“Two years ago, we decided we would get another cat. We saw Luna who was seven months and had lost an eye and was very nervous.
On the way home she was not at all well, so we took her to the vet. They said she was severely underweight and they feared she had suffered extensive abuse in her short life.
She was very scared of our other cats, and she was very nervous of people. I spoke to her all the time, and it took months before I could touch her. Every night I gave her a little treat and one night when eating it I gave her a stroke.
She must have been badly mistreated to be in the state of anxiety she was. Very slowly over a long time, Luna has got better. When my wife was having chemotherapy last year Luna would climb on her feet when she had a blanket over her. She has come a long way, but her trauma runs deep.
Luna never stops trying to be the best she can be, she has such courage.”
Keith, I am so sorry to hear that Luna has suffered so much in her short life, but glad to hear she has found a home where she can feel safe and loved. The capacity for humans to be so selfish and cruel will forever baffle me. But I find hope in the folks I know and meet who are kind and realise our animal friends deserve compassion. Keep going and thank you. N x