I'm sitting here today, watching Biden on his 1st campaign speech and all he can speak about is: Donald Trump and the MEGA Republicans....I mean, there was absolutely NOT 1 WORD...about what His Accomplishments have been in the PAST 3 yrs..(NONE) or WHAT He WILL DO for THIS COUNTRY and the People in the future if Re-Elected....ALL He did, the ENTIRE SPEECH was KNOCK Trump and MEGA...THAT IS NOT what is IMPORTANT to the People of this Country..not something that took place 3yrs ago..We Lived It, We know...it has been Beaten into our Heads by the Dems..ENOUGH.....this is a New Election, a New Year...ALLOW US, "The People", to make up our OWN MINDS, We are not Children, We understand what is at Stake.....We don't need his comments, about what was.. I know I can't take 4 more years of a worthless President, who can only live in the Past..I'm looking into the Future so my children, grands and Great Grands have an AWESOME, FREE AMERICA...as I did..