Happy Friday
I'm proud of both my girls this week! I got to take Raven out to Chatfield state park with a few friends (yes, I'd recommend the trainer area at Chatfield and not the dog park. We weren't there for 20 minutes before an older dog was aggressive with one of ours).
Pro Tip: Just because your dog is friendly doesn't mean other dogs are.
Keena is now fully muzzle trained 🙌
We spent the past 1-2 weeks doing intensive training for her reactivity that surfaced post-move and she's killing it. She still tends to get overstimulated in high density environments but she is starting to relax when strange dogs pass at 5-10 ft and will defer to me more often.
Our dual walks are improving. My clients are improving. I can feel the spring energy, things are movin'! Now all I have to do is recover from being sick🙄💕
How are your pups this week?