This is a very sad situation and one I hope all that follow this page will see! Theresa is the lady that stepped up when we wer a new rescue with zero funds to help this very special litter! She paid for everything out of pocket and kept the mama dog when all was said and done! She has helped numerous rescues foster pregnant and sick dogs at her own cost never complaining or asking for a dime! Now she is facing the toughest challenges of her life and it’s time to give back! Please donate to this go fund me and if you can’t please share! It is not fair that someone that has done so much for so long for so many has to lose her home and her precious animals and worry how to take care of her daughter. Let’s band together and show them how strong the animal world can be please be generous even if it’s a Dollar, we need your help. Thank you.
Hi my name is Theresa and many of you know me on Facebook raising my … Theresa Albano needs your support for Please Help Julia an I Save our Home an animals