Hello everypawdy. Mes just bes popping in to see how’s yous all bes doings. Mes knows some of yous has hads some nasty storms. Mes hopes ands prays yous all bes safe and ok.
Wes bes doings goods here and mes keeping moms on hers toes. Hers bes an awful secretary and mes does yells, buts what can mes do? Please know mes luvs yous all withs mes little heart and keeps yous all in mes thoughts.
Please remember to bes kind to somepawdy today. It mays bes the only kindness thems gets. A smile is an act of kindness. Wes needs to bes nicer to one another these days. It’s bes very tough times and Wes can make a change one pup and person at a time. Mes luvs yous all bunches. Mwuah. ❤️❤️❤️😘