
4hound Designed and created in Slovenia, Europe, with a mission to accompany all dogs and owners around the

Pohiti, samo še nekaj srečk je na voljo 🎁🥳 med njimi pa se skrivajo tudi 4hound darilca. 🤩 Samo namignem kaj se skriva… ...

Pohiti, samo še nekaj srečk je na voljo 🎁🥳 med njimi pa se skrivajo tudi 4hound darilca. 🤩 Samo namignem kaj se skriva… 🤫 od darilnenga bona za popust do čisto gratis izdelka 😯🙌🏼


Hvala vsem dragim donatorjem 1000x.

Hvala OSMIM glavnim sponzorjem!
🎄Platinum Slovenija
🎄Dogs4motion Academy for active dogs
🎄Minami Kat - center mačje kulture
🎄Pasja Univerza
🎄Isa Gauvin

In hvala vsem ter čisto vsakemu posebej, ki bo kupil srečko
na 👉 www.sonnypethouse.com

Po navadi v času decembra dobimo kar nekaj povpraševanj o sodelovanju v nagradnih igrah oz. donacijah. Ker je v pretekli...

Po navadi v času decembra dobimo kar nekaj povpraševanj o sodelovanju v nagradnih igrah oz. donacijah. Ker je v preteklih letih to res eskaliralo, se zadnji dve leti zavestno odločam, da sodelujemo le pri redkih. Tistih, s katerimi se naše poti tako ali drugače povezujejo že pred navalom nagradnih iger na družbenih omrežjih.

S ponosom smo del decemberskega dobrodelnega srečelova Pet House SONNY 💗🐕

Še čisto malo in bo možen nakup srečk. 🎁

na www.sonnypethouse.com
Vsaka srečka je dobitna! 🎁
Izkupiček bo v obliki hrane in potrebščin namenjen za dve slovenski društvi/zavetišči za živali. 🍀
Spremljaj SONNYjeva socialna omrežja za točno uro začetka prodaje srečk. ⌚️

Zahvala naslednjemu donatorju, ki je prispeval v dobrodelni fond. 4hound 🐾

''4hound smo mlada slovenska blagovna znamka, ki je nastala z zdržitvijo dveh strasti - modnega oblikovanja in ljubezni do pasjih prijateljev. Vsak izdelek z našim podpisom je 100% ročno izdelan v Sloveniji, s pomočjo moje družine.

Smo eni izmed redkih v Sloveniji, ki za ovratnice in povodce uporabljamo certificiran BioThane®. V naši ponudbi pa boste našli tudi številne druge izdelke, ki lastnikom pomagajo bodisi pri šolanju, sprehodih ali za čimvečje udobje doma.

Ker izdelke izdelujemo sami, imamo to prednost, da lahko prisluhnemo vsakemu posamezniku ter izdelamo opremo po vaših željah.''

Preveri ponudbo na https://4hound.com/sl

Hvala 4hound! In hvala iz srca vsem donatorjem, ki jih letos res ni malo. In hvala že vnaprej vsem rednim kupcem srečk, ki sodelujete v naših srečelovih in tistim, ki še boste. ❤️

🖤 BLACK FRIDAY SALE 🖤Embracing the spirit of the season with a special treat on the most iconic shopping day! 🛍️✨ What s...


Embracing the spirit of the season with a special treat on the most iconic shopping day! 🛍️✨ What surprises do you think we have in store for you? Check below! 👇

🖤 20% discount on BioThane set of collar and leash
🖤 15% discount on waterproof tracking leashes
🖤 15% discount on cotton drying coats

Discount is valid from 24. till 26. 11. 2023 and is not applicable for products that are already discounted and custom-made products.

Happy shopping! 🎁

🇸🇮Jewel ve kako zapozirati 👀🎀Za tokratni outfit si je izbrala naš hexa slip povodec v širini 10 mm. (In če boš slučajno ...

Jewel ve kako zapozirati 👀🎀

Za tokratni outfit si je izbrala naš hexa slip povodec v širini 10 mm. (In če boš slučajno povodec iskal/a…nimam ga še na spletni strani 🙈, zato mi piši v privat sporočilo.)

In za kaj se taki povodci uporabljajo? 🤔 v bistvu so zelo univerzalini…ampak Neža si ga je izbrala za agility tekmovanja.

🪶 Material je zelo lahek, zato kuža sploh nima občutka, da bi nosil kaj okoli vratu.

💦 Vodoodporen material je zelo priročna lastnost opreme namenjene za agility. Namreč večino tekem poteka zunaj na travi ali notri na pesku/mivki.

🙌🏼 Enostavna uporaba. Povodec hitro natakneš in snameš iz kuža, zato mu pred začetkom teka ne povzeočaš dodatnega stresa.

Jewel knows how to look cute 👀🎀

She is wearing our hexa slip leash in 10 mm width. (Don't search for it on our online store, as I haven't uploaded it yet 🙈😂).

What are these leashes for? 🤔 Well you can use it in different occasions, but Neza bought them mainly for agility competitions.

🪶 The super-light material gives the feeling that the dog has nothing around its neck.

💦 It's also waterproof. You know, agility competitions usually happen outdoors on the grass or indoors on sand. Therefore, it's convenient to have a leash you can clean easily.

🙌🏼 And last but not least, they are easy to put on and take off the dog with no additional stress before the start of a run.

🇸🇮Res je poseben občutek, ko izvem da izbirate darilo med našimi izdelki. 🎈✨Maa, jest kr skačem so neba, ko si slavljene...

Res je poseben občutek, ko izvem da izbirate darilo med našimi izdelki. 🎈✨

Maa, jest kr skačem so neba, ko si slavljenec/ka zaželi 4hound izdelek! 😍🙏🏻🐕

Kaj bi si pa ti zaželel/a za darilo?

There's something extra special about our products being chosen as birthday gifts! 🎈✨

I am over the moon when someone's special day includes a gift 🎁 with 4hound product. 😍🙏🏻🐕

What would be your perfect gift?

🇸🇮Abba je pripravljena za raziskovanje sveta 🌎 in vse blatne dogodivščine, ki si jih v jeseni ne moremo izogniti. 🙈 Njen...

Abba je pripravljena za raziskovanje sveta 🌎 in vse blatne dogodivščine, ki si jih v jeseni ne moremo izogniti. 🙈

Njena lastnica Eva mi je dodelila odogovrno nalogo. 😬 Prepustila mi je izbiro barv za Abbin set (iz ožjega nabora barv). Takšne odločitve me navdajo z veliko mero kreativnosti, saj vedno želim ustvariti nekaj novega in zanimivega. 🎨 Kolikor je ta naloga kreativna, je tudi odgovorna. Zato ni čudno, da je malenkost treme vedno prisotne. 🙈 Konec koncev izdelke uporabljate vi (ki jih tudi plačate). Zato je moja največja želja in uspeh, če vam je končni izdelek všeč in niti ne pomislite več kako bi izgledalo v drugi barvni kombinaciji…no morda idino za novi set. 😜


Abba is ready to explore the world 🌎 and all the muddy adventures we can't avoid in autumn. 🙈

Her owner, Eva, assigned me responsible task. 😬 She left it up to me to choose the colors for Abba's set (from a shortlist of colors). Such decisions fill me with creativity, because I always want to create something new and interesting. 🎨

As much as this task is creative, it is also responsible. So it's no wonder that I am also a bit nervous when creating it. 🙈 After all, you use the products (and pay for them). That's why my biggest wish and success is if you like the final product and don't even think about how it would look in another color combination... maybe just for another set. 😜


If you were asking yourself (probably not 😂) but anyway - I managed to build whole stand by myself 💪🏻. A bit adjusted with all elements, old tent (because it’s lighter). ➡️➡️ I think the result was super cute 😍 like one small boutique store. Especially I love corner with drying coats 💦

(It was 2h of sweating and a bit of hurrying that the stand looked so polished 😂. And then another 1,5h at the end to pack again everything).

Big thank you to Kinološko društvo Ptuj and Ziva Ketis. I had so much fun 🥳, the vibe was fantastic🙌🏼 and all of you were so 🫶🏼.

🇸🇮Je že čas da 'skočimo' v vikend, kajne?Upam, da imaš kakšne super plane s tvojim kužkom. 💓🐕Če pa še vedno iščeš idejo ...

Je že čas da 'skočimo' v vikend, kajne?
Upam, da imaš kakšne super plane s tvojim kužkom. 💓🐕Če pa še vedno iščeš idejo za izlet, pa pridi pogledat Agility tekmo na Ptuj. Poleg tekme bo tudi nekaj prodajnih stojnic in mi se že extra veselimo da te spoznamo. No ne mi ampak jaz... tokrat bom na stojnici čisto sama 😮 Ali misliš da mi bo ratalo vse? 🤔 Bomo vidli jutri.

Kjerkoli že boš, ustvari lepe spomine. 💚

It's time to start with the weekend mood, right?
Hope you have awesome plans with your dog. 💓🐕 But if you're still thinking what to do. I have an idea. 👉 Come tomorrow (Saturday) to Ptuj for the agility competition. There will be as well couple of trade stands and we're happy to meet you ... well better say I am not we ... as this time I will be alone on the stand. Do you think I will manage to build all the stand by myself? 🤔 Let's see tomorrow.

Anyway wherever you'll be - have pawsom adventure 💚

Spet smo na terenu 🤩Ta vikend nas najdeš v Polhovem Gradcu na CACIB Polhograjski Dolomiti Dog Show 2023 🙌🏼Za gledalce je...

Spet smo na terenu 🤩

Ta vikend nas najdeš v Polhovem Gradcu na CACIB Polhograjski Dolomiti Dog Show 2023 🙌🏼

Za gledalce je vstop na razstavo prost 🤩, parkirnina 3€ pa gre tokrat gasilskemu društvu Zalog. 👨‍🚒

Fletna lokacija med drevesi 🌳 poskrbi da je tudi med poletjem fina temperatura.

🙏🏻🙏🏻 😢 V mislih z vsemi, ki se ta trenutek bojujete z neverjetno situacijo v naši državici. Delim spodnji post v upanju ...

🙏🏻🙏🏻 😢 V mislih z vsemi, ki se ta trenutek bojujete z neverjetno situacijo v naši državici. Delim spodnji post v upanju da komu pomaga in doseže čim več oseb.

Right before my holidays, we had a wonderful visit from Mars and his owners to pick up his brand new collar. The color c...

Right before my holidays, we had a wonderful visit from Mars and his owners to pick up his brand new collar. The color combination is absolutely breathtaking! 🌈

Lemon yellow paired with mint creates the perfect summer look, and it complements Mars' coat beautifully. 🍋💚

Can you guess Mars' breed? It's not a very common one here in Slovenia, but he's definitely one unique and special pup! 🐕🇸🇮 Let's see if you can guess!

Weekends are meant for looooong naps. 😴

Weekends are meant for looooong naps. 😴

😍🎉 Lexi and her humom Lara had an absolute blast during their holiday in the breathtaking Dolomites. 🌲🏞️The Dolomites' m...

😍🎉 Lexi and her humom Lara had an absolute blast during their holiday in the breathtaking Dolomites. 🌲🏞️

The Dolomites' majestic beauty left us all in awe, and we couldn't be happier to see Lexi enjoying every moment of it.

Just before the holidays, Lara visited us at Slovenian Agility Open in Ptuj where we defined this stunning set for Lexi. Lara likes purple and Lexi has blue eyes. So, colour combination was defined. 💜💙

And if you're looking for your own adventure buddy, why not consider a trip to the magnificent Dolomites? It's a pet-friendly paradise waiting to be explored! 🐕🎒


🐶❤️ Machi, the cutest Bull Terrier, turned 7 last week! 🎂 Wishing this playful furball many more years of exciting playd...

🐶❤️ Machi, the cutest Bull Terrier, turned 7 last week! 🎂

Wishing this playful furball many more years of exciting playdates, endless ball fetch sessions, tasty snacks, and heartwarming cuddles with her amazing owner Maša. 💗 The bond they share is truly pawsome!

At 4hound, we're incredibly grateful that Maša once again chose us for Machi's birthday present. 🎁
You'll have to wait till mid-August to find out.

Join us in sending lots of love and birthday cheers to Machi! 🎈🎊

Vse najboljše, Machi the bull! 🥳

Pravljičnih 7! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

📣 Join us at the Slovenian agility open! 🏆🐾📅 Date: Today - Sunday📍 Location: Gerečja vas, Ptuj🐾 We're thrilled to be par...

📣 Join us at the Slovenian agility open! 🏆🐾

📅 Date: Today - Sunday
📍 Location: Gerečja vas, Ptuj

🐾 We're thrilled to be part of Slovenian Agility Open Competition. 🎉 Don't miss this cool event where dogs and handlers showcase their skills, speed, and teamwork!

🚩 Visit our vibrant trade stand and discover BioThane, waterproof equipment which is just perfect for summer days and water activities. 💦

🐾 Whether you're a seasoned competitor, a passionate dog lover, or simply curious about the world of agility, this event is a must-attend.

See ya!! 🐾✨

How all Fridays should look like: sea, sun and lots of dogs 🐕

How all Fridays should look like: sea, sun and lots of dogs 🐕

🇸🇮 Pripravite se za vikend pasje dobre zabave na mednarodni razstavi CACIB Maribor 🐾 ❗️Od petka (21.4.) do nedelje (23.4...

Pripravite se za vikend pasje dobre zabave na mednarodni razstavi CACIB Maribor 🐾

❗️Od petka (21.4.) do nedelje (23.4.) nas najdeš na poligonu KD Maribor.

Te dni delamo s polno paro 🚀, da bo stojnica dobro založena, s seboj pa bomo imeli še kar nekaj novosti. Takšni dogodki v živo so super za vse, ki želite opremo videti v živo. V živo vidite širok nabor barv (teh je preko 40), modele izdelkov, mi izmerimo kužka in se o vseh detajlih pomenimo v živo - kar je lažje za vse! 🤗

V petek bo za vas poskrbela moja najboljša ekipa - saj že veste kdo sta to, kajne? 🫶🏼 Za vikend pa se pridružim tudi jaz in komaj čakam da skupaj poklepetamo! 💜


Get ready for a weekend of furry fun at CACIB Maribor! 🐾

❗️From Friday to Sunday, we'll be at Pologon KD Maribor with our stand.

These days we're working in full speed 🚀 to keep our stand well stocked and show you plenty of new products. If you're looking for personalized gear for your pup, that kind of the event is for you! Come and see whole our range of colors (we have more than 41 colours), models, and let us measure your furry friend while discussing all the details in person. 🤗

My team got you covered on Friday and I am joining you on the weekend. Can't wait to see you there and catch up! 💜

🇸🇮 Vizsla Biba je ta teden pihnila prvo svečko! 🥳 Zato si je zaslužila tudi novo opremo iz BioThane.Njena lastnica Žana ...

Vizsla Biba je ta teden pihnila prvo svečko! 🥳 Zato si je zaslužila tudi novo opremo iz BioThane.

Njena lastnica Žana ji je izbrala set martingale ovratnice in klasičnega povodca v rumeno-burgundy kombinaciji. 🤩

Sedaj sta pa popolno opremljeni za vsa spomladanska doževetja - od raziskovanja v naravi kot tudi mestnih sprehodov… saj veš, BioThane je super za vzdrževanje - preprosto ga opereš pod 💦 in izgleda kot nov ✨

Biba the Vizsla just turned one. 🥳 As she’s all grown up now, ahe deserves totally new set of BioThane martingale collar and classic leash.

Her owner Žana chose burgundy- yellow combination. 🤩 Now they are ready for all spring activities - from nature exploring to city walks… you know, BioThan is super simple for cleaning - add 💦, rub it a bit and soon will look like new again. ✨

🇸🇮 DOBRODOŠLA POMLAD in dobrodošle sveže nove barve 🌷Za začetek pomladi me je razveselil paketek novih barv. Za začetek ...

DOBRODOŠLA POMLAD in dobrodošle sveže nove barve 🌷

Za začetek pomladi me je razveselil paketek novih barv. Za začetek vedno vzamem samo par metrov, toliko da barve vidim, začutim in me nato same zapeljejo v oblikovanje kolekcije.

V naš pester nabor barv (imamo jih že preko 40), dodajamo:
🍂 opečnato oranžno
🌼 pastelno rumeno
🌵in zeleno

Za prvič v zelo omejeni količini. 😳 Tako da, če želiš osvežiti splomladansko garderobo tvojega kuža, mi kar hitro napiši, da sestaviva novi kompletek.

‼️Do četrtka ti izdelke s katerokoli od novih barv izdelam z 10% popustom pa še poštnino častim 🎉

HELLO SPRING and hellow new BioThane colours. 🌷

As spring came as well I got new samples of colours. At the beginning I always take just few meters and than wait to feel them, to try them in natural light and that they lead me to design the collection.

To our wide range of colours (we have more than 40 already) I just added three new ones:

🍂 burnt orange
🌼 pastel yellow
🌵 and green

For the beginning it’s very limited stock. 😳 Therefore I you want to refresh your dog’s outfit, just write me and we’ll make new stunning set of collar and leash.

‼️Till Thursday you can shop 10% OFF and with free shipping (valid only for products with new colours)! 🎉

🇸🇮Če me pa kdo vedno očara s pogledom in fotkami, je pa to seveda Machi the bull💗 *Ta lepa fotka je od Maša in Machi, os...

Če me pa kdo vedno očara s pogledom in fotkami, je pa to seveda Machi the bull💗

*Ta lepa fotka je od Maša in Machi, ostalo so moji fotografski podvigi, predno izdelke zapakiram. Saj tu ne rabim omenjat, da se mi vedno ali mudi ali pa slikam ob takih “ta pravih urah”. 😅

If someone always charms me with THE look or photo, that’s of course Machi. 💗

*First photo (the sweetest one) is from Maša and Machi, the rest are my photographic trys, before I pack the products. Here I don't need to mention that I'm always either in a hurry or I take photos at "the best hour". 😅

🇸🇮Iskreno, nikoli nisem mislila da bo ‘Nile’ set eden izmed najinih najlubših. Ampak, ko sem za ta izlet (in namen par f...

Iskreno, nikoli nisem mislila da bo ‘Nile’ set eden izmed najinih najlubših. Ampak, ko sem za ta izlet (in namen par fotk) Leni nadela modri BioThane kompletek, me je očarala. 😻 In sedaj ga redno uporabljava. 🐕

❓Imaš tudi ti kakšno barvo, za katero si ne bi mislil/a da jo boš izbral/a?

I didn’t imagine that ‘Nile’ set would be one of our favourite ones. 🤭 But c’mon look at her and these blue tones. So adorable 😍

❓ Do you also have a color that you didn't think you would choose?

I am not sure if Quick wants to show:🥱 how tired he is listening to all the ladies around him saying what to (not) do,💗 ...

I am not sure if Quick wants to show:
🥱 how tired he is listening to all the ladies around him saying what to (not) do,

💗 or if he just wants to shout out loud that he adores us so much?


What do you think?

I will choose the second option. You know it’s obvious 😂 he adores us 🫶🏼💗

Happy Women's Day to all the super power ladies here! 💐


Did you know that it takes about 2 hours for one dog drying coat? 😯

From the first cut to the last stitch. 🧵 This is how your bathrobes are made.

🔸 100% Italian cotton
🔸 super soft
🔸covered belly
🔸 easy to dress up
🔸 strong and durable velcro
🔸 approved by dogs who usually don’t like to be dressed up
🔸 easy maintenance on 40 degrees in washing machine

If you don't know jet, the entire offer you see at 4hound is made by us - me and my family. 🫶🏼

“Ena Vizsla na dan, odžene slabo voljo stran!” 😜Number of Vizslas in our 4hound family gets bigger and bigger every mont...

“Ena Vizsla na dan, odžene slabo voljo stran!” 😜

Number of Vizslas in our 4hound family gets bigger and bigger every month. Nevertheless they still know how to get my attention and charm me. 🙊


She is my valentine 365 days per year. 💗

Just like we complement each other, you can complement your pooch’s gear. Select 2 products of your choice and shop for your fellow furry valentine with 𝟮𝟬% 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ➡️ https://4hound.com

🇬🇧"4hound is going abroad 🤩", were my thoughts in January. But don't worry, we are staying located in Slovenia. In the e...

"4hound is going abroad 🤩", were my thoughts in January. But don't worry, we are staying located in Slovenia. In the end of January we just had our first event abroad.

How successful we were in Czech Republic, BTS and all the preparations are gathered in blog post 👉 https://4hound.com/blogs/news/event-with-7000-dogs-success-guaranteed-really

"4hound gre v tujino 🤩", so bile moje misli Januarja. Ampak brez skrbi, ostajamo locirani v Sloveniji. Konec januarja smo se udeležili le našega prvega dogodka v tujini.

Kako uspešni smo bili na Češkem, BTS in naše priprave sem zajela v blog objavi 👉 https://4hound.com/blogs/news/event-with-7000-dogs-success-guaranteed-really

Recap of preparations and journey to our first exhibition abroad. Brno was our destination with Duo Cacib event, which held more than 7000 registered dogs in two days.

Is December really over? 🥺Unfortunately yes, but its magic ✨still shines in January. Every year we get many requests to ...

Is December really over? 🥺

Unfortunately yes, but its magic ✨still shines in January.

Every year we get many requests to participate in December/Christmas giveaways with our products. If my answer was always 'yes, of course' in the last years, I was quite strict in December 2022, where I wanted to participate with 4hound.

Therefore, 4hound was only in two giveaways. Machi the bull had a sort of advent calendar where we gave away 3 prizes. One of them was a collar of the winner's choice. 🤩

Petra chose the Coral classic collar in 25 mm for her swetty Pika. I think it fits her P E R F E C T L Y 💓

And what colour would you choose for your dog? 🤔

Tokrat nekaj za 🇸🇮 sledilce. Vse je enkrat prvič in tako tudi moj "nastop" v podcastu. V svoje goste me je povabila Pia,...

Tokrat nekaj za 🇸🇮 sledilce.

Vse je enkrat prvič in tako tudi moj "nastop" v podcastu. V svoje goste me je povabila Pia, kjer sva za podcast 'Conor brez cenzure' spregovorili:
👉 o mojih začetkih,
👉 o vseh lepih in malo manj lepih stvareh podjetništva
👉 kako imam zlato družino (zakaj tako mislim preveri v podcastu)
👉 o tem da ne izdelujemo samo BioThane izdelkov (ovratnic in povodcev), čeprav smo po tem najbolj poznani.

🎁 Za vse poslušalce pa smo uredili še kodo za 10% popust 👉 klikni na link spodaj in v podcastu izveš to čarobno kodico

🎙 https://conorsadventure.si/blog/2022/12/15/podcast-17-epizoda/

Upam, da boš užival/a v poslušanju! Sej veš, zelo vesela pa bom tvojega feedbacka - kako se ti je najin pogovor zdel in seveda, če te zanima še kaj več 😃

👉 in tukaj je 17 epizoda; podcasta CONOR BREZ CENZURE 🤩🎬
Tokrat se mi je v našem podcastu pridružila Ana Štucin 😇 Da, to je tista Ana, ki je lastnica in ustanoviteljica blagovne znamke 4hound ...tiste znamke, ki tako kot mi razvija in izdeluje pasje ovratnice, povodce in še marsikaj drugega 😎
In ja, prav bereš 😆…dejansko sem v goste povabila na nek način našo konkurenco🙈. Z Ano si namreč delimo kar nekaj strank 🙏
❤️Ampak enkrat za spremembo smo poskusili biti malce manj "slovenski" 😆 in bolj povezovalni 🫶…
Ker sej veš kako pravijo, za vsakega je dovolj prostora pod soncem in enako velja v našem primeru s 4hound 🤝.
O čem je tekel pogovor v tej epizodi😇?
👉 Z Ano sva imele izjemno debato o podjetništvu, o njenih začetkih z blagovno znamko 4hound.
👉 Razložila je celo ozadje njenega logotipa, celotno zgodbo, pa kako izgleda postopek izdelave njihovih izredno priljubljenih plaščkov.
👉 Seveda sva ogromno govorile o BIOTHAN-u®, pa kakšna je sploh razlika med njegovo fake različico.
👉 Govorili sva o konkurenci, kopiranju....
🔥🎧Epizodo lahko poslušaš tukaj:
‼️ 🤩Aja pa kot je sedaj decembra že v navadi sem vam tudi pri 4hound zrihtala popust... s 👉kodo CONOR10👈 imate v mesecu decembru 10% popust na vse njene produkte 😉
Zdaj pa reči, če nismo fajn 😇?
Veselo poslušanje, pa daj bodi duša in delu epizodo med svoje frende 🙃

Our BLACK FRIDAY SALE is still active. 🎉 https://4hound.com/▪20% discount on BioThane collars & leashes from our regular...

Our BLACK FRIDAY SALE is still active. 🎉 https://4hound.com/

▪20% discount on BioThane collars & leashes from our regular collection
▪20% discount on tracking leashes
▪20% discount on cotton drying bathrobes

Get ready for winter adventures with waterproof equipment.

What is BioThane?
BioThane is a special material which consists polyester webbing inside & PVC coating. Therefore is antibacterial, easy to clean & very strong. 💪

It's that time of the year again...⚫ BLACK FRIDAY SALES ⚫Your chance to save a bit of money while shopping for your dog....

It's that time of the year again...⚫ BLACK FRIDAY SALES ⚫

Your chance to save a bit of money while shopping for your dog.

🖤 20 % discount on a regular collection of BioThane collars and leashes, waterproof PVC tracking leashes & cotton drying bathrobes

🖤 30 % discount on outlet collection (collection from last year) - keep in mind that stock in really limited.

Visit https://4hound.com/ 👉 find your favourite products

‼ NOTE: discounts are visible at the end of he tcheckout

Finally ‼️Wider models of regular & adjustable leashes are available as well on our webshop! 🎉READ TILL THE END 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼Be...

Finally ‼️
Wider models of regular & adjustable leashes are available as well on our webshop! 🎉


Before you could order them only by writing us or if you visited us at any event. And from now on you can purchase them straight from https://4hound.com

✔️ 19 mm
✔️ ALU snap hook is extremely light (max 20g) and holds up to 400 kg
✔️certificated BioThane
✔️ waterproof & antibacterial
✔️ designed and handmade by me or my parents

Use code 👉🏼 LEASH 👈🏼 in shopping chart and get wider model of the leash for the price of thinner one. ‼️‼️ That means you’ll save 4€ per each leash you take!

Couldn't imagine a better Sunday. Sea view immediately made the day amazing. But then all of you came. 🥹 Yesterday 4houn...

Couldn't imagine a better Sunday. Sea view immediately made the day amazing. But then all of you came. 🥹

Yesterday 4hound was part of Kosmatinčkov festival at Izola. Where more than 15 small Slovenian brands presented their own products. And we’re one of them.

Words are not enough to say thank you. 🫶🏼

I meet my customers from before which I know only through social media or web store, many new faces as well get to know me and my philosophy of the brand. 🙏🏻

Happy and honoured to be part of this story 🎉Five bull terriers will be dressed in 4hound for their first participation ...

Happy and honoured to be part of this story 🎉

Five bull terriers will be dressed in 4hound for their first participation ever at Country Competition 2022 🇳🇱

What they will wear? Slip leashes in main cyan colour and each dog has it’s own detail colour. 🌈 Adults will be rocking in 16 mm leashes and puppy will be charming in 13 mm.

I am wishing them lots of success at the show but most important that they will have the the best adventure. 💙

New weekend, new location. ✨Danes na Agility tekmi v Mariboru. 🎉 Super za pogledat, kužkom predatavit novo okolje, potem...

New weekend, new location. ✨

Danes na Agility tekmi v Mariboru. 🎉 Super za pogledat, kužkom predatavit novo okolje, potem pa še kam na izlet. Pa je sobota popolna 🤩

Great memories from last weekend in Lenart, were Dog Frisbee European Championship took part. 🥏 🐾Three days of fun 🎉 hot...

Great memories from last weekend in Lenart, were Dog Frisbee European Championship took part. 🥏 🐾

Three days of fun 🎉 hot temperatures, heavy rain and amazing performances by crazy (in a good way) dogs and their owners.

It was first time for me to be part of that kind of competition, so therefore it was even more interesting to watch what dogs are actually capable to do. 🤯🙌🏼

Thanks to everyone who shared knowledge about the competition rules with me, come to see our stand, our products and me. ❤️ Truly pleasure to meet all of you in person not just from IG profiles (and next time first say your IG account, so I’ll know where to put you)😂😂.

I am feeling so humbled when you say you know us ❤️ our products ❤️ and that you already have them. 🙏🏻 Most of the time I still think ‘nobody’ knows me.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Don’t know what to do this weekend? 🤔Visit Lenart and check what is going on at USDDN DogFrisbee European Championship, ...

Don’t know what to do this weekend? 🤔

Visit Lenart and check what is going on at USDDN DogFrisbee European Championship, Slovenia 2022. 🥏

Also you can see our equipment & try it.

An interesting dog event and good vibes are guaranteed. 🤙🏻

See ya 👋🏻

Greetings from ISTRA  Slovenian Summer Dog Shows. 👋🏻👋🏻You can find our stand today, tomorrow and Sunday. It’s night show...

Greetings from ISTRA Slovenian Summer Dog Shows. 👋🏻👋🏻

You can find our stand today, tomorrow and Sunday. It’s night show, so meet us from 7 PM till 1 AM. 🕐

We’re happy to be part of an amazing enent where we can show all the visitors and participants our handmade BioThane dog equipment. 🙏🏻

Meet Toy and her owner Susanne. 😍Iris Wolfhound with our BioThane® 'Pixie' set. Well, what can I say, some things can re...

Meet Toy and her owner Susanne. 😍

Iris Wolfhound with our BioThane® 'Pixie' set. Well, what can I say, some things can really come true. When I first saw this stunning creature called Irish Wolfhound, I fell in love and I dreamed that one day I will equip one with our gear.

And here she is. 😍 I think the 'Pixie' set it's perfect match for Toy's coat. It's like it was made for her. What do you think?

Toy got 25 mm classic collar in Burgundy and 19 mm 'Pixie' adjustable leash with aluminium snap hook.

It's a perfect match! Stylish design and easy to clean, this set is a winner. 🐕💦Leviosa has a new set of waterproof mart...

It's a perfect match! Stylish design and easy to clean, this set is a winner. 🐕💦

Leviosa has a new set of waterproof martingale collar and adjustable leash. This time her owner Živa has chosen a material with hexagonal pattern on the surface (usually used for our tracking leashes). The combination of hexa teal with hexa black details works very well on both the leash and the collar. Thanks to the material, the whole set is super lightweight.

Leviosa can happily jump around 🐾, play in the water 💦 or roll in the grass 🍃 and after all these fun activities Živa won’t t spend much time cleaning Leviosa's gear.





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