LOOK at what Boomer (“Creed” from our 2019 litter) can do… he can MOON WALK!!! His owner gives the command “do a Michael” and there he goes! All he needs now is a silver sequined glove to complete his Michael Jackson impression. GREAT JOB Perry & Wendy!! 😆🐾
Yes‼️ This is as fun as it looks like. We love our puppies.
Going outside for a little fresh air. Then a snack and bedtime. 💤💤💤
We have organized some photos into albums for each puppy. That was a bit challenging as they really don’t want to hold still. 🤣
Happy Friday
This is Rose and Freyja.
Happy Friday‼️
Ronin steals mom’s favorite ball.
Freyja and Ruger have done the same thing but catching it on video is a challenge.
Beautiful days should be spent outside with puppies‼️
Skyler playing Raven.
Ronin with the black collar checking out mom’s favorite ball.
Loki with the white collar observing.
Puppies enjoyed some outside time this morning.
Dinner outside this evening.
Service dog, Hans, teaches service dog trainee, Fritzi, (puppy name: "Gunnar") how to open up the baby gate when their owner is in distress (a test). Bravo, Hans! 💕
Sigryd learning to push the handicap door buttons. Her new mom, Dana, says she's learning new things every day. Such focus!
We love seeing how the puppies are doing.