The Whitest Pups You Know

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The Whitest Pups You Know Beebs, Stache & Jax

Beebs- 3/4 Staffy 1/4 Lab
Stache- 1/2 Boxer 1/2 Rat Terrier
Jax- Dogo Argentino
[email protected]

Happy Birthday baby girl 🩷🥳Beebs is 12!!! I'm so so lucky. Almost a full 12 years with my best friend. Of course we had ...

Happy Birthday baby girl 🩷🥳
Beebs is 12!!! I'm so so lucky. Almost a full 12 years with my best friend.
Of course we had to go get her a little cake and some snacks from Three Dog. Mouse wanted to be a part of the birthday festivities, that is until we put the hat on her and then she changed her mind. 😂❤️

The Beebs! Can you believe she's turning 12 next Monday?!? 😱 I'm so beyond lucky she's still here & doing so well. ❤️

The Beebs! Can you believe she's turning 12 next Monday?!? 😱 I'm so beyond lucky she's still here & doing so well. ❤️

Being the best girl and asking (demanding) for all the butt scratches today at work. ❤️

Being the best girl and asking (demanding) for all the butt scratches today at work. ❤️

As promised, Beebs' new bestie Mouse the cat. ❤️

As promised, Beebs' new bestie Mouse the cat. ❤️

Beebs checking in to say hiiiii. It's been a while. As usual. 😅We organized her toys tonight and she wanted everyone to ...

Beebs checking in to say hiiiii. It's been a while. As usual. 😅
We organized her toys tonight and she wanted everyone to know that she is NOT at all spoiled. Nope.
Beebs is doing great. Still spunky as ever & we still do anything and everything together. She went with a few of the doctors I work with last week so they could take a class on ultrasounds, they found some sludge in her gallbladder so we started her on meds and we'll be rechecking once we finished those. She's still not a huge fan of Milo haha but can't blame her, she however has made a new kitty friend and they snuggle together & it's the cutest thing. I'll share photos soon, I promise. Considering she's normally terrified to move or eat or do anything around cats, that's huge for her.
She's just over here living her best senior life and i'm so lucky and thankful she's still doing so well.

It's been a hard year that's for sure. This past couple of weeks have been some of the worst, and as much as I miss thos...

It's been a hard year that's for sure. This past couple of weeks have been some of the worst, and as much as I miss those two boys who will forever have our hearts...i'm so thankful we still have these two goobers. The distraction they provide...even if it's not a good distration (cough especially MILO cough 😂) is the best for dealing with this kinda stuff. Milo is gonna be a whole year old come NYE. Insane! He's as rotten as ever in typical teenage dog fashion. Surprise surprise, he's got allergies so he's been on cytopoint and it seems to work for him. Working on leash manners and just manners in general with that boy. We have a long way to go but in good news he's still SO FRIENDLY with everything. Granted too friendly and wants to climb & punch everyone but we'll get there. I got Beebs started on Librela a little over a month ago and she's now on her second injection, it's amazing. For an 11.5 yr dog with luxating patellas & joint issues her whole life, she's flying up the stairs and waking me up way too early dragging all of her toys out. I couldn't be happier with the results. As you can prob tell by her faces in the photos 😂, she's still not a huge fan of Milo but who can blame her, he's a wild moose. Milo however loves her, and she can't stand it haha.

My little man is now with Jax. ❤️🌈It's honestly the worst, it always is. Stache was such a special little man and the bi...

My little man is now with Jax. ❤️🌈
It's honestly the worst, it always is. Stache was such a special little man and the biggest lover/wiggle man. We will forever love & miss that little s**t. I know we did the right thing but it never makes it any easier. It became painstakingly obvious we made the right call when he didn't even come in the kitchen while thanksgiving food was being made & served or even get excited when people came over. If you ever met Stache, you'd know that's just not him. My best friend brought him, the other pups, and us goodies on Wednesday including pupcakes which we gave to the pups on Thanksgiving along with a whole sampler of thanksgiving food (that was safe for dogs of course, our tradition). Then yesterday my dad brought him home FOUR cheeseburgers & 2 large fries from McDonalds right before the appointment. I also heated up & brought some pizza rolls with us to the appointment for him to eat while my coworkers put his catheter in & snuggled on him. One of the techs brought him hershey kisses too which he very happily took. By the time his doctor came in he wouldn't take food anymore, he was totally full which i've never seen before from him and laid in my lap until he was free. I'm glad we got to give him all of his favorite things, even if it was overkill, he loved every second of it and food was the only thing that boy was interested in lately so i'm glad he went out with a full belly and had literally all he wanted. Other than us losing him, of course Beebs is the hardest part. Milo hadn't had even a year with Stache but Beebs and him were besties for a little over 10 years at this point. Stache was really the only dog she actually liked (not just accepted 😜) other than her foster brothers. Beebs was whining as we were leaving which she doesn't do. When I got back from the appointment I grabbed Beebs and headed to a friends house to also help distract her for a little. As soon as we got back home she went straight to his spot on the couch & sniffed his blanket up & down. There will never be another Stache and we all loved that boy so so much. Run free little man ❤️

Forever babies ❤️Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm the worst with this stuff anymore and tbh it's depressing to talk ab...

Forever babies ❤️
Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm the worst with this stuff anymore and tbh it's depressing to talk about. Stache just hasn't been the same at all since he had his first seizure. I had high hopes that once he adjusted to the meds, he'd be close to his normal self but he's just nowhere near. It's now to the point where we have to make the worst decision because he has absolutely no quality of life anymore. He literally just lays on the couch all day long. He still eats fine and yells at us when we're making his dinner but that is literally all that boy does besides lay around. He was SO full of energy & life & excitedness about EVERYTHING before that first seizure. He's peeing in the house constantly, which ok, he's old but it's like he doesn't realize he's in the house when he's going because he would NEVER do that prior. He circles constantly when he is up and moving. He's just not mentally there anymore and it's the worst. Sadly I had to make his appt for Friday next week to say goodbye. I never dreamed we'd lose both of our boys in the same year but here we are. We're gonna feed him all of the thanksgiving food he wants & take him to mcdonalds to get his favorites before the appt. We just don't want him to suffer and at this point, he is. I'm so sorry to have this be the update.

Poor Stache had his first seizure last night, I took him into work with me today and as soon as I got him out so the doc...

Poor Stache had his first seizure last night, I took him into work with me today and as soon as I got him out so the doctor could look at him, he had another. They put a catheter in and started him on Keppra today. Sending out a blood panel as well. We're also getting a referral to a Neurologist too. All the things. Oh & poor Beebs has an upset belly & my covid restrictions just ended yesterday. Yayyy all the things. I just hope this helps Stache and we can continue to keep him comfortable & happy. I can't thank my work family enough for always helping my problem children. ❤️

Tired of eating pizza alone? Get some dogs! ❤️😂

Tired of eating pizza alone? Get some dogs! ❤️😂

She likes him *rarely* 😂😂

She likes him *rarely* 😂😂

3, 4, and 5 months.

3, 4, and 5 months.


Welp, I think we got another water baby on our hands. 😂
I got a baby pool because the big pool is *supposed* to be opening this week and wanted to introduce Milo to the water somewhat slowly. He's already obsessed. 😂 Literally took no coaxing, Beebs hopped in to get a drink and he followed right in behind her with no hesitation and continued to have the best time. This summer is gonna be interesting 😂

11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 weeks. Our little big boy ❤️

11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 weeks.
Our little big boy ❤️

Little beggars ❤️

Little beggars ❤️

You already know I had to start dressing him up early & getting him used to all the things. 😂This is Beebs' sized tooth ...

You already know I had to start dressing him up early & getting him used to all the things. 😂
This is Beebs' sized tooth & honey pjs, and he's already beginning to fit in them. I can't get over how much he looks like Jaxibaby 😫❤️. Already showing he's gonna be just like him too. Just now starting to get vocal (which we love & want very much so no complaints 😂), climbing up on tables, sleeping with his legs straight in the air, so many things that only Jax did. Of course not all good things haha but it makes us smile because it reminds us of him. Stache is his bestie basically, he'll play with Milo and follows him everywhere. It was so cute today, my dad went on a motorcycle ride and of course they could hear when he got home. Stache was going back and forth between the door that leads to the garage and the patio door waiting to see which door my dad was gonna come in and Milo just followed right behind Stache to each door over & over again, totally clueless as to what Stache is excited about but just excited to be involved & excited too haha. Beebs still is NOT a fan 😂😂, Milo loves to punch her in the face and give her kisses, which apparently only Stache is allowed to do. I think it's honestly just he's too chaotic & all over the place for her, which is totally fair. She doesn't ever hurt him or even try to, she's just very vocal about her dislike hahaha. I'm thinking she'll grow to like him once he grows a little bit more & isn't so all over the place. But again, she's almost what, 77, in dog years? She's earned her right to be grumpy. 😂 And don't worry, she still gets plenty of breaks away from him as does Stache. That's what crates, rooms with doors, & dog gates are for. 😜

Beebs for a new bed today and I think it's safe to say we're both obsessed 😍

Beebs for a new bed today and I think it's safe to say we're both obsessed 😍

Cutest little dude. He's also a little shark but his cuteness *kinda* makes up for it.

Cutest little dude. He's also a little shark but his cuteness *kinda* makes up for it.

Milo and his bestie Luffy having the best time ❤️

Milo and his bestie Luffy having the best time ❤️

Baby Lady ❤️

Baby Lady ❤️

11, 12, 13 weeks. 😱

11, 12, 13 weeks. 😱

The babessss ❤️

The babessss ❤️

Milo's first bath time with us 🎉It went well. I lured him upstairs to the bath all on his own with the help of some high...

Milo's first bath time with us 🎉
It went well. I lured him upstairs to the bath all on his own with the help of some high value treats. Once he was in, he got a little scared but that quickly faded once he realized he could drink the water 😂. Then he tried to give me a heart attack by trying to eat the bar soap. But all in all, quick & painless. We ran errands this morning and bought some more toilet paper and Milo decided the charmin bears on the packaging were offensive & frightening 😂 He proceeded to bitch them out and only got brave enough to walk near the package when Stache blocked it by walking on the side near the toilet paper. He's so funny. Up to no good 99.5% of the time but he's so entertaining to watch.

Weeks 11 & 12 ❤️Milo is doing so good. Getting better & better about going potty outside with the help of yummy smelly t...

Weeks 11 & 12 ❤️
Milo is doing so good. Getting better & better about going potty outside with the help of yummy smelly treats. Sits like a champ, learning stay. Stache is actually starting to play with him. Still gets annoyed and tells Milo how it is but that's expected & how Milo will learn boundaries & manners with other dogs. Beebs protects him out in the yard & is on mama patrol but as soon as she's inside wants nothing to do with him. 😂 but tbh, that's exactly how she was with Jax. Loved him & would protect him but wasn't crazy about him. As soon as Milo comes in from outside or if he hasn't seen Beebs or Stache in a minute, he'll greet them with kisses. It's so adorable. They don't think so but I melt haha. Milo is doing great and we are obsessed with him. Don't get me wrong, he's a total typical puppy & into EVERYTHING, accident prone, etc. For example he's already following in Jax's footsteps, I caught him eating & playing in p**p. It was covered on his nose & paws. Disgusting 😂 but we love him.

Starting the tradition early. As many of you know, my best friend Manya fostered Beebs so Beebs LOVES her dogs. Now Many...

Starting the tradition early. As many of you know, my best friend Manya fostered Beebs so Beebs LOVES her dogs. Now Manya has a new baby too and Milo has a new bestie. Milo just turned 12 wks today and Manya's pup Luffy is 15/16 wks. They're the same size & both crazy little men. They've been playing HARD all afternoon. Super excited for the tired puppy time later! 😂😂

Milo had his first vet appt with us today, he's a healthy little guy weighing 25lbs at 11 weeks old. 😱He also got to pla...

Milo had his first vet appt with us today, he's a healthy little guy weighing 25lbs at 11 weeks old. 😱
He also got to play with some of my coworkers dogs today and had an absolute blast. We also got him signed up for Trupanion. All in all it's going really well with him. We still need to work on potty training but he can make it through the night without having an accident which is great! Beebs & Stache still aren't too sure about him yet but he's also a puppy & they're seniors so it's expected, but it will come with time. We're making sure everyone gets attention & time alone with us so no one feels left out. Milo is getting way more comfortable & showing us his little crazy man personality and it's quite adorable. He's always into something haha but we needed this. The best kind of distraction anyone could ask for. ❤️

Everyone say hello to Milo! 😍He got here this afternoon and we are OBSESSED. He is such a precious little guy! We let hi...

Everyone say hello to Milo! 😍
He got here this afternoon and we are OBSESSED. He is such a precious little guy! We let him get to know us for a while before meeting the dogs, we first introduced him to Beebs. She sniffed him once & then avoided which is very typical of her, she's not a huge fan of puppies but she's also not mean towards them. Just would rather be left alone. Then came Stache, Stache was SUPER excited and Beebs calmed him down real fast by bitching at him as soon as he got near the puppy. She's such a mom 😂. Milo has been SO calm & polite towards both of them, we haven't had any issues. Beebs will eventually grow to love him just like she does everyone else (although I think she already does since she's playing mama) and Stache already definitely does. Milo loves to chase Stache's tail and it's the cutest thing. We're so lucky to get to call this guy ours. We're absolutely in love. ❤️

It's official. My dad's new best friend will be here in the next few days if not sooner. We're all so excited to have so...

It's official. My dad's new best friend will be here in the next few days if not sooner. We're all so excited to have some new energy in the house, and also another Dogo. ❤️

Just wanted to pop in and say how thankful we are to each & every one of you who have reached out about Jax. Whether it ...

Just wanted to pop in and say how thankful we are to each & every one of you who have reached out about Jax. Whether it be a comment or message or text, we read every single one and thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts. It's been a hard week and a half without him. Everything is quiet and honestly boring without him. He was the one who made us laugh daily & drove us absolutely insane in the best way possible. My poor dad has been an absolute mess, Jax was his best friend and he's never loved a dog as much as he did him. Beebs and Stache definitely miss him, Stache has started picking up Jax's bad habits (bugging mom whenever she sits down for treats, whining/singing during dinner). He never used to do any of that but it's like he's keeping the daily tradition going. I wonder what they think happened, I wish there was a way to explain to them that we didn't just get rid of him & tried everything we could to bring him back home. I'm weird and think about that stuff. Surely they know? Idk. We got his ashes back last Sunday, he's in a beautiful wooden box with his name engraved on a metal plaque, and they even included a clay plaque of his giant paw print. ❤️ We also have THOUSANDS, probably hundreds of thousands photos and videos of him and it's helped a lot to look back and see all of his derpy antics. There will definitely never be another Jax.
All in all, everyone is ok. Sad, and it's literally the worst but we're ok.

Our big baby tried as hard as he could but unfortunately we just got the call that his organs are shutting down and we g...

Our big baby tried as hard as he could but unfortunately we just got the call that his organs are shutting down and we gotta go euthanize. Our hearts are completely broken. Logically, I knew it was gonna come to this. But I felt like he was still going to come back home. It just sucks, a lot. We'll all miss his whiney derpy self, there will never be another like him. He was the sweetest boy and is too young for this s**t. We love you Jax. 💔



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Our Story

Hello! My name is Kelsey. If you'd like to know about how I got these three dogs and a little bit about our lives together, continue reading.

When I was 23 years old I was working as a groomer and fell in love with bully breeds. I had a yorkie at the time and just the difference in grooming needs had me loving the bull breeds haha! What really sold me was their personalities and temperaments though. So silly but so loving at the same time.