GSD Rescue Indy

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GSD Rescue Indy German Shepherd Rescue Indy's mission is to save shepherds who are at risk of euthanasia. Located in Indianapolis, Indiana.

German Shepherd Rescue Indy's mission is to save hard-to adopt purebred GSDs in kill shelters in the tri-state area.

Welcome 11-month GSD, Houck. He’s named after friends of the rescue. They’ve adopted since 2014 from Grandmorher to Daug...

Welcome 11-month GSD, Houck. He’s named after friends of the rescue. They’ve adopted since 2014 from Grandmorher to Daughter and all the harder-to-adopt.

Welcome Houck!

Just a little update on Harvey:No episodes since our vet visit so I’m quite thankful. I’m leaning towards having the hea...

Just a little update on Harvey:

No episodes since our vet visit so I’m quite thankful. I’m leaning towards having the heart worm treatment in spite of his age. I’m consulting with a second veterinarian next week just to make sure all considerations have been made.

I have three other dogs who need to proceed with HW treatment. I was hoping to have them adopted so they can heal in a peaceful environment but since I have a small separate senior kennel (where Harvey resides), I am proceeding with them as well. I just need to time it out so that all have a spot. Everyone has been on preventative per instructions from my veterinarian.

I rescued the dogs knowing they had heart worm disease. Harvey is a little different in that, he tested negative while at previous shelter. Harvey also has poor skin so the pre-treatment regimen will help.

Just a lot always happening at the sanctuary. I truly appreciate all the moral and financial support. Thanks for loving the shepherds too.

*shelter photoNext up is a 11 month GSD that was found when only 4 months of age. The finder kept the dog but now can no...

*shelter photo

Next up is a 11 month GSD that was found when only 4 months of age. The finder kept the dog but now can no longer keep due to an upcoming move.

Stay tuned for more information.

Follower favorite, Kinset. Still somewhat feral but she’s come a long way since arriving back in 2014.

Follower favorite, Kinset. Still somewhat feral but she’s come a long way since arriving back in 2014.

The shepherds would like to thank everyone who donated via the Amazon Wish List. They loved every gift! Check out their ...

The shepherds would like to thank everyone who donated via the Amazon Wish List. They loved every gift!

Check out their wish list:

Updates on Harvey and Bjorn:Harvey-Even though he tested negative for heart worm at his previous shelter, Harvey tested ...

Updates on Harvey and Bjorn:

Even though he tested negative for heart worm at his previous shelter, Harvey tested positive last Friday. Yes, he’s been on preventative. Per veterinarians, it can take 6 months for a positive to show in a test.

The information provided via the blood test is extensive and not conclusive as to why Harvey collapses. He seemed to only have an episode when he was highly stimulated but right before we reached the farm, Harvey had another incident while relaxed in the back seat.

I discussed the options and results with the veterinarian. Obviously, Harvey is possibly 10+ years of age and not very healthy. He suffered cruelty by his former owner and his body shows this. His skin is healing from allergies. He has visible hip dysplasia.

I’m sharing this information so that supporters know what is being done and that all considerations are being determined based on results, history, and quality of life. I always rely first on professional advice and prayer.

I want Harvey to enjoy his last few years and whatever method is best for him, is what I’ll chose. I usually get two opinions to help make the best-informed decisions. The vet has the prior bloodwork results to compare with last Fridays. I’m simply waiting for a response.

Harvey will stay in my home office during the day and sleep next to his favorite girl, Kinset, in the small senior kennel, at night.

Bloodwork showed borderline EPI. Veterinarian is developing the next steps to rule out other issues. The rescue is very familiar with EPI which is manageable. Hoping to get this potential insufficiency at bay now to combat any further issues.

Updates will continue for both boys. Thanks for your vet care donations. ❤️

Thank you for your $5 Dog Food Friday donations. Nothing like the sound of dog food being filled to the top! The shepher...

Thank you for your $5 Dog Food Friday donations. Nothing like the sound of dog food being filled to the top!

The shepherds and I really appreciate your support. Without you, there would be no sanctuary.

Axel and Harper are pending adoption. Have no idea why Axel (Renoir) was rescue-only at the shelter. He’s been a perfect...

Axel and Harper are pending adoption.

Have no idea why Axel (Renoir) was rescue-only at the shelter. He’s been a perfect gentleman.

It’s concerning that some of these shelter shepherds’ fate is determined by inexperienced handlers. The breed is constantly being killed for their naturally designed temperament.

It’s not uncommon to receive an email from people who took a shepherd from another person and they want to also dump the dog because it nipped a stranger. At some point, the dog is simply smarter than the people who care for it.


This is Creed, two days after his Librela injection. Mind you, he’s always had an odd gait due to a plate and screws holding together his right hip. He slightly drags his right foot.

Before the injection, Creed would cross his rear legs and lose his ability to support himself. He needed my assistance going up two short steps. Also, I was finding him stuck on the ground and unable to lift himself up.

I can’t believe what an improvement I’ve seen in his mobility. He’s much more active today. He climbed our back steps without help and has kept his balance on his own.

Promised to share our experience and hoping this helps someone else who feels hopeless about their beloved pet with arthritis. 🤞🏻

Harvey is currently Brookville Road Animal Hospital. While in the lobby waiting to be seen, he had another episode thank...

Harvey is currently Brookville Road Animal Hospital. While in the lobby waiting to be seen, he had another episode thankfully while the veterinarian was present.

When Harvey collapses, it is when he’s overly excited. He comes-to quickly after his episode with no eye twitching or wretched body response.

So sad to watch him. Having full blood panel and X-rays to determine if he is experiencing a neurological problem or cardio issue.

I will do what’s in Harvey’s best interest, not my own. If I can sustain his quality of life as it is, I will do whatever it takes to keep him happy. Hoping to have results early next week.

Thank you for your beautiful comments of hope and love. ❤️

*From the Indiana State Board of Animal Health*Guidance for Hoosier Dog Owners Concerned about Respiratory IllnessesINDI...

*From the Indiana State Board of Animal Health*

Guidance for Hoosier Dog Owners Concerned about Respiratory Illnesses

INDIANAPOLIS (1 December 2023)—Hoosiers concerned about reports of an unusual respiratory illness in dogs cropping up around the country can be proactive in safeguarding the health of their pets.

“Recent and upcoming holiday travel and boarding may generate a spike in cases in the coming weeks and through the end of the year,” said Dr. Melissa Justice, a veterinarian with the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH). “Dog owners should be not worried—instead exercise caution and be intentional in protecting the health of their pets.”

BOAH has received reports of cases from veterinarians throughout Indiana, including Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Bloomington, and Evansville. Because reporting is voluntary, the agency does not have a way to determine an exact number of cases or distribution within the state.

Dr. Justice offers this advice for dog owners:

Be vigilant in monitoring dogs for signs of illness after boarding, holiday travel, or other activities where pets may have commingled with others. If a dog develops a persistent cough or lethargy, a veterinary visit is recommended.
Make sure dogs are up-to-date on all of their recommended vaccines including the distemper combination (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvo), Bordetella, and canine influenza.
Reduce contact with large numbers of unknown dogs when possible. Just like with other respiratory diseases, dogs that are commingled may be at greater risk for developing illness.
Keep sick dogs at home whenever possible (unless taking them to a veterinarian for examination or treatment). Social settings carry inherent risks of disease spread.
Avoid communal water bowls shared by multiple dogs.
Be aware that brachycephalic breeds (those with flat faces) seem more susceptible to the negative effects of this illness, so early intervention may be necessary.
Watch for Signs

Most cases start with a dry, hacking cough that resembles “kennel cough” (formally known as canine infectious respiratory disease or CIRD). When symptomatic therapy for kennel cough fails and the cough lingers beyond the typical 7 days to 14 days, the pet should return to the veterinarian. Affected dogs may begin to show signs of lethargy, fever, decreased appetite, productive cough, nasal and/or ocular discharge, respiratory distress, or pneumonia.

BOAH has had one reported case where the affected dog died as a result of this disease progression.

Case reports show all breeds and sizes of dogs may be affected. Some dogs have underlying issues which make them more susceptible to the negative effects of the illness. The specific cause of this unusual illness has not yet been definitively identified.

Dog owners who have concerns about their pets’ health should contact their veterinarian for guidance.

Several veterinarian visits this week including my very own Creed. He has seen many different ortho specialists in his 1...

Several veterinarian visits this week including my very own Creed. He has seen many different ortho specialists in his 12 years and I’m so grateful for them all.

Dr. Dryden at Brookville Road Animal Hospital suggested a monthly injection of Librela to combat Creed’s decreased mobility (radiographs were performed previously and Creed is already on pain management).

Dr. Dryden shared that results should be visible in one to two weeks. I’ll keep followers up-to-date on his progress.

Please research this new option for combatting osteoarthritis in your beloved pets. Owning a GSD sadly includes worrying about mobility as they age.

Dr. Dryden said that considering all the surgeries and Creed’s age, he was impressed with his existing mobility. I’m not. Creed is a rock star in every sense.

*Rescued Creed in 3/2012 after he was struck in his right hip by a car. He was never claimed. Best decision I ever made. ❤️

F***l test, GI panel, 3 year rabies, exam, yards yada yada. Hoping nothing too concerning with GI panel results. Because...

F***l test, GI panel, 3 year rabies, exam, yards yada yada. Hoping nothing too concerning with GI panel results.

Because many of the shepherds are sanctuary, they cost much more to house, feed and provide vet care than a rescue who has mostly adoptable dogs.

It’s best I promote $5 Dog Food Fridays each week now. I don’t expect those who already donate bi-weekly to donate more. I’m hoping to catch some of the new followers. It’s also more consistent to remember each Friday than every other one.

Maybe I’ll add $5 Vet Care Fridays. The rescue has spent about $750 in one month on cremation and euthanasia expenses. Today’s vet visit was a little over $500. As per owners understand, owning a pet has become so expensive.

I’ll give it a try and start this Friday. Thanks everyone and stay warm! It’s cold in Indiana today…perfect GSD weather!

Bjorn is visiting Dr. Morgenstern at City Way Animal Clinic Fountain Square this morning. Trying to determine cause of h...

Bjorn is visiting Dr. Morgenstern at City Way Animal Clinic Fountain Square this morning. Trying to determine cause of his recent weight loss, swollen toe, and digestive issues. He’s come such a long way from being a scared little boy.

Does everyone remember Lilly from last summer? You may remember her as having an extremely enlarged hernia that was corr...

Does everyone remember Lilly from last summer? You may remember her as having an extremely enlarged hernia that was corrected by surgery.

She was adopted and has been living a wonderful life. Her owner informed me that Lilly (now Bailey) experienced a medical emergency last week. She was suspected of having gastric dilation and esophagitis. She developed aspirational pneumonia as an after affect.

Finally after a ton of medical care, numerous overnight emergency care stays, Lilly, seems to be on the mend slowly. Because the amount of vet care was immense, her adopter created a GoFundMe account to help pay for the emergency care.

I offered her adopter to share her fundraiser in case any followers would like to help. Please see the link below to follow and assist Lilly if you're able.

Wishing Lilly (aka Bailey) continued recovery!

King is very excited! He’s meeting a potential new adopter this weekend; a much better and more responsible pet lover th...

King is very excited! He’s meeting a potential new adopter this weekend; a much better and more responsible pet lover this time around. They are highly experienced GSD owners.

Want to take a moment and note that the rescue is also a shelter (private shelter) that operates very similarly to Humane Societies. Space is critical.

When applying for a dog, families must be ready to adopt. When I have a highly adoptable dog, I’m unable to wait days for a family to open up their schedule. It’s not fair to the dog, the rescue, or the other dog waiting to be saved (there are always dogs waiting).

If an approved applicant can meet at an available time, they have preferred consideration. The number of dogs being euthanized for space at city shelters is at a crisis situation.

One wouldn’t expect a dog they see at a shelter to still be there even if they can’t get there for several days. I have to act according.

I do hope adopters can understand

I seriously need to hire new office help.

I seriously need to hire new office help.

Many thanks for the recent Amazon Wish List items. The shepherds love support. Special thanks to Mary Borzabodi who dona...

Many thanks for the recent Amazon Wish List items. The shepherds love support.

Special thanks to Mary Borzabodi who donates Merrick Thanksgiving canned dog food every Thanksgiving.

Special love to Scott & Jennie and Jacob and Lecia who have adopted multiple dogs.

Appreciate you all.


To the sheltered and uneducated keyboard warriors, (who by the way, think it’s safe to say, every rescue loathes), the dogs are in kennels! Try not to grip your pearls so tightly that they scatter on the floor. Yes, kennels. I know, it’s hard to accept.

I’m too tired to explain, nor do I care to, why they are all contained in separate spaces.

If YOU think you can do better than me for the dogs, start your own rescue, no, no sanctuary. Yes, sanctuary because you are working your butt off for the lifetime of these dogs. You have no days or nights off. You don’t get vacations. I made $16k last year. Want to try and live on that too?

This year alone, I held 8 dogs as they were euthanized. So, if you wanna judge this rescue and how dogs are kept in kennels that aren’t good enough for your standards, YOU do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up.

Everyone else, thanks for your support.

Axel (fka Renoir) had his freedom ride today! Thanks to friends, Ken Houck and his daughter Rachel for transporting him....

Axel (fka Renoir) had his freedom ride today! Thanks to friends, Ken Houck and his daughter Rachel for transporting him. ❤️🐾 He’s been very well-behaved. Did great in their car!

One more and the rescue is back at capacity. No more intake. This boy is still on stray hold so I’m hoping his owner com...

One more and the rescue is back at capacity. No more intake. This boy is still on stray hold so I’m hoping his owner comes to claim him. He has a sweet disposition. Can’t believe he wasn’t claimed immediately. Are people simply abandoning their dogs?

Before I physically pull a dog I usually reach out to former adopters or have a person in mind. This expedites adoption ...

Before I physically pull a dog I usually reach out to former adopters or have a person in mind. This expedites adoption and thereby shortening the time a dog stays at the rescue.

I’ve reached out to a friend of the rescue about Harper since they inquired some time ago and recently their dog passed.

However if you’re interested in adoption, you must visit the website to view the requirements, the process, and the application. I don’t have pups. Please don’t apply with this being a stipulation. I very rarely have pups. I don’t post a picture of every dog online because I prefer to provide a more custom-picked method for adopters.

Based on the answers of the application, I then provide information and images/videos of potential matches. This saves a lot of time. Sometimes, I don’t have a match and that usually happens if family has several requirements. To learn more:

German Shepherd Dog Rescue | GSD Rescue Indy | Indiana German Shepherd Dog Sanctuary Indy

Meet, 1 year old, female, GSD, Harper! Found as a stray with an embedded collar. 😟 Now she’s healed and ready for her fo...

Meet, 1 year old, female, GSD, Harper! Found as a stray with an embedded collar. 😟 Now she’s healed and ready for her forever family.

I have no will power. These two GSDs are being pulled tomorrow. My local animal shelter sent an email to rescue partners...

I have no will power. These two GSDs are being pulled tomorrow. My local animal shelter sent an email to rescue partners informing us that the shelter was in critical need of rescues to pull medium/large dogs. They are out of space in offices, rooms, and hallways.

Ugh. More on the two newbies coming soon.

The rescue/sanctuary is taking a few days off. There has been quite a bit of loss lately. Always must I keep going in sp...

The rescue/sanctuary is taking a few days off. There has been quite a bit of loss lately. Always must I keep going in spite of it.

I have more dogs who likely are in their last weeks or months. This is part of rescuing older dogs and running a sanctuary who cares for the dogs, for life.

I just need to take care of myself more and adequately deal with continued loss. I’m still working. I’m still caring for my beloved shepherds. I just need a brief pause.

I’m never quitting because it gets too hard. I’ll never post that I’m going to quit if…..that’s not me. However, I recognize there is a time to heal and I need to honor this. Through prayer and faithfulness, there is a way forward, a much better way than I could create.

I want to thank Dr. Morgenstern whose compassion is repeatedly appreciated. I want to thank vet technician, Miracle, for having the most beautiful soul and who expresses this during the most difficult vet care appointments.

I’d like to thank Wilson St Pierre for their compassionate handling of Trooper’s body. Thank goodness they are an affordable option so that I can have all the dogs’ ashes back home.

Love to you all. Thanks for your unmatched love and support.

Aries is pending adoption. He found the perfect family. His adopters have adopted two previous shepherds from the rescue...

Aries is pending adoption. He found the perfect family. His adopters have adopted two previous shepherds from the rescue. After their hearts healed a bit, they reached out and informed me they were ready to love yet another.

Sometimes it takes a little more time, but they always end up with the safest, most experienced, and perfect home for them.

What a jerk! Max, sanctuary since 2015. 😊

What a jerk! Max, sanctuary since 2015. 😊

Thank you for the condolences regarding Heidi’s passing. Your prayers and kind comments were so appreciated. I read some...

Thank you for the condolences regarding Heidi’s passing. Your prayers and kind comments were so appreciated.

I read some questions about her cause of death. Heidi passed from bloat.

One element regarding running a rescue that gives me horrible anxiety is not knowing if I will find a dog passed or lose one any given day. I’m always on edge at the start of the day.

Once I retire, this is one element that I won’t miss. I’ve lost so many dogs this year and I have quite a few who may not survive the remaining month. Still, the seniors are by far, my favorite part of my day.

At least now, all the dogs’ ashes come back and they return back home.

I appreciate all the love shown to the rescue over the last few days. Bless everyone.

I can’t believe I have to post this very sad update. Tonight while checking all the dogs’ water pails, I noticed that He...

I can’t believe I have to post this very sad update. Tonight while checking all the dogs’ water pails, I noticed that Heidi’s belly was swollen. I knew exactly what was happening.

I ran down to the farm house to get my car and rushed to unload 9 bags of dog food I bought earlier today. I was so mad that I didn’t unload it earlier. I drove up to the barn and grabbed her. She was showing signs of distress and in my heart, I felt like it was possibly too late to save her. I walked her to the car and thankfully Heidi jumped into the back seat on her own.

I drove as fast as possible to the nearest vet clinic. Just earlier this week I saw that a new emergency clinic had opened near Fountain Square. I was able to get her right in but sadly, she was dying as we loaded her on a gurney. The drive was only about 14 minutes.

I can’t believe it. I’m still in shock. I mean, this is how her life turned out? This was all she got? I’m stunned.
She just had her freedom ride and she didn’t even get a chance to run in the large open area. I’m so sad for her. She deserved so much more.

I remember the first time I saw her at Indianapolis Animal Care Services. I wanted to take her that second but she was considered a stray hold. Her owners didn’t try to apprehend her after she jumped out of their vehicle on an I-465 exit ramp. I suppose maybe they would have came for her at the shelter but of course…they didn’t.

I was able to be with her as she passed and all the staff was there monitoring her. This just happened so I’m still processing this.

I must share how kind Dr. Murphy and his staff were to me and Heidi. When I left the farm, I must have sat my purse down and left without my wallet. I also left without my glasses. I realized after about 3 miles into the trip to the clinic but knew if I turned around to get my purse, she would definitely die. I just prayed everything would work out somehow.

Oddly, a donation for Reicher was in my pocket and Dr. Murphy only charged me for the cremation services so I had enough cash to cover it. They did not charge the rescue for any other care which I thought was incredibly thoughtful.

If you have emergency vet care or other services, please consider them especially if you live near downtown or the east side/south side of Indianapolis. They are at a great location and an emergency vet clinic is so needed in this area.

Indianapolis Urgent Animal Care
827 S East St
Indianapolis IN 46225

Please say a prayer for Heidi’s sweet spirit. All I could muster was to ask God to quickly take her before she passed. I feel like I didn’t get to say enough. I pray she’s enjoying her true home where she will ever feel abandoned again. Love to you Heidi. I’m so very sorry.

Is it Friday yet? My personal GSD, Violet, found a use for the inside of her dog bed while the cover is being washed.

Is it Friday yet? My personal GSD, Violet, found a use for the inside of her dog bed while the cover is being washed.


Subscribers ONLY: What shepherd would you like to see running in the open run?

Reicher is pending to an experienced GSD family. What a lucky boy!

Reicher is pending to an experienced GSD family. What a lucky boy!

Thank you for your $5 Friday donations yesterday! It’s a sigh of relief knowing there is help feeding the shepherds. I a...

Thank you for your $5 Friday donations yesterday! It’s a sigh of relief knowing there is help feeding the shepherds. I am genuinely grateful for your kindness.

Also, thank you for the recent Amazon Wish List donations! The rescue goes through a ton of treats! The shepherds are spoiled with treats but they deserve it.

If I missed anyone, please forgive me. Sometimes the gift receipts get separated from the items. Please know everything is appreciated and used almost immediately.

Have a nice weekend GSD lovers.

Freedom Ride for Heidi (fka Selena). ❤️

Freedom Ride for Heidi (fka Selena). ❤️

Saw this girl while walking the aisles at Indianapolis Animal Care Services last week. I felt so sorry for her. Was told...

Saw this girl while walking the aisles at Indianapolis Animal Care Services last week. I felt so sorry for her. Was told that she jumped out of a truck while on an entrance ramp off the interstate. The driver didn’t attempt retrieve her.

She then went to rescue only based on her age (appears to be approximately 5-6 as noted). I’m going to name her Heidi because she needs a sweet German name and a fresh start.

With her arrival, the rescue/sanctuary is now once again, full.

Pepper has been saved! Thanks to this experienced family who agreed to give him a chance. I’m praying he’s a good boy an...

Pepper has been saved! Thanks to this experienced family who agreed to give him a chance. I’m praying he’s a good boy and he’s found his new, more loving family. Pepper was found abandoned.

I’d like to thank all the staff at Indianapolis Animal Care Services for giving me extra time to rescue him and Javier Morales who temperament-tested him and informed me of his need. Really appreciate all the help.

Over 30 GSDs have been saved this year. That’s a lot for being a sanctuary!

Updates coming soon.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00


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About the Rescue

German Shepherd Rescue Indy's mission is to save adoptable shepherds in kill shelters in the tri-state area. Located in Indianapolis, Indiana