Learn TNR online this Saturday, 9/7!
Neighborhood Cats
TNR Certification Workshop
Saturday, Sept 7, 2024, 2 - 4:30pm ET
(or watch the recording
Become part of the solution for feral and stray cats in your neighborhood! Learn how to do Trap-Neuter-Return at our popular virtual training. We'll teach you what TNR is, why it's a great idea and how to do it. Topics include dealing with neighbors, all aspects of trapping, and basic colony care. By the end, you'll know how to safely and effectively get your colony cats fixed.
Instructed by Bryan Kortis and Susan Richmond of Neighborhood Cats, hosted by the Community Cats Podcast and sponsored by Tomahawk Live Trap. Participants receive a Certificate of Attendance and animal control officers are eligible for Continuing Education Units from the National Animal Care & Control Association. $10 course fee.
Extra info on local TNR resources will be available to residents of New York City, Washington DC and Iowa. (Please note: availability of discount spay/neuter in NYC is limited at this time, but we'll help you find and pay for a vet!)
Can't make it live? To become certified, register for the September 7 session and view the recording by September 14. Follow the link above to reserve your spot today!