Salamander release
These cute little salamanders were captured in the middle of the road by one of our team members during a trip to North Carolina. As you can see, they were safely returned to a new spot away from dangerous car tires. 😀
We love it when our customers share their critters enjoying our supplements!
Skink from FriCutcheon Farms
Shout out to FriCutcheon Farms for sharing this video of a gorgeous skink at mealtime.
This my tower garden experiment so far. Recycled coke bottles or any plastic container. Drill hole in the lid and turn over, cut off bottom, turn over, fill with sand 1/4 then well draining soil and cut a flap in the plastic front. Stack and plant. Unfortunately the rats are eating my bean sprouts! This is my gardening challenge, gophets, rats and bunnies. What are ya gonna do but keep trying!
Very shy female Quadricornis Debbie seems ok with Gomez. When she was with Uncle Fester, she hid in the pot for the plant in the bottom of the cage LOL
Gomez and Debbie on this fine May day!
Johnstoni are settling in and feeling feisty!
This cold weather make me miss August and my annual trip to the lab to release sea turtles. This is why I continue to do what I do. The Sea turtles are grown up on a diet they created including Sticky Tongue Farms Miner-all. Before adding our product, the lab was not able to grow the hatchlings to a size where they could put satellite transmitters on the shells before releasing the babies. Now they have tracked babies leaving Boca Raton and getting as far as the Azores before transmitter fell off. Very cool. This video is of hatching leatherback sea turtles at Gumbo Limbo nature center in Florida a few years ago. Always makes me smile thinking of August!
Our most dominant quad female Debbie is non responsive to Uncle Festers advances!
Week old baby Jackson's chameleons eating bean beetles!