Animal Soul Sync

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Animal Soul Sync Animal Communicator

Looking to understand your pet better? Let's connect on a deeper level and bring more harmony into your home. 🐾✨

🌿 Welcome to Animal Soul Sync! 🐾

Hey there! I'm Shelley, and I'm so excited to share my journey with you. As a child, I believed I could talk to animals, but societal norms pushed me to suppress that belief. It wasn't until recently, when my daughter's loan horse Star, communicated her pain to me, that I embraced my gift. From there, I started listening more intently to animals, and the connectio

ns I formed were undeniable. I'd already been embracing the crazy and my authentic self for a few years and I now felt brave enough to start accepting that I really was hearing animals talk in my head. My love for animals runs deep, and I've always been passionate about their welfare. Animals seem to be drawn to me, and now that I can communicate with them, we're having some pretty fascinating conversations. I believe it's crucial to give animals a voice and raise awareness about their feelings and treatment. While I haven't undergone formal training (I'm not sure there even is such a thing?!), I've been attending psychic development classes for three years, yes chatting to people who have passed, meditation and talking to spirit guides, all that crazy stuff. My approach to animal communication is unique—I provide insights from the animal's perspective, free from medical or behavioral biases. Being autistic and highly empathetic, I have a natural affinity for understanding animals' emotions and needs. I see things from a different perspective. I'm a firm believer in animal welfare and advocate for a kinder approach to training. Animals deserve to feel safe and respected, and I strive to help pet owners foster a deeper, more compassionate bond with their furry companions. My goal is to help people develop a better understanding of their pets and cultivate kinder relationships. While I've received positive feedback from clients, I prioritise their privacy and seek permission before sharing their stories. I hope to build a business that not only supports my family but also helps pets and their owners form meaningful connections. While I can't provide medical advice, I aim to assist pet owners in understanding their pets' needs better and navigating challenges together. I'm an autistic, spiritually inclined individual with a sixth sense for animal behavior. I believe my connection with nature and psychic capabilities allow me to form deep bonds with animals. Whether through online readings or face-to-face conversations, I'm here to help you and your pets in any way I can. Thanks for joining me on this journey. Let's connect and make a difference in the lives of our furry friends! 🌟


Part 3. Update on trying to reduce the barking with my own dogs at home.

Also final call for case study applications! I'll be closing them on Friday ❤️

Bella was very open talking to me about things she wasn't too keen on, from camping to a silver bowl. Sometimes it can b...

Bella was very open talking to me about things she wasn't too keen on, from camping to a silver bowl. Sometimes it can be the most simple of changes that can bring about the biggest rewards.


Pets mirror us, part 2. My own little experiment.


Pets act as our mirrors 🪞

One of the hardest parts of being a pet caretaker is realising that sometimes we're the problem!

Do you think your pet reflects back who you are?

For those that know me, they know I like logic, facts and knowing the "why" to everything. Yet doing what I do, it can b...

For those that know me, they know I like logic, facts and knowing the "why" to everything. Yet doing what I do, it can be quite hard to provide the hard evidence that "talking to your animals" can not only be fun, but beneficial to your pet as well. Plus I like to be reminded as much as possible that I haven't just gone mad.

I have had so many wonderful clients report changes, both physical and emotional after our sessions that I got curious as to just how far this can go. So, whilst I am not a scientist, I thought I would put together some case studies and work with animals with specific behaviour/emotional issues. Work with them through their trauma and ask their care givers to document the changes before, during and for some time after to see how much this can really help. So, in the name of me pretending to be a scientist, here are all the details you'll need if you'd like to apply.

If you'd like your pet to be considered could you please fill out the form at This will help me learn more about your pet and their needs and work out if I can reduce travel to certain areas and see clients in bulk so I can take on more cases and therefore help more pets and their caregivers. I am looking for a specific number of cases, species, and problems to help me collect tangible information and as much as I’d love to help everyone’s gorgeous pet’s, I just don’t have the free resources right now so I’m doing what I can, with your help of course!

There is no charge for those selected to participate, except for travel costs, which are £1 per mile from PO7 each way. I will be donating my time for the talking sessions free of charge for as long as the pet tells me they require it, this could be just one session or several (future sessions can be virtual), but we’ll know more after the initial meeting as this will be led by your pet. I will also need you to be present for the first session and we can meet in a neutral space/yard/park if you prefer. I do not need to physically touch the animal (but if they want some snuggles it’s always welcome and on their terms!).
In exchange you, as the pet’s caregiver, will be expected to complete short questionnaires to help me document the progress over the coming days, weeks and even months after the sessions have finished and write about your experience working with me. Your pets may ask for you, as their care giver, to help support them during their healing and this may be things such as changing routines, trying new routes, allowing time off, seeking medical or nutritional advice or just giving space. It is so important that you can follow their advice should they ask for your help. All of this feedback is required to help me put together long-term data as to the effectiveness of talking therapy for pets.

In the meantime, I can still help you and your wonderful pet, and you can book a one-to-one session at For behavioural and emotional problems specifically, I’d always recommend a virtual or in person connection as this is where real healing takes place. I also offer a monthly concession for ongoing sessions, which might be a viable option for you moving forward but all the details are on the website.

Thank you again for your interest! I look forward to reading your application and hopefully working with you and your pet soon.

Best wishes,
Shelley @ Animal Soul Sync

I've been so excited to share this one and share their journey! Since I spoke to Tinker and her owner back in April I've...

I've been so excited to share this one and share their journey! Since I spoke to Tinker and her owner back in April I've been kept in the loop of their progress and all the milestones they hit.

I'm so pleased to say that her owner can now safely tack up and gently work on Tinker again and their relationship is so strong. This wasn't possible back in April and it had been over a year since he was able to ride her! Isn't that incredible?

When I first met them, Tinker was a bundle of nerves, but we talked about her worries, she felt heard and understood. Her owner and his trainer really took on board everything she had to say, from fear of a bit to always feeling like there was a target to hit after years of harsh schooling and old school practises left her broken. She needed time to recover but she promised him that if he was kind and patient with her, they would get there. She taught him patience; he taught her love and trust.

Tinker's owner listened to everything she shared and as a result he is now able to ride her again and day after day he puts in the effort, the patience, and the love that Tinker needed to feel safe again. His patience is paying off and she assured me when we spoke that if he just gave her time, they would go on the most amazing adventures together. I'm so privileged to keep updated of their progress and of course full credit goes to Tinker, her owner and trainer who uses natural horsemanship to achieve incredible things, Claire Noller. It's been a real team effort!

This is what I love the most about my job. I am able to give these animals a voice and their amazing owners really do listen and trust what we share - no one could have known the bit issues or where the worries came from, Tinker had to tell us so we could understand and help her recover. The animals have all the answers, they tell us what they need and it's up to us as their caretakers to listen and respond with empathy and understanding. Tinker and her wonderful owner are proof of the benefits when we listen and respect the wishes our animal companions. I can't wait to see how far they go!

Sky had some issues which his owner couldn't get to the bottom of. He was a rescue dog who has been diagnosed with PTSD ...

Sky had some issues which his owner couldn't get to the bottom of. He was a rescue dog who has been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety by a behaviourist and his wonderful new owner wanted to try and better understand what was going on.

A lot of what came out of the connection was around his sensitivity to things such as noise and touch. His owner even purchased a set of doggy headphones to help him relax; isn't that amazing?

Sky is now very much loved and shared lots of happy memories from his new home, including how he loves to bunny hop through long grass and after our connection his owner sent me videos of him doing just that. Isn't that cool?

I'm so bad at keeping up sharing pet stories and I have so many ready to share. ☀Otto's owner got in touch for a general...

I'm so bad at keeping up sharing pet stories and I have so many ready to share. ☀

Otto's owner got in touch for a general overview of how he is getting on. He had such a fun personality, vibrant and full of life and he gave a lot of memories of his favourite things to share with his owner. He was a real chatterbox and had so many stories to share! ❤

In other news, I'm in the process of setting up a Facebook group where I will continue sharing my messages from the animal kingdom and where you can drop in and ask a question to me or other pet owners. Everyone I've worked with has been just wonderful and you all have such love for your pets, it'd be amazing to create a space where you can share that passion for your wonderful animals so keep your eyes peeled for an invite to that.


What if your horse could run up to you and say, “I’m cold, may I have my blanket?”

That’s exactly what a group of researchers at Norwegian University of Life Sciences and their team of 23 steeds have accomplished in two separate stables in Norway. Anyone who has ever had a relationship with a horse knows how intelligent they are, and that they often understand what the human wants – but now we may have an entry into better understanding what it is a horse may desire.

The team trained the horses for 10 to 15 minutes a day to learn the meaning of three symbols. After just 11 days, all 23 horses were able to recognise the meanings: Blanket on, blanket off, or no change. What’s beautiful is that not only were they so easily able to learn the symbols and then they put that knowledge to work, but the whole thought process involved. “I’m hot, I want this blanket off, I’ll nudge the “blanket off” symbol to have my blanket removed" – which is what participating horse Poltergeist is indicating in the photo.

Results show that choices made, i.e. the symbol touched, was not random but dependent on weather. Horses chose to stay without a blanket in nice weather, and they chose to have a blanket on when the weather was wet, windy and cold. This indicates that horses both had an understanding of the consequence of their choice on own thermal comfort, and that they successfully had learned to communicate their preference by using the symbols.

What may be the most heartening aspect of all, however, is that once the horses understood they could express themselves, they seem to have loved it! "When horses realised that they were able to communicate with the trainers, i.e. to signal their wishes regarding blanketing, many became very eager in the training or testing situation," the researchers write. "Some even tried to attract the attention of the trainers prior to the test situation, by vocalising and running towards the trainers, and follow their movements."

Read more about it here...

For more, you can read the study in the journal


Top 5 questions that I ask your pets 🐾

What would be your top 3 questions?


Message from the animal kingdom for you today 🫏


5 signs your dog loves you ❤️🐕 How many does your dog do? What other signs do they give you?


Your message from the 🐕

It has been a busy week this week and this morning I've not had time to record the daily oracle card, but in the meantim...

It has been a busy week this week and this morning I've not had time to record the daily oracle card, but in the meantime if you like listening to my ramblings maybe you'll enjoy reading them too!

Did you know my website has a blog where I share tips about animal care, behaviour, how to communicate and more? Check it out!

Discover insightful articles on animal communication and deepen your bond with your pet. Explore expert tips, real-life stories, and practical advice to enhance your understanding and improve your pet's well-being. Stay informed with the latest trends in telepathic communication and holistic pet car...


Your message from the animal kingdom 🐀

Are you a fan of the rat? I personally love them, still trying to convince the husband to let us have some. 😍


Morning! Here's your message from the animal kingdom 🐺

Don't forget you can follow me on TikTok too!

Let me know if it resonates and have a fab day!


Your message from the animal kingdom today 🦈

Let me know if it resonates! 💖

Hey everyone,I’m Shelley, and I’m passionate about helping you connect with your pets on a deeper level. I'm an animal c...

Hey everyone,

I’m Shelley, and I’m passionate about helping you connect with your pets on a deeper level. I'm an animal communicator. 💖🐾

I offer animal communication connections that can bring you closer to your furry (or scaley/feathery) friends. I am also able to connect with pets who have passed over the rainbow bridge 🌈.

What I Do:

🐕 Understand Your Pet: Learn about your pet’s feelings, needs, and unique personality. Ask questions and discover who they really are.

🐴 Resolve Issues: Address any behavioural or emotional challenges with empathy and insight. We can work from a place of positivity to help your pet thrive.

🐈 Promote Growth: I work with you and your pet to create a relationship built on understanding, empathy and a growth mindset.

🦎 Enhance Your Bond: Strengthen the connection between you and your pet and help you understand their perspective on life.

❤️‍🩹 Heal: Using my counselling and mental health skills and experience, I offer a safe space for you and your pet to release stored trauma and emotional blockages. Animals are also here to help us and teach us to grow, often their wisdom can be transformative for their owners too!

If you’re curious about what your pet might be trying to tell you, let’s chat! I’d love to help you and your pet communicate and connect more deeply.

Feel free to reach out anytime.
And be sure to check out my reviews from my wonderful clients 💖

Animal Soul Sync

🗣️ Final call for my introductory prices! Ends today!Photograph connection - £25Virtual connection - £40In person connec...

🗣️ Final call for my introductory prices! Ends today!

Photograph connection - £25
Virtual connection - £40
In person connection - £50 (+travel, Hampshire only)

Full details can all be found on my website @
Drop me a message to book.



Your message from the animal kingdom for today 🐻


Today's message from the animals 🦒


Today's animal message comes from the loving sheep 🐑💖


I was called in a recent meditation by the animal kingdom to do more to be of service. Whilst I love my 1 to 1 work and helping pets and their owners, there are so many important messages the animals want to share with us all, so I'm going to be pulling animal oracle cards and delivering their messages.

I'm using the Diana Cooper Archangel Animal card deck for this, this was my first ever oracle deck so it's very special to me. I may try other decks in the future but I felt comfortable using these as a starting point.

I don't get too "woo woo" but reflect on what the spirit of the animal tells me to share with you. With any collective reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.

I'd love to know what you think of today's card and message in the comments. 💖🐾

Don't forget there are only a few days left to book your 1 to 1 connections with me at my introductory prices, these will expire on July 1st.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Bon was stood at the fence taunting her owner playfully before I had even connected properly - she liked to say she has ...

Bon was stood at the fence taunting her owner playfully before I had even connected properly - she liked to say she has "a screw loose" which her owner laughs about. Bon knew I was coming and made sure she made the most of our time together, she stood with me, and we chatted easily though I did find her mannerisms quite amusing. She had a very old-world view of things and liked things to be done properly. One of her biggest requests (and there were a few!) was that her owner tried to make her look "more presentable" as presentation was important to her. Alongside some other strange requests for foods that she'd never had and giving her uncensored opinions on things.
Her wonderful owner took everything she had to say on board. The next morning, she scoffed down the zucchini she had requested (even though her owner didn't think she'd like it) and her owner made time that weekend to give her a full pamper session and mane trim, during which Bon stood like a dream and went full model mode for the photos. On their hack out afterwards, her owner reported that she walked with a confident swagger and stood so tall she felt a hand higher. She was obviously incredibly pleased with the extra care and fuss she had received.

I've been so bad at keeping up with pet stories lately and I've been meaning to share more snippets of our conversations...

I've been so bad at keeping up with pet stories lately and I've been meaning to share more snippets of our conversations, but the sun keeps pulling me away from doing grown up things like working on my social media. 😅

Anyway! A while ago now I had the privilege to connect with stunning Huggy. His owner got to know his personality that little bit deeper, and they have a beautiful bond. He is an old soul for sure and knows how to do his job well. He loves working and adventures, but always ensures that he has kept his owner safe whilst out on their shenanigans. He's a world class gent, that's for sure.



Summer Solstice love to you all. 💖The longest day and shortest night of the year, summer is officially on the way. We're...

Summer Solstice love to you all. 💖
The longest day and shortest night of the year, summer is officially on the way.

We're celebrating with friends gathering at the beach. I'm sitting here watching my youngest playing in the (freezing 🥶!) ocean and giving gratitude to mother earth for all her blessings.

There is a murder of ravens around me throwing shells about and living their best lives. A small reminder that life is as difficult or as simple as we make it.

So wishing you all a wonderful solstice, whatever you may be doing. Summer and sunshine, we're ready!




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