Just a reminder! January - March is coyote breeding season!
San Diego County is home to tens of thousands coyotes and they are out looking to find a mate. Daytime and nighttime activity will increase and here are a few tips to keep your flock/animals as safe as possible:
1. Change up your schedule - coyotes learn our patterns/schedules. If you free range daily, keep your chickens in for a day or two. Or let them out at a different time instead of your "regular" time.
2. Carry a whistle or an alarm to make noise if you see a coyote near/on your property. Get them to want to leave!
3. Turn on a radio by your coop when your chickens are out of their coop. Talk radio, so that they hear human voices can help deter. Streaming music might only encourage a dance party!
4. Stay vigilant - once mating season concludes, pup season begins and everyone is hungry!
What are some of your tips/tricks to deter/minimize coyotes? Please share in the comments!