🐅Caged tigers?
🦁Savage lions?
Nope! Just some ravenous potcake puppies getting their lunch 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣
#turksandcaicos #turksandcaicosislands #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spay #providenciales #potcakesofinstagram #potcakes #spayday #spayandneutersaveslives #rescuedogsofinstagram #potcake #potcakesrule #potcakepuppy #potcakesoftci #puppies #puppiesofinstagram
What’s your favourite sound in the world? 📢
🌊 Waves crashing on the beach?
🍾 A cork coming out of a bottle?
💝 A heartbeat?
🤭 Children laughing?
😻A purring cat?
Well….. for us, nothing will come close to the sound of a dog trap snapping shut!
This good girl has just weaned her last litter of six puppies, and will no longer have to spend her life producing and adding to the overpopulation of dogs in Providenciales!
#turksandcaicos #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spayandneuteryourpets #spay #providenciales #potcakesofinstagram #potcakes #spayday #spayandneutersaveslives #potcake #potcakepuppy #potcakepuppies #dogsofinstagram #animalwelfare #animalcharity #notforprofit #notforprofitorganization
We met our match today! 🐮🐮🐮
Whilst out rounding up dogs for the TCSPCA spay and neuter clinic we encountered this magnificent beast in the car park of a casino downtown.
Usually, if it’s got balls, it’s fair game for trapping….. but not today folks. Not today 😳😳🤣
#turksandcaicos #turksandcaicosislands #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spay #providenciales #spayday #spayandneutersaveslives #caribbeanlife #bull #neveradullmoment
Cutest customer of the day! 💖
#puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #potcakepuppy #potcakes #potcakenation #potcake #potcakedog #potcakerescue #potcakesoftci #spayandneuter #turksandcaicosislands #turksandcaicos #spayandneuteryourpets #providenciales
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi
#potcakes #potcakesofinstagram #potcakes #potcakepuppy #potcakenation #turksandcaicos #turksandcaicosislands #tci #spay #spay #spayandneuteryourpets #spay #providenciales #spayday #spayandneutersaveslives #kindness #kindnessmatters
☎️We received a referral about a very emaciated dog that was in desperate need of help. We spent days looking for him
💔When we finally located him, he was in terrible shape. Living in an area with lots of older aggressive dogs, this poor boy didn’t stand a chance on the streets.
🐾It took some patience as he was very wary of us, and although friendly, he was snippy out of fear.
🚑Eventually we managed to secure him, and carried him to the van, and whisked him straight to the vets
❤️🩹At less than a year old, his suffering was evident. Not only malnourished, he was also suffering with erlichia and heartworm, had a bad case of tapeworm, and a lice infestation
💖Spaying and neutering is the only humane option to stop this suffering! It significantly reduces the amount of dogs born into the misery of a life on the streets, struggling to eat, diseased and fighting for survival.
🏝️Just steps away from the glitz and glamour of Grace Bay, there are thousands of street dogs living like this in Providenciales. They need your help!
🌟Spay it forward this Thanksgiving! We would be very grateful for your donations to help us in our mission to end this suffering.
💖As for this poor boy, he is now one of the lucky ones! He will continue his journey of healing under the expert care of Donna and team at Pampered Paws
#spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spay #providenciales #turksandcaicos #potcakesofinstagram #potcakes #spayday #rescuedogsofinstagram #spayitforward #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spayandneutersaveslives #potcake #potcakesofinstagram #potcakepuppy #potcakenation #potcakedog #potcakerescue #rescuedog #spay #gracebay #gracebaybeach #providenciales #providencialesturksandcaicos #providenciales🇦🇮 #turksandcaicos #turksandcaicosislands #turks #tci #givingtuesday #spayitforward