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R.I.P Sibu 💔Dublin Zoo Dublin Zoo is deeply saddened to announce that Sibu, our beloved male orangutan, has died. He was...

R.I.P Sibu 💔

Dublin Zoo

Dublin Zoo is deeply saddened to announce that Sibu, our beloved male orangutan, has died. He was 45 years old.

Everyone in Dublin Zoo is devastated by the loss of Sibu, who has been an iconic figure at the Zoo since he first arrived 40 years ago this year. He was gentle, caring and highly intelligent, forming strong bonds with the keepers who cared for him. His absence will be felt by the whole team, and undoubtedly by the millions of visitors who were fortunate enough to see him over the years.


R.I.P. Cindy 💔Februari 2024Zoo Landau Schimpansen-Seniorin Cindy verstorben – Zoo Landau traurig über den Verlust eines ...

R.I.P. Cindy 💔
Februari 2024

Zoo Landau

Schimpansen-Seniorin Cindy verstorben – Zoo Landau traurig über den Verlust eines seiner Charaktertiere

Die 42-jährige Schimpansin Cindy lebte seit 10 Jahren mit ihren ebenfalls inzwischen betagten Artgenossen Bägges (geboren 1982) und Gerti (geboren 1976) bei uns. Sie zeigte ein zunehmend kränkelndes Verhalten, das schließlich zu einer eingehenden Untersuchung führte. Ein Team von Zootierärzten, unterstützt durch einen humanmedizinischen chirurgischen und internistischen Experten kam zu dem Befund, dass zur Vermeidung weiterer erheblicher Leiden und Schmerzen das Tier erlöst werden müsse. Die erhobenen Befunde einer schwerwiegenden Lebererkrankung mit entsprechender Begleitsymptomatik bestätigten sich im Rahmen einer anschließenden pathologischen Untersuchung in einem Veterinärmedizinischen Untersuchungsamt.
„Der Tod eines Charaktertieres wie unserer Cindy ist besonders für das Tierpflegeteam und die betreuenden Tiermediziner, die sich seit Jahren tagtäglich engagiert und liebevoll um die Pflege bemühen, immer sehr schmerzlich,“ sagt Landaus Zoodirektor und leitender Zootierarzt Dr. Jens-Ove Heckel.

R.I.P. Mrithi 💔Februari 2024Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium We are saddened to announce the death of our silverback western lo...

R.I.P. Mrithi 💔
Februari 2024
Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

We are saddened to announce the death of our silverback western lowland gorilla Mrithi – the first gorilla born at the Zoo in the early 1990s.

Mrithi had recently been exhibiting mobility problems and spinal issues were suspected. Despite medical treatment, the 31-year-old gorilla went into a sudden decline this week and passed away today during an anesthetic procedure to help determine the cause of his symptoms.

Mrithi’s birth on June 1, 1992 to parents Mimbo and Zakula was a cause of great celebration, as he was the first gorilla ever born locally at the Pittsburgh Zoo. From that day on, Mrithi (whose name means “prince” in Swahili) was one of the Zoo’s most popular residents as generations of visitors watched him mature from a wide-eyed infant to an impressive silverback. Mrithi became silverback of the group in 2005 after the passing of his father. He sired three offspring with Moka: Ivan (born April 11, 2013), Frank (born May 25, 2018), and, most recently last summer, Bo (born May 11, 2023). He is also the father of Charlotte, who was born last Valentine’s Day to Ibo.

Mrithi leaves behind a legacy of gorilla conservation as his offspring continue to reside at the Zoo. Mrithi will be greatly missed by both staff and thousands of visitors. Zoo guests are welcome to share their memories of this beloved gorilla on our social media pages.

Read more: https://bit.ly/3SlGqP6

R.I.P. Savannah 💔Januari 2024El Paso Zoo The El Paso Zoo is mourning the loss of the much-loved, Asian elephant Savannah...

R.I.P. Savannah 💔
Januari 2024
El Paso Zoo

The El Paso Zoo is mourning the loss of the much-loved, Asian elephant Savannah who was humanely euthanized due to a rapid and irreversible decline in her quality of life.

The 71-year-old elephant was suffering from advanced arthritis which was no longer responding to therapy. Savannah received special treatment for her arthritis from medical staff that included stem cell therapy, multiple oral pain medications, joint supplements, and an injectable joint supplement to help decrease the inflammation and pain of her joints, especially her most affected area, the left elbow.

“It has been a joy to help take care of Savannah for 18 years. She actively and voluntarily participated in her healthcare, as long as the reward was a tasty enough treat,” said El Paso Zoo Chief Veterinarian Dr. Victoria Milne. “She allowed for regular blood collections, therapy for joints, and took her medication as needed. The whole veterinary team will miss our regular visits and check-ups with her, and pampering. It is never easy to say goodbye to our long-time residents, but we are out of options to keep her comfortable.”

Savannah participated in daily exercise routines that focused on maintaining joint mobility. Throughout her illness, she continued to socialize with Zookeepers, enjoy long soaks in her pool, and participate in enrichment activities.

Her last birthday in September was celebrated with the community singing Happy Birthday, a massive birthday cake, and guests signing an enormous birthday card in her honor. A lucky raffle winner took home a custom footprint painting created by Savannah.

“Savannah was a gentle giant with a great spirit. She was a great ambassador for her species and our zoo. She enjoyed meeting new people and showing off her harmonica and ‘fetch’ abilities,” said El Paso Zoo Director Joe Montisano. “The dedicated Zoo staff and veterinarian team did everything in their power to make sure she was comfortable as they managed her end-of-life care. We grieve her loss and are grateful for the many memories she gave us in her decades at the Zoo.”

Savannah lived a full life and helped guests learn about her wild counterparts and the challenges they face in their native range. The average life expectancy of an Asian elephant in North America is 45 years old. Savannah’s longevity is a testament to the high quality of whole-life care all animals receive from zookeepers, excellent nutrition, preventive and corrective veterinary care, and a safe environment.

Savannah was brought to the U.S. from India at two years old. She resided at the Dallas Zoo from 1954 to 1975 but was moved to the Baton Rouge Zoo in 1975. The Baton Rouge Zoo transitioned to a breeding facility and Savannah was moved to the El Paso Zoo in 1997.

The El Paso Zoo supports a broad range of efforts to help wild elephants. The zoo supports elephant conservation through educational programs as well as providing funding to elephant conservation organizations worldwide.

R.I.P. Laila 💔Overleden 29-1-2024Dierenrijk Verdrietig nieuws. Vandaag is tijger Laila overleden. Dierenverzorgers merkt...

R.I.P. Laila 💔
Overleden 29-1-2024


Verdrietig nieuws. Vandaag is tijger Laila overleden. Dierenverzorgers merkten recent op dat de 18-jarige tijger steeds slechter liep. De dierenarts heeft haar onderzocht en constateerde, aan de hand van een echo, dat ze heftige artrose had en daardoor heel veel pijn had.

Dierenwelzijn staat bovenaan voor de dieren in Dierenrijk en daarom is, in goed overleg met de dierenverzorgers, besloten om haar in te laten slapen.

Tijger Laslo is afgelopen oktober al overleden. Laila zou haar laatste dagen in Beekse Bergen doorbrengen, maar zo ver is het helaas niet gekomen.

R.I.P. Opi 💔Januari 2024Neunkircher Zoo Leider müssen wir Euch eine traurige Nachricht überbringen: wir nehmen Abschied ...

R.I.P. Opi 💔
Januari 2024

Neunkircher Zoo

Leider müssen wir Euch eine traurige Nachricht überbringen: wir nehmen Abschied von unserem Mantelpavian Opi. Leider baute Opi in den letzten Tagen stark ab und so entschieden wir uns ihn von seinem altersbedingten Leiden zu erlösen. Mit seinen über 30 Jahren war Opi auch noch im hohen Alter sehr gut in die Gruppe integriert. Er wird uns sehr fehlen!🖤

R.I.P. Matombu 💔26-1-2024ZOO Planckendael Droevig nieuws in ZOO Planckendael: de verzorgers vonden giraffenhengst Matomb...

R.I.P. Matombu 💔

ZOO Planckendael

Droevig nieuws in ZOO Planckendael: de verzorgers vonden giraffenhengst Matombu vanmorgen levenloos in de giraffenlodge. Wat de oorzaak is van zijn overlijden, is op dit moment niet duidelijk en zullen we verder onderzoeken.

R.I.P. Spring 💔ABQ BioPark Januari 2024With deep sadness, ABQ BioPark announces the passing of our beloved capybara, Spr...

R.I.P. Spring
ABQ BioPark
Januari 2024

With deep sadness, ABQ BioPark announces the passing of our beloved capybara, Spring. At 10 years old, Spring well exceeded the median life expectancy of eight years for a female capybara.

Spring lived a long, happy life after coming to ABQ BioPark in 2015. Zoo visitors loved to watch her swim and engage in playful training sessions with the animal care staff. Many guests enjoyed behind the scenes tour opportunities and have special memories with Spring. We hope you’ll share your fond memories and pictures of Spring in the comments below as a tribute to her.

Sad news from Skopje ZOO R.I.P. Riste and FloppyJanuari 2024Денеска светски познатиот блог за патувања - EarthPix објави...

Sad news from Skopje ZOO
R.I.P. Riste and Floppy
Januari 2024

Денеска светски познатиот блог за патувања - EarthPix објави фото сторија за нашиот Ристе Трајковски и жирафата Флопи - емпатична приказна за љубовта меѓу зоонегувателот и жирафата кои заминаа од овој свет на ист ден.

„Дали е ова љубовна приказна или едноставно случајност? Рано наутро починал омилениот зоонегувател на жирафите во Зоолошката градина, Ристе Трајковски. Неколку часа подоцна почина и Флопи, жирафата за која се грижеше многу години. Тие беа омилени меѓу посетителите, познати по нивната извонредна врска“- пишува во нивната објава.

Почивајте во мир, секогаш ќе ни недостасувате🖤🕊️I

R.I.P. Sahib 💔TIERART Wildtierstation Januari 2024Wir werden dich nie vergessen, Sahib! 🐯🌈Schweren Herzens müssen wir eu...

R.I.P. Sahib 💔

TIERART Wildtierstation
Januari 2024

Wir werden dich nie vergessen, Sahib! 🐯🌈
Schweren Herzens müssen wir euch mitteilen, dass wir Sahib im Alter von knapp 18 Jahren gehen lassen mussten 🖤.
Gemeinsam mit seiner Halbschwester Jill kam der ehemalige Zirkustiger 🎪 im Juli 2020 zu TIERART. Bereits zu diesem Zeitpunkt litt er unter fortgeschrittener Arthrose in den Gelenken seines rechten Vorder- und Hinterbeins, sowie an einer chronischen Nierenerkrankung und wiederkehrenden Verdauungsproblemen. Dank professioneller medizinischer Versorgung konnten wir Sahib dennoch ein schmerz- und beschwerdefreies Leben ermöglichen.
Er liebte es, an heißen Tagen ausgiebige Sonnenbäder ☀️ zu genießen oder in seinem Pool zu plantschen 💦. Auch im Alter verlor er niemals seinen Spieltrieb und so konnte er sich auch mit ganz gewöhnlichen Dingen wie Pappkartons 📦 stundenlang die Zeit vertreiben.
In den vergangenen Wochen verschlechterte sich Sahibs Gesundheitszustand leider rapide, so dass wir letztlich nichts mehr für ihn tun konnten, außer ihn in Frieden gehen zu lassen.
Sahib hinterlässt eine große Lücke und wird nicht nur von unserem Team, sondern auch von Nachbarin Cara 🐯 schmerzlich vermisst. Es ist uns ein großer Trost, dass wir ihm 3,5 wunderschöne Jahre bereiten konnten und dass er nun wieder mit Jill vereint ist 🖤🌈.
Machs gut, Großer! Du warst für uns alle sehr besonders!

We will never forget you, Sahib! 🐯🌈
It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that we had to let go Sahib at the age of almost 18 🖤.
Together with his half-sister Jill, the former circus tiger 🎪 came to TIERART in July 2020. At that time, he was already suffering from advanced arthrosis in the joints of his right front and hind leg, as well as chronic kidney disease and recurring digestive problems. Thanks to professional medical care, Sahib was nevertheless able to enjoy a life free of pain and discomfort.
He loved to sunbathe on hot days ☀️ or splash around in his pool 💦. Despite his advanced age, he never lost his passion for play and could pass the time for hours even with ordinary things like cardboard boxes 📦.
Unfortunately, Sahib's health deteriorated rapidly over the past few weeks, so there was ultimately nothing more we could do for him except let him go in peace.
Sahib is dearly missed not only by us, but also by his neighbor Cara 🐯. It is a great relief to us that we were able to give him 3.5 wonderful years and that he is now reunited with Jill 🖤🌈.
Farewell, big boy! You were very special to all of us!



R.I.P. Sir James 💔Januari 2024Zoologischer Stadtgarten Karlsruhe Marabu Sir James ist gestorben. Er war eines unserer äl...

R.I.P. Sir James 💔
Januari 2024

Zoologischer Stadtgarten Karlsruhe

Marabu Sir James ist gestorben. Er war eines unserer ältesten Tiere und es gab zuvor keine Anzeichen, dass es ihm nicht mehr gut gegangen wäre. Sir James gehörte durch sein besonderes Äußreres sicher zu den auffälligsten Tieren im Zoo Karlsruhe, wo er seit 1980 lebte. Wie alt er bei der Ankunft war, ist unbekannt. Sir James war aber auf alle Fälle einer der ältesten Marabus überhaupt.

R.I.P. Meru 💔Blank park zooJanuari 2024We are mourning the loss of Meru, the harbor seal, after she was humanely euthani...

R.I.P. Meru 💔
Blank park zoo
Januari 2024

We are mourning the loss of Meru, the harbor seal, after she was humanely euthanized due to a large mass. Keepers and veterinary staff had been monitoring Meru's health, after noticing that she had been losing weight and body condition, despite eating an increased diet. A necropsy (similar to a human autopsy) is being conducted and the results are pending at this time.

Many zoo guests will remember Meru for her active participation in the Zoo’s daily seal and sea lion demonstrations. “She was a terrific mother and actively participated in training sessions, despite being less outgoing and more in the background than ‘Ross,’” said Travis Wickersham, carnivore and pinniped supervisor. “Her personality was similar to her wild counterparts.”

Meru came to Blank Park Zoo in 2011 after being rescued and rehabilitated at Vancouver Aquarium’s Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. Because of a partially paralyzed back flipper, she was deemed non-releasable by Canadian authorities and Blank Park Zoo provided her a permanent home along with harbor seal ‘Ross.’ In 2018, Meru gave birth to Monty and in 2019, she gave birth to Mira, both of whom now live at other accredited zoos.

Because she was born in the wild, Meru is estimated to be 13.5 years of age.

Our staff are extraordinarily saddened by this loss, particularly those who care for the Harbor seals every day. Please keep all of the Zoo family in your thoughts during this difficult time.






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