Delgrange Dachshunds

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Delgrange Dachshunds Located in NSW, Australia.


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Kizatri Dachshunds

The dark side of vets.

The dark side of vets.

Allergies, skin problems, behavior changes, autoimmune disease, seizures, injection-site cancers -- these are just a few of the well-documented adverse vacci...


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Feeding Bones


Titer Tests: Petsā€™ Immunization Identifier šŸ¶šŸ±šŸ’Ŗ

A vaccine antibody titer test helps you and your veterinarian determine your petā€™s immunity to core vaccines, including distemper, parvovirus and adenovirus in dogs, and panleukopenia in cats. This way, they wonā€™t have to be unnecessarily revaccinated for a disease theyā€™re already protected against thanks to an earlier vaccine.

Learn more about titer testing when you read todayā€™s free pet health article on our new website, linked in the comments.

Free webinar - Puppy Troubles!

Free webinar - Puppy Troubles!

New puppy, new ... everything. In this webinar our certified and experienced resident dog trainer Kerstin Keimling will discuss the top 3 issues new puppy owners face: - Toilet Training: Accidents are normal, but there are things we can do to help fast-track toilet training and set your puppy up for...

In this Facebook Live presentation, Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian, talks about fleas, ticks and allergies. To know more...

šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ had to share

šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ had to share


Studies have shown that kibble fed dogs can produce 3x more p**p than raw fed dogs. šŸ’©

Weā€™re just keeping it real!

We know that all of us feed our dogs differently, and we should because each dog and their lifestyle is different.

BUTT, we also know that nobody likes picking up more poo than they have to.

By reducing your dogs kibble consumption by just 20%, and adding fresh animal parts from your fridge, you are cutting back their waste and yours!

We donā€™t care if you feed kibble, we just donā€™t want you to ONLY feed kibble.

Less crap in = Less crap out.

**p **pscoop **pbags


Learn how to make your own DIY homemade dog ice cream for your canines craving a tasty cool treat - see our full tutorial here!


I saw this and had to share: šŸ¾

If you are not a hound person, it may be hard to understand, but this says it allā€¦

A basic understanding...Regarding your hound dog that I think most people miss.

Hounds do not believe that they need you. You are a convenience - like a favorite coffee cup or a favorite pair of shoes. If the cup is broken or the shoes are lost, we can get along just fine.

Let me explain:
Other dogs like Labs, Shepherds, herding breeds, and a host of others, are bred to work WITH man; neither can do their work without the other. Even the worst behaved Lab cares when mom and dad are annoyed. It is in their DNA to make man happy.
Hounds...not so much.

Hounds have been bred to be taken out to the edge of the woods or field and be let loose to go out and do what they do with NO INSTRUCTION from the hunter or handler. They go out and do their thing, all on their own. They make their own decisions and do their own work. And when that work is done and they have found their quarry, they command/call the hunter to come to them with those beautiful voices. (Who is working for whom in that scenario?)

Do you see how your hound thinks differently?

Life with a Hound is far more like having a spouse than a dog. It is far more of a "cooperative effort" with all the give and take that implies. Hounds are not going to do what you say just because you have said it. You are secondary to their desire. There has to be something in it for them. There has to be a trade off. If there is no reward or benefit for the Hound, the Hound cares little what you are asking him/her to do. People incorrectly refer to this as being stubborn - or worse, stupid. Hounds are actually neither of those things - they are just independent and cunning. They prioritize things differently than do other breeds. They prioritize differently and *you* are not always their priority.
They were bred to be this way.
It is all necessary to be a Houndy Dawg.

When working with a Hound you have to always be thinking:
How do I make myself the priority?
What do I have to give this dog to make me more important than what it smells - or wants? (and do not expect that anything will ever be 100% successful every time - always be looking for your Hound to act like a Hound.)
We humans always think we are in charge of things. We think that we are top of the chain, the head honchos ... and we naturally approach training our dogs and living with our dogs this way - as though we are in charge.
Your Hound doesn't see it that way.
Your Hound - at best - sees you as a family member or as a sibling (if you are very fortunate - as a parent). Do you walk into your sister or brother's house, start barking orders and they hop to?

Mostly your Hound sees you as a good friend. And what do we do with our friends? When a friend does something for us, we return those favors. There is give and take. When a friendship is out of balance - when one friend takes and takes but does not give - the friendship suffers. It is okay for one friend to be the strong friend - the dominant friend in the partnership -- -but it is *always* a partnership.

Hounds are happiest when their humans are humble.

ā­ļøšŸ’žNot my writing but it is so true of the Hound group and think this should be printed out and given to any body who is wanting to buy a hound and has not had experience with themšŸ’žā­ļø

Kick start a fresh food diet.

Kick start a fresh food diet.

Tools to help you put together a fresh food recipe for your dog.


It is that time of the year again. Try this all-natural DIY pest deterrent! šŸ‘šŸ¶šŸ±

šŸ“Œ Tip: Reapply throughout the day before going outside to keep pests at bay!

Learn more about flea and tick prevention in todayā€™s free pet health article:

Look at the ingredients of what you feed your dog

Look at the ingredients of what you feed your dog


Why feed kibble?

Why feed kibble?

I've been tasked with the creation of an infographic table comparing raw to kibble.... Does anyone have anything to add?!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ¤­




In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers looked for the presence of toxic chemicals in umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. Of the more than 400 chemicals tested for, 287 were detected in umbilical cord blood. Of these, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animals. - Environmental Working Group

Hello toxic planet and the skyrocketing occurrences of cancer in our pets (and in ourselves)!

Let me introduce you to one of my top 5 most important herbs that needs to be in your petā€™s life, if it isnā€™t already!

Milk thistle!

This herb has been used for over 2,000 years to help fix a zillion different problems!

Recently, scientists from the Radiological Physics and Advisory Division in India found in their study on milk thistle that silibinin, found in milk thistle, programmed cell death in breast cancer.

ā€œEarly laboratory studies show that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may have anticancer effects. These substances appear to stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing, shorten their lifespan, and reduce blood supply to tumors.ā€ - University of Maryland Medical Center

Personally though, I love it for its allergy-fighting properties! If your poor pet is constantly itching and scratching, milk thistle can help!

According to The Truth Cause of Allergies ā€“ Itā€™s In The Liver:

ā€œThe liver has to process toxins and when it canā€™t do its job it stores them. If it stores them it also produces additional histamines to protect itself. If an allergen is present the brain sends a message: ā€˜Send out a few histamines! I think thereā€™s an invader!!ā€™ and the liver proceeds it releases too many, and you have the allergic response. Cleanse the liver and maybe [...] youā€™ll become allergy/asthma free.ā€


Use Ā¼ of a teaspoon per 20lbs of body weight.

Detoxification is such an important process, not only for us humans, but also for our pets. We can be feeding our furry loved ones the best foods in the world but pores clogged with toxins will not allow essential nutrients to pass, causing a weakened immune system. A petā€™s weakened immune system equals a multitude of problems! Milk thistle is the boss of detoxifiers!

Rodney Habib Pet Health Media



Beware pet parents: Treating your lawn with yard chemicalsā˜ ļø, allowing your pet to eat or play on grass thatā€™s been sprayedšŸ’¦, or walking your pet on golf coursesā›³ļø can negatively affect our dogā€™s health, according to several studies. In fact, it can impact your entire family, as pets can bring those chemicals back inside!

In our new book, The Forever Dog, it was critical for us to highlight things in and around your home that could damage your petā€™s DNA. According to Dr. David Sinclair, Professor of Genetics, and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School- ā€œDNA damage speeds up aging.ā€

Several studies show: dogs exposed (through laying, playing, ingesting or inhalation) to treated lawns has been associated with a significantly higher bladder cancer risk, and dogs whose owners reported use of professionally applied lawn pesticides were 70 PERCENT more likely to have lymphoma (cancer). In fact, there was an even higher risk of lymphoma if owners used self-applied insect growth regulators on their yards to control cockroaches, fleas, and other pests!šŸœ

Our book focuses on how to raise the healthiest, happiest, long-lived dogs, and in it we teach you how to evaluate your dogā€™s indoor and outdoor environmental chemical exposureāš ļø. In the section of the book titled Environmental Impact: The Body Burden, where we offer you tips like:

ā€¢ Safer lawn-care options
ā€¢ DIY non-toxic w**d killer recipes
ā€¢ Home Chemical Exposure Pet checklist
ā€¢ Forever Dog Foot Soak Recipe
ā€¢ Supplements that support chemical clearance

We know many of you Longevity Junkies have already pre-ordered your copy of the book (thank you!!šŸ˜») but are desperate for solutions and suggestions right NOW! We put together a handy guide with gems from the book you can institute this week.

This free resource is crucial this summer if you have pets spending time outdoors because even if you donā€™t buy lawn chemicals, it doesnā€™t mean your dog isnā€™t being exposed. Home foot soaks after walks in parks and public spaces can go a long way in reducing your dogā€™s chemical exposure.

The Forever Dog is available now for pre-order all over the globe!

If youā€™ve already pre-ordered, get your free DIY recipes & resources gift here:



It is estimated that 10% of cancer is geneticšŸ§¬ and 90% is a result of lifestyle and environmental factors. Over 6 million (and growing) dogs die from cancer each year! More than 1 in 2 dogs and 1 in 3 cats are diagnosed with cancer.

A new turmeric study reveals that one of the world's most extensively researched herbs has the ability to selectively target and destroy cancer stem cells, while having little to no toxicity on normal stem cells.

This means that, unlike chemotherapy which will destroy regular healthy cells, turmeric will only go after cancer cells in you and your pets!

The only problem is with using turmeric to smash cancer or to heal inflammation like arthritis is its low bioavailability when eaten on its own.

You see, approximately 5% of the spice turmeric is composed of the active compound curcumin and this is the stuff that gives turmeric its power. Then, to top it all off, turmeric root is poorly absorbed across the G.I. tract and is rapidly cleared from the blood.

If pets or people are given turmeric root, within an hour, thereā€™s a little tiny bit that actually makes its way into their blood stream. The reason for this is because the liver is actively trying to get rid of it! So, while a ton of pet owners may be giving their pets turmeric, most are seeing little to no results.


Thereā€™s an easy-to-make recipe that will actually make turmeric root powder, and its power-punching curcumin, over 2000% more readily available to your petā€™s body!

The solution? An old Ayurvedic recipe called Turmeric Paste (aka Golden Paste) that has been prepared in India for thousands of years!

ā€œHow is it prepared in India? With fat and black pepper. Amazing how they could figure that out without double blind trials. (Though maybe it just tastes good, and itā€™s merely coincidence?)ā€ -Michael Greger, M.D

A source of fresh ground black pepper and a healthy fat can turn this solo herb, turmeric, into a super powerful rock band!

According to research, about 5% of black pepper by weight is comprised of a compound called piperine, which enhances the bioavailability of Turmeric.

Australian Vet, Dr. Doug English, advises to add freshly ground peppercorns (piperine) to your mixture of turmeric root, piperine will increase intestinal absorption allowing time for the curcumin to be taken up into the blood stream.

ā€œBy taking just a quarter teaspoonā€™s worth of black pepper, you see curcumin (turmeric root) levels skyrocket. The same amount of curcumin consumed, but the bioavailability shoots up 2000%. Even just a little pinch of pepperā€”1/20th of a teaspoonā€”can significantly boost levels.ā€ -Michael Greger, M.D

Not only can adding fresh ground pepper make turmeric more bioavailable but piperine in black pepper can trigger TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1) in the body. This triggering can reduce pain!

Ok, so why the coconut oil?šŸ„„

According to research: ā€œAnother way to boost the absorption of curcumin is to consume it in the whole food, turmeric root (fresh or dried as a powder) because natural oils found in turmeric root and turmeric powder can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin seven to eight fold. When eaten with fat, curcumin can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system thereby in part bypassing the liver.ā€

You can use good clean organic fats like olive oil, fish oil or, my favorite, coconut oil!

For more on coconut oilšŸ„„šŸ’§ -


First source the following ingredientsšŸ„„ -

- Ā½ cup of organic turmeric root powder
- 1 cup of clean spring or filtered water (may need more)
- Ā½ up to 1 Ā½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (fresh is always best because of the piperine levels)
- Ā¼ cup organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil (you can also use olive oil)

Hereā€™s how easy it is: just mix the turmeric root powder with the 1 cup of water in a pan or pot, you may need to add more water if needed. Stir the mixture on medium/low heat and in about 7 to 10 minutes, it should form a thick paste. (If your paste looks runny, just add a bit more turmeric and heat it for another couple of minutes.)

Once turned into a paste, add the fresh cracked pepper and coconut oil, and then stir it up!

Once cool, place the paste in a mason jar and store it in your fridge. The paste should last for about 2 weeks.

šŸ•Start with about Ā¼ to Ā½ tsp, depending on the size of your dog. You can increase the amount from there, up to about a Tbsp for larger dogs.

CatsšŸˆ - start with 1/8 of a teaspoon of turmeric paste and build up over time if needed.

HumansšŸ‘©šŸ» - start with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric paste 3 times a day and then build up to desired level.

*NOTE: Follow dosage in the writeup and not the photo.

For more on turmeric ā€“

If there was ever a time to start a preventative plan, like adding turmeric root to your petā€™s diet, the time is now!

Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

Valuable tool for your pets health!

Valuable tool for your pets health!


Your dog's immunity can be achieved without excessive vaccinations Once in a while, my cup of patience overflows and I...


For all dogs (but specifically the smaller ones) the best advice for vaccine boosters is to ask for a blood titre test.

For no more cost than the booster itself, your vet can check for antibodies from their puppy vaccinations (which will invariably be there for viruses, the whole point of vaccinations you might say, as challenge studies show the core vaccines for viruses last at least 7-9 years...) and then you're good to go for another three years.

Bacteria (such as Leptospirosis) is another matter. These wear off and annually is advised (if your vet considers the known side effects from Nobivak to worth the risk versus the known prevalence of the disease in your area).

WSAVA, the world veterinary governing body, now recommends not only for vets to ignore the advice from pharma that enthused upon them the apparent "need" to "boost" dogs annually for viruses (they didn't need a single study of virus vaccines "wearing off" to convince them to do that either, I'm happy to be corrected below) but actually recommends serological testing over needless vaccine shots into a fully-vaccinated animal. Specifically, they state:

"...we should vaccinate against the core diseases no more frequently than every three years. This is often taken to mean that we should vaccinate every three years - but this is not the case. If the dog is already immune to these three core diseases, re-vaccinating will not add any extra immunity....Two new in-practice titre-testing kits are now available which will allow your vet to do a titre test very quickly, without sending the blood sample to a laboratory. Ask your vet to look into this less expensive option. One kit is called VacciCheck (Biogal Laboratories) and the other is called TiterCheck (Zoetis)."

If you would like more advice on canine vaccinations please check out RawPetMedics Facebook Live on Tuesdays nights. Using the most recent literature, two of the UK's top vets - Dr's Nick Thompson and Brendan Clarke - have covered the topics many times for us.

Or, if you'd like a read of the current advice from the top veterinary immunologists, please check out our article below.




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