little buddy Oz, he is a fun-lov
ing, active and very friendly Cockapoodle (1/4 cocker spaniel 3/4 poodle). Oz has taught me many things in life, and one of the best things I learned from spending many precious moments with my little companion, is that as much as I relied on him for comfort, joy and other simple things, my little Oz too relied on me as his owner, and even as his friend, to look after him and care for him as well. This has led me to become a strong advocate of the bond and the love that we humans can and should have for our pets. I am very passionate about pets and animals; this is the reason why I have always wanted nothing less than the best when it comes to my pet’s health, grooming, and even when it comes to the time and the life that they are sharing with me each and every day. But there is another thing that I am also very passionate about when it comes to pets and animals, that is, I am very passionate about the wellbeing and welfare of not just my pets, but also of other people’s pets as well. In my twenty-five years of existence, I have always loved my pets and I have always loved different kinds of animals. They have given me nothing less than their constant love and devotion and this has led me to believe that they deserve to live a good life as well; this is why I am and always have been on the lookout for the best in animal care. I always take the time to look for things that can help improve the life and wellbeing of my pets, be it simple yet innovative dog toys, or be it something as critical and as important as pet insurance plans, and this has led me to yet another interest of mine. I am always looking to share my knowledge, experience and even everything and anything I find useful to the rest of the world. And with the help of my writing, I hope to share not just my knowledge, but also my love and passion for pets and animals. I do hope that you will enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing and sharing them with you and with the rest of my readers. Please feel free to drop by anytime if you want to look for updates on pet care and pet products; you can contact me anytime if you too would want to share your stories or if you have any questions.