(english below)
TESTER TESTER er baseret på en eksperimenterende tilgang til kunst og det kuratoriske og tager udgangspunkt i en undersøgelse af fænomenerne, tid og rum og deres indflydelse på kunstens form, udtryk og indhold. I 2014 udmundede dette i det første udstillingsprojekt: Én udstilling, der spredte sig over de tre udstillingssteder OK Corral Project Space, c4 Projects
og NLHspace. En udstilling, som bagefter blev flyttet til udstillingsstedet Ringsted Galleriet. Dette var en udstilling, som forholdt sig til stedsspecifikke og kontekstbaserede værkers efterliv. Ved at flytte og genudstille værker, der før havde været vist et af de tre steder, ville vi undersøge, om forskydning og rekontekstualisering kunne skabe nye perspektiver. De omgivelser, steds- og kontekstbaseret kunst er en del af, bliver ofte en integreret del af værkerne, et ekstra materiale. At adskille det ene fra det andet rummer risikoen for at fjerne indhold og betydning. Samtidig indebærer det ofte midlertidige, gensidige forhold mellem de to dog, at denne form for kunst er dømt til at leve videre i fotodokumentationen af dens eksistens. TESTER TESTER (2014) var en tilbagevenden til kunstværkets materialitet men ikke nødvendigvis dets oprindelige form. Det var en analog fortolkning, der for en periode modsatte sig fotografiets forevigelse og digitaliseringens dematerialisering.
TESTER TESTER is based on an experimental approach to art and the curatorial and builds on the study of the phenomena time and space and their effect on arts form, expression and content. In 2014 this resulted in the first exhibition project: One exhibition dispersed across the three exhibition spaces OK Corral Project Space, c4 Projects and NLHspace. An exhibition that later moved to the exhibition space Ringsted Galleriet. TESTER TESTER was an exhibition that looked at the afterlife of site- and context based art works. By moving and re-exhibiting artworks that had previously been on show at one of the three spaces we wanted to examine if the dislocation and recontextualisation of such works of art could create new perspectives. The surroundings site- or context based art is a part of often become an integral component, an extra material. To separate one from the other contains the risk of removing content or meaning. However, the often temporary, reciprocal relationship between the two entails that such art is condemned to live on in the photo documentation of their existence. TESTER TESTER (2014) was a return to the materiality of the artworks, but not necessarily their original form. It was an analogue interpretation, which for a moment turned away from the immortalization by photography and the dematerialisation of the digitised.