Royal Flush Reptiles

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Royal Flush Reptiles Welcome to Royal Flush Reptiles!! Here at Royal Flush Reptiles our goal is to provide you the repti Royal Flush Reptiles started like any other dream.

With hard work we have come to a place where we can share the beauty and wonder of the animals we love with the world. Our goal will always be to help you find the perfect reptile companion for your life. We pride ourselves on our honesty and integrity as a breeder, because we have been where you are. So take a peek at our beautiful babies, and let us know how we can help!

1.2 harlequin ink spot proven breeders crested geckos!!! Let us know if you are interested!!!!

1.2 harlequin ink spot proven breeders crested geckos!!! Let us know if you are interested!!!!

Well. Not how I wanted to spend my night. But here I am. Sitting at 11:00 pm finally home after spending the better part...

Well. Not how I wanted to spend my night. But here I am. Sitting at 11:00 pm finally home after spending the better part of my evening dealing with something I had always heard about but never thought I would experience. Someone physically and verbally threatening my service dog Buttercup and I.

While shopping at the Safeway in my hometown, the same store that I shop in several times a week, and have been since I was old enough to drive on my own and could pick my own stores; a woman decided to use her cart to threaten first my active working medical aide, then verbally threatened me and her.

Now my parents have raised me to always try and be the bigger person, and sometimes that means fighting a fight so someone else doesn’t have to. So I stopped to educate this woman, and instead she responded with more vitriol and ignorance. To the point I actually thought I may have to use the self defense skills Sam has taught me. Thankfully the amazing staff at Safeway stepped in and allowed me to make my escape. I was able to check out, while in tears, and get out to my car where I could call one of my emergency contacts to stay on the phone with me till I got home.

Once I was able I called the manager and ensured she would support my story if I decided to pursue action because interfering with an active service dog is a crime. She and her entire staff were completely on board. So Sam and I packed up and went to Safeway and called the Montgomery County non-emergency line to file a report. Once and officer got out there we were treated with respect and empathy and honestly a refreshing seriousness.

Please teach the people in your life how to interact or not interact with service dogs in public. If you want to know more I am always happy to answer questions about service dogs and service dog law!

I don’t really know where this is going to go, but I am hoping to really blow this up because, honestly this kind of behavior is just unacceptable.

Please keep voting for me!!!! I’m holding steady at 3rd in my group!

Please keep voting for me!!!! I’m holding steady at 3rd in my group!

Help Amanda Matathias win $20,000 and a feature to tell their story in the iconic Inked Magazine.

One baby crested gecko. Last one until next year at the soonest! Feeding great on repashy and handles ok. DM for details

One baby crested gecko. Last one until next year at the soonest! Feeding great on repashy and handles ok. DM for details

Hognoses breeders

Hognoses breeders

Hognoses getting big!

Hognoses getting big!

Name these salmon snow corn snakes! The theme is Greek gods and goddesses

Name these salmon snow corn snakes! The theme is Greek gods and goddesses

Hey everyone! Sorry for the radio silence for so long. We haven't forgotten about you all! We have just been dealing wit...

Hey everyone! Sorry for the radio silence for so long. We haven't forgotten about you all! We have just been dealing with difficult personal issues that finally seem to be leveling out. So the page will get a lot more active in preparation for the 2023-2024 breeding season. To start we have picked up a pair of Salmon Snow corn snakes we are planning to add to a long term breeding project. They will be arriving Wednesday so we will have a lot more pictures then and we will be running a poll for their names!!! Thanks for sticking with us guys! -listings
24/07/2022 -listings

Royal Flush Reptiles on MorphMarket is owned by Amanda May Matathias and located in Rockville, Maryland. We have been breeding quality reptiles and amphibians for almost a decade. We believe in quality and support for everyone who purchases from us.

Moving sale! We have the following available! Message us if you are interested in something and we will get you pricing ...

Moving sale! We have the following available! Message us if you are interested in something and we will get you pricing and answer any questions!!!

Crested gecko

· Dalmatian- 1 year old, male, juvenile

· super Dalmatian- juvenile

· 3-week-old baby*

Leopard gecko

· blizzard, adult male, about 5 years old

· blizzard female 3 years old- pet only

Pictus geckos- 7 total all over a year old

· female, striped

· female striped

· female, banded

· female, banded

· male, banded

male striped

· male striped- 3 years old

Rough k**b tail gecko- about 1-year old male

*will be ready to go to new home in 1 month


Eggs are hatching!!!

This week, let's look at another species native to the eastern U.S.The Eastern Rat Snake! You might know them as Black r...

This week, let's look at another species native to the eastern U.S.
The Eastern Rat Snake!
You might know them as Black rat snakes or Pilot snakes.
They can be spotted in forests, fields, swamps, or even suburban areas. In fact, Eastern Rat Snakes sometimes find their way into buildings while hunting rodents, and must be removed by experienced handlers.
If you encounter one, there's no need to panic. Eastern Rat Snakes are not venomous and not usually aggressive. When threatened, they emit a foul smell and shake their tail in imitation of venomous species, but this is a ruse. Still, as we've discussed before, any sufficiently provoked animal can bite so it's best to leave them be or call a professional.
Adult Eastern Rat Snakes can be recognized by their glossy black bodies and white throats. Their underbelly is black and white in a pattern which resembles a checkerboard. As juveniles, they have grey bodies with black markings along their backs. Their scales will darken to black as they age.
Their heads are wide compared to their bodies, and they can often reach seven feet long or more!
Eastern Rat Snakes are excellent climbers and use those skills to hunt birds and eggs in tree tops; but they can also swim for their supper, catching frogs in streams or swamps.
These snakes are most active during warm springs days or summer nights. They overwinter in underground dens with other snakes, often several species will all share the same den.

This week's Fun Fact Friday is about an animal which will soon be coming out of hibernation here in our neck of the wood...

This week's Fun Fact Friday is about an animal which will soon be coming out of hibernation here in our neck of the woods, the Eastern Box Turtle! During the spring and early summer, these turtles can be spotted up and down the eastern seaboard as they forage for food and search for mates. While they were once abundant, they have now been labeled a "vulnerable" species due to habitat loss, illegal collection for the pet trade, and danger from automobiles or machinery.
Box turtles get their name from their unusual hinged plastron. When box turtles retreat into their shells they can pull this bony plate closed to create a protective "box" around their soft bodies. Eastern Box Turtles have a high domed carapace in shades of brown or black, with bright yellow or orange markings. Males have striking red eyes, while females typically have brown eyes. They are primarily terrestrial, but they do enjoy bathing in shallow water or mud especially during hot summer days.
They are opportunistic omnivores and eat whatever fruits, grasses, mushrooms, or insects they can find.
Eastern Box Turtles have permanent home ranges and should not be transported far unless they require rescue. If you see one in danger, you can help by moving it a short way in the direction it was already going.

Welcome back to Fun Fact Fridays! We want to apologize for our absence last Friday, we had a family emergency to handle....

Welcome back to Fun Fact Fridays! We want to apologize for our absence last Friday, we had a family emergency to handle. Now we’re back to tell you about Testudo Graeca, commonly known as the Greek Tortoise or as the Spur-Thighed Tortoise!
With at least 20 known subspecies, these tortoises span a huge geographic range over three continents and dozens of different types of terrains and climates. They can be found across southern Europe, northern Africa, and southwest Asia. Of course, the appearance and behaviors of the various subspecies differ depending on region, but there are some things all Greek Tortoises have in common. They are primarily diurnal and generally start their day by basking in the morning sun, but will often seek shade or underground shelter during the hottest part of the day. They spend their nights sleeping in “scrapes,” nests made under scrub or shrubbery. They do hibernate during the coldest part of the year, and their breeding season begins directly after the end of hibernation. Greek tortoises are herbivores, they thrive on grasses and nutrient rich leafy greens. Like all tortoises, Greek Tortoises are fully terrestrial - meaning they live only on land and cannot swim. Tortoises also cannot leave their shell, their vertebrae and rib bones are permanently attached to the bones of their shells. These top bones on the back are called the carapace, and the bottom bones under the belly are called a plastron. The scutes on the outer surface of the shell are made of Keratin just like human fingernails. It is important to remember that tortoises can feel pressure or pain through their shell and that incorrect handling can harm them. Tortoises are also exceptionally long-lived, and while we are not certain about the maximum lifespan of Greek Tortoises, we do know they can live to be well over 100 years old. The decision to keep pet tortoises is a serious life-long commitment, and could require you to will their care to your descendants.

It has come to our attention that our website is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We are working to remedy...

It has come to our attention that our website is currently experiencing technical difficulties. We are working to remedy this as quickly as possible and we will let you know when the website is back up and running. As always, we thank you for your attention and engagement!

Today we'll be discussing an unusual little reptile, Nephrurus - the K**b-Tail Gecko! These geckos are named for their s...

Today we'll be discussing an unusual little reptile, Nephrurus - the K**b-Tail Gecko!
These geckos are named for their short, thick tails which end in a tiny round bulb. They are quite small, usually growing to around 4 inches long including that distinctive tail. There are several subspecies of K**b Tails, some are able to drop and regrow their tails while others cannot drop their tails.
They shed frequently, as often as every two weeks, and the smooth-skinned varieties will eat their own shed for extra nutrients. Hailing from Australia, the various species of k**b-tails can be found across many different terrains and habitat types including desserts, plains, and forests. All known k**b-tail geckos are nocturnal, and spend their days sleeping in underground burrows. This means that they do not bask in sunlight like so many other reptiles. Their nocturnal nature also allows them to survive at lower temperatures than many of the other reptiles they share their native habitats with. Because k**b-tails have not been studied for long and are relatively new to the pet trade, there is still some doubt as to their lifespans, but some individuals have lived to ten years or more.
Follow us for updates on our adventures working with K**b-Tail Geckos in the future!

This week’s reptile is the Pink-Tongued Skink, a close relative of the recently featured Blue-Tongued Skink.Pink-tongued...

This week’s reptile is the Pink-Tongued Skink, a close relative of the recently featured Blue-Tongued Skink.
Pink-tongued Skinks are native to eastern Australia, where they can be found in rainforests or damp woodlands. They are burrowers and tend to hide under leaf-litter or other forest floor debris. Pink-tongued skinks are lithe and slender compared to their blue tongued cousins, with longer limbs. They usually grow to around 17 inches long, with fully half of that length being their semi-prehensile tail. While they are mostly ground-dwelling, they do climb trees in search of food, and that talented tail helps them with grip and balance. They are omnivorous, and much of their diet consists of insects and fruit, but their favorite food seems to be snails. They have wide, flat teeth at the back of their jaws which are perfectly evolved for crushing shells. In captivity, it is important not to feed your pink-tongued skink insects caught from the wild as those may be contaminated with parasites or poisons. If considering a pet pink-tongued skink, make sure you can house it in an appropriately sized enclosure with plenty of burrowing substrate, hides, and proper humidity. While pink-tongued skinks are generally pretty easy going with human handlers, they can be very territorial with each other and should not be housed together. With proper care, pink-tongued skinks can live to about 20 years old in captivity.

Looking for a way to support our community? Like USARK? We are doing a charity auction for USARK on our webpage! Feel Fr...

Looking for a way to support our community? Like USARK? We are doing a charity auction for USARK on our webpage! Feel Free to check it out!

Auctions USARK Auction Item: Colubrid DNA S*x Test from Rare Genetics Inc. Current bid: $6.00 Bid now USARK Auction Item: Colubrid DNA S*x Test from Rare Genetics Inc. Starting bid: $5.00 Bid now USARK Auction Item: Colubrid DNA S*x Test from Rare Genetics Inc. Auction Expired Bid now USARK Auction....

Today's reptile is known as the most iridescent snake in the word - the Sunbeam Snake! These captivating serpents are na...

Today's reptile is known as the most iridescent snake in the word - the Sunbeam Snake! These captivating serpents are named for their shimmery iridescent scales. Their colors range from rusty red, to chocolate brown, to black. Regardless of the base shade, their scales shimmer with a rainbow of colors like an oil slick. While there are plenty of rumors and old wives tales which will tell you that black snakes or brightly colored snakes are venomous, this is often incorrect and it does not hold true for Sunbeam Snakes. They are non venomous, not aggressive, and in fact are usually quite shy. Sunbeams are burrowing snakes from Southeast Asia, they spend most of their time under damp soil or at the bottom of rice paddies. Because they're burrowers they have narrow heads, which helps them move through soil efficiently but does mean they rely on smaller prey than other snakes of similar body size. On average, they grow to about 3 feet in length. They feed on small amphibians and reptiles, or sometimes tiny rodents. Due to their generally calm demeanor and uncommon beauty, Sunbeams can make great pets for the dedicated reptile keeper who is willing to do the research and accommodate their somewhat unusual needs.

Found 6 surprise crested gecko eggs from our colony this morning!

Found 6 surprise crested gecko eggs from our colony this morning!

Our pictus geckos eggs are hatching!

Our pictus geckos eggs are hatching!

Ok Everyone! Auctions to Benefit USARK are live now! Here is the link!

Ok Everyone! Auctions to Benefit USARK are live now! Here is the link!

Auctions USARK Auction Item: $200.00 Gift Card to Osmun Reptiles Starting bid: $10.00 Bid now USARK Auction Item: $50.00 Gift Card and Repashy Items from Golden Valley Reptiles Starting bid: $5.00 Bid now USARK Auction: Custom Art Piece by The Dizzy Raven Starting bid: $0.00 Bid now USARK Auction It...

Happy Fun Fact Friday, Royal Flush fans! Today we’d like to tell you about one of our favorite reptiles, the Ball Python...

Happy Fun Fact Friday, Royal Flush fans! Today we’d like to tell you about one of our favorite reptiles, the Ball Python (Python Regis.)
Did you know that in America we call them Ball Pythons because they curl up in a ball and hide their face when nervous?
Elsewhere around the world, they are called Royal Pythons instead! This name is rumoured to have arisen because of Queen Cleopatra’s practice of wearing these gorgeous snakes around her wrists like bracelets.
Ball Pythons originate from west and central Africa, where they spend much of their time living in underground burrows. When reproducing, a female lays about 6 to 8 eggs on average and then curls herself around the eggs to protect them until they hatch.
Adult females can grow to anywhere between 3 and 5 feet in length, while males usually don’t exceed 3 feet.
When kept happy and healthy in captivity, Ball Pythons have an average lifespan of 20 years, but their maximum lifespan isn’t certain. One Ball Python in the care of the Saint Louis Zoo in Missouri is suspected to be as old as 62!

If you’ve been following our page, you may have seen pictures of different Ball Python “morphs” posted here. “Morph” refers to different distinct color and pattern types within the same species. Each morph is created by different genes that affect the animal’s coloration and patterns. Currently, there are 315 of these individual genes officially recognized within the Ball Python species. Through breeding, these genes combine to create countless variations. Every Ball Python’s color and pattern is unique, no two are quite the same!
Here is Amanda, showing us Sunshine the albino Ball Python.

Let us know in the comments if you would like to learn more about our Ball Pythons in a video!

Do you know what the world's longest snake species is? It’s the Reticulated Python! There is some argument among scienti...

Do you know what the world's longest snake species is? It’s the Reticulated Python!
There is some argument among scientists about how big these snakes can grow, as many reported lengths have never been confirmed. The record for longest snake in captivity is held by a Reticulated Python named Medusa, who is over 25 feet long and weighs in at 350 pounds.
These reptilian titans hail from Southeast and South Asia. In the wild, a Reticulated Python’s vivid patterns and colors help it hide among jungle foliage or fallen leaves. They are surprisingly good swimmers and are often found near rivers, or in some cases out in the open sea! This is how they have managed to thrive on so many different islands. Reticulated Pythons are ambush predators, and use the element of surprise to capture large or fast-moving prey. They are known to hunt a wide variety of prey including rats, chickens, primates, civets, and pigs. In Indonesia, there have been two reported cases of Reticulated Pythons eating people. Of course, this is an extremely rare occurrence, but Retics can pose a danger to humans. Due to their size and strength, their specialized needs, and their often difficult temperaments, these snakes are not recommended for captive care by any but the most skilled and experienced keepers.
There are two smaller subspecies found on islands to the South of mainland Indonesia, just north of Australia. These are commonly called Dwarf retics which reach about 10 to 12 feet, or Super Dwarfs which don’t exceed 8 feet. These varieties are much more commonly found in the pet trade as they are somewhat easier to handle. They are beautiful animals and can be found in a wide array of morphs, but still can present a challenge to inexperienced keepers.
In 2015, a ban on owning or transporting reticulated pythons went into effect across the United states. But in 2017 the ban was relaxed to allow ownership and interstate transport within the continental United States after the United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) effectively argued that the wording of the law was incorrectly applied.

Here is Amanda, one of Royal Flush Reptile’s founders, meeting a Reticulated Python who often serves as an educational species ambassador.

HAPPY FUN FACTS FRIDAY!Today we will be doing something a little different. Instead of featuring an animal we will be do...


Today we will be doing something a little different. Instead of featuring an animal we will be doing fun facts about the only organization that represents reptile keepers and breeders on a state and federal level: USARK!

USARK stands for United States Association of Reptile Keepers. They were founded to protect and fight for reptile keepers rights to keep the animals that we all love.

Did you know USARK doesn't just fight for our rights? They also set standards for reptile keepers and breeders to hold their collections to. They also support and fight for conservation efforts through captive breeding programs.

USARK is a nonprofit that exists off of donations and memberships that any reptile keeper can sign up and get, and the member ships come with some cool benefits.

The most important thing any reptile keeper can do is to follow USARK on Facebook, donate, or become a member. Go check out USARK's webpage to learn all about them at

If you want to learn more about how you can help reach out!

ALERT: Illinois Animal Program Ban USARK Newsletter / February 20, 2021 UPDATE 2/23/21: Just as we had in 2019, a second traveling animal act ban bill has been introduced. HB3969 is similar to our alert for HB3889 but it does not have the broad-sweeping consequences since it has a shortlist of inclu...


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00




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