Another lovely weekend of showing dogs. I’ve had to stay home because of my cancer treatments, but Drake Stinson and Lillian Waiters have taken good care of the pups. Thank you Lehigh Valley Kennel Club for a lovely show on Saturday. Patewood and Cherlyn dogs did super! Patewoods Casper took Winner Dog and Best of Winners while Cherlyn N Patewoods Platinum Passion (Goldie) brought home Best of Opposite S*x. Thank you judge Gary Sparschu for seeing the quality of my babies! Sunday saw The Delaware Water Gap Kennel Club put on a festive show! Cherlyns Griffin of Patewood brought home Winners Dog while our sweet Goldie took Best of Winners and Best of Opposite S*x. Congrats to Monique Grimme and Wickliffe Mott for the amazing job you are doing with the handsome Griffin! A big thanks to judge Paula Nykiel for her kind words about our dogs. So everyone went home with points and ribbons. A big thank you to Josephine Kenney for her expert handling. Huge thank you to Lillian Waiters for looking as beautiful as our little star Goldie. Huge shout out to Best Buddy Grooming and Nikki who not only does a great job with our dogs but all my dogs loooooove her. And of course, thank you Drake for giving Casper the best home and care a dog could ever hope for. A fabulous last show of the year!!!! See ya’all next year.